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Eddy Vortex

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Everything posted by Eddy Vortex

  1. I saw an avatar with a 2013 rez year with a "Cat" last name. I don't remember seeing "Cat" in the usual LL blog announcements. Naturally I ran to my dashboard looking to pick up this last name and it's not on the current list of offerings. Does anyone know when did the Cat last name happen? How did I miss this one?
  2. Celeste - Moon Bench, 5LI, for this weekend's Fifty Linden Friday offer. Would look cute in a Fantasy theme.
  3. BeSpoke Elf Yule Head with Night skin on Blake body. Eyes come with the head. There is a neck line I can't seem to resolve, but the fit is close enough. Clothes are all Blake.
  4. "You're not the boss of me nor anyone, and you're not so big." -Some singer dude named John
  5. Question: Do the stuff highlighted in this thread have to be for human avatars only?
  6. I made a special image macro for you. It's a quick and dirty job, so...
  7. Gd forbid I need to step away to use a toilet. I'd probably be accused of being a bot because my typist has a urinary system and a colon that needs emptying once in a while.
  8. Better make it quick as it's a Halloween special thing. No idea if it'll go poof on Nov 1st sharp.
  9. Right here:http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Millbank/219/160/23
  10. Friends and I used to do the RC Cluster's Halloween. Good times. We're sad there won't be one this year. Another tradition is the Belli Trick or Treat hunt to collect as many candies for the top tier bear prizes.
  11. Lybra is having a 75% off sale on outlet items. No clue when the sale ends. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/True Love/162/205/22 These are the 5 CZ fit shoes seen there:
  12. Avatarlife? This avatarlife? This avatarlife?
  13. People who create hyperbolic anecdotes too fantastical to have happened in reality. They must be projecting their insecurities or something.
  14. Welp. Catwa going the "If you can't beat them, join them." route to EvoX would be the death knell for the classic SLUV.
  15. This would be the perfect site to open a SL chapter of the G.R.O.S.S. club!
  16. Hot take: Those who put up 5-second or less orbs has worse taste in furniture decor than I do.
  17. Kinda presumptuous to assume she was allowed to run feral nilly-willy by her caregivers. Thanks. We also know who else rocked bowl cuts. 😎
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