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Hime Suki

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  1. By lolita fashion Iā€™m talking a Japanese fashion subculture that takes elements inspired by victorian and rococo fashion. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lolita_fashion (Lor, the girl in the video, is wearing lolita in it) One of the key elements of the fashion is elegance, and above everything, modesty. It has nothing to do with the book of the same name, and it has nothing to do with fetish or anything that involves illegality. None of those are related šŸ˜Š
  2. Hi! So, I'm a lolita fashion enthusiast and lifestyler in RL, and I used to be really active in my local community before the pandemic happened, and after lockdown, I decided to give Second Life a go! And after seeing some japanese fashion enthusiasts here in the SL community, I wanted to ask if any of you knew if there are any active lolita fashion communities in which I can mingle with other fellow lolita lovers? I'd love it to be somewhat resembling an actual community, with meet-ups and tea parties and the like, LOL - but even a group of people that love lolita fashion as much as I do would be absolutely wonderful. I'd just love to hang out with likeminded residents that love to wear lolita, both in RL and SL (or just SL! That absolutely works too!). Onto the idea of a lolita community that hosts meets and events in-world, please let me know if you would be interested in a virtual community as such! Because if it doesn't exist, I'd be 100% down to make it, LOL. But yeah! Thank you so much for the help, if any of you know anything of the such, please don't hesitate to let me know, because I'm greatly interested. ā¤ļø MANDATORY EDIT: Because I should've expected people saying "hey that's an illegal thing" or "oh you mean like the book?" in the forums LMAO. No, when I talk "lolita fashion" I am talking about a specific Japanese fashion subculture that has nothing to do with the book written by Nabokov, nor things involving pedophilia. Likewise, lolita is not related to kinks like DDLG or any BDSM lifestyles. When I say I am a "lifestyler lolita", it means I wear lolita fashion and partake in my local lolita communities in a frequent basis. I hope this serves as a proper explanation to not get this post reported. If you'd like to learn more, the third post below has a couple posts with depictions of lolita fashion and explanations about what is (and what is not) lolita fashion. I will have zero tolerance for people try to explain lolita fashion to me because I've had that happen to me in the past and me and my fellow lolita friends are tired of being sexualized and linked to fetishes and pedophiles, smh. With that being said, thank you very much. šŸ™
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