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Eddy Vortex

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Everything posted by Eddy Vortex

  1. The Krampus plushie from Tardfish is one Shop & Hop gift worth picking up, I think.
  2. There are many variations for kimchi recipes. I think any formulation with anchovy or seafood in it may account for the funky smell. The funkier types is an acquired taste. The vegan version usually don't give off a big smell as the meatier counterparts. When storing them in the fridge, keeping an open container of baking soda may help reduce the odor. The live bacteria in kimchi will continue to ferment and release gasses. So you'd want to loosen the lids once in a while to let the gas escape or the liquids will leak out or lid popping off. If you let kimchi sit around long enough, it will develop a fizziness. It's completely safe to eat and I found it quite fun eating carbonated kimchi in fried rice or jeon (pancake).
  3. I love kimchi. I eat it all the time. Chop some up and toss it in soba noodles with diced avocado and poached egg. You can stir fry it into fried rice. It can be eaten by itself as a side dish with a bowl of rice, which is the simplest Korean meal. You can put them in mac and cheese:
  4. I remember my first winter vacation to Florida. Throughout my childhood, I dreamed about spending a winter in the state's warm sunny climate I heard so much about as New York in December is too damn cold. I got the chance to visit in 1989 and was looking forward to running around in t-shirts instead of being bundled up in 10 thousand layers Randy "I can't put my arms down!" Christmas Story style. The temperatures remained in the lower 40's for most of the week I was there. There was maybe one day where the highest reached 70 and for a couple of hours. You bet I was big mad about schlepping around in a heavy coat in a place that promised escape from the brutal cold of the Northeast.
  5. With the help of alpha layers, you can get away with closed toe shoes & other garments to fit Jamie. Sweater overalls and boots are free group gifts from Coco. Skin is under 30 day newbie gift from Pink Fuel.
  6. Seeing that the new body is no-mod, I have no interest in it. But I did see that Gild had started making for LaraX:
  7. One of my alts made out like a bandit with new Anatomy body, Lelutka Eon head, and a bunch of clothes in addition to the usual weekend sales. This should tie him over for a couple years. I narrowed my list down to those who make for CZ Slim, a few children clothing stores, and one or two furniture stores. Gild took most of Greg's money and he's now broke as a joke.
  8. Never heard of Wall-E Tommy and Teen Turf. It doesn't look like there's much third party support with skins and clothes for those bodies. I personally wouldn't bother with bodies that hardly has clothes available for. Punk Small Avatar being free and modifiable intrigues me. No idea which clothing rig will fit or if it'll fit one of the big name mesh heads. Will need to experiment when I have time. I have Tweenster. It has more clothing support than others mentioned here. All female adult heads, be they from Lelutka, Catwa, Genus, etc., will fit the body. Male heads wouldn't work. Genus has a female head as a group gift. You can pick one up and experiment with the Tweenster demo. Also get some skin demos. MeshMerized, Urban Boy, and Chaeri would be good places to start. Skin and shape sliders will have to do the heavy lifting for a childlike face of either gender. A face skin that is free of makeup would work. These kids are both wearing the Lelutka Kaya head. (They were free gifts 2 Christmases ago. There's no official word yet if Lelutka will do another free head gifts this year. If they do, you should definitely should get them; it's good stuff.) Cat on the left is wearing a skin from Gloom. They make unisex skins. I kept the male body skin (also from Gloom) on her because I'm too lazy to seek out a proper child body skin. Greg on the right wears a very old Meshmerized skin with a bunch of correction layers from Izzie's, including a BoM finger & toe fix. For clothes, here's a small sampling of stores: MeshMerized https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/149237 INSPIRE https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/218588 Crown Clothing https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/227945 Orange*Pekoe https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/151001 Toddleedoo has three bodies: Baby, Kid, and TweeneeDoo. As MissSweetViolet mentioned, TweeneeDoo is inworld (don't know why it's not on MP.) I never played around with TweeneeDoo so I can't vouch if it'll work with other heads besides their own.
  9. I wasn't freaking about my own mortality or anything like that. The quip came from a conversation I had with someone who thinks having progeny sharing their DNA is the only way to leave a legacy. I disagree because you'll be forgotten in about three generations unless you do something epic to land yourself in the history books. Having children isn't considered epic enough for history books. They say that what you put on the Internet stays there forever. So I say one would be better off uploading a snapshot of your mug online and this "little bit of yourself" will be there for all eternity. And it's much more environmentally sound. So I was just commenting on the bloodline legacy fallacy and half joking about the solution. HA! I can't unsee them now that you mentioned it.
  10. Our typist will be dead one day and this family album will live on. Our pictures will live beyond us.
  11. There is no such thing as too many books. For the Saturday Sale special, The Looking Glass has an Antique Bookcase and 7 piles of books weighing in at 1LI each. Cost $75L. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Horizon Dream/35/215/30 They also have Forest Crystals for $75L. Good for fantasy theme.
  12. Yep, chin to hairline in relation to the hand's bottom of palm to end of fingertip. (By fingertip, I mean where the hyponychium ends, not the end of your extra-long 2" manicure. ) Conifer is on to something with different mesh bodies using different proportion scaling. I noticed some running around with undersized hands and I suspect they don't realize that the hand slider needs adjusting when switching between bodies. Here is Cat in LucyBody with her hand slider at 10.
  13. In addition to the notecard, you could include both a mod version and a no-mod with resize script version. Let the buyer decide which version they want to rez out.
  14. For the SL viewer: For Firestorm, I have everything on the lowest settings as to avoid frying the motherboard when running multiple viewers.
  15. I use the official viewer and I'm not seeing the small hand bug. I logged in Cat on Firestorm and her hands look normal: Greg is on the offical viewer and this is what he sees: Cat wears the LucyBody Natasha and her hand size is set at 10 on the slider.
  16. It has most likely been mentioned a few times, the main thing I'd like to see removed from SL is alpha clash glitches. I hate it when half my hair disappear when standing in front of a window.
  17. Thanks. It's the Fox muffler from Maru Kado. He's a good boi. The skybox is 'West Bay' from Zadig.
  18. Hey, there's less pans to wash. So it's a win!
  19. I'm sure I got myself on their ban list a long time ago, or at least one of my other avatars did. But it doesn't matter and I don't care enough to go through the ban removal process. Fortunately SL is large enough to walk around in without having to encounter the voodoo devices again.
  20. 1. I agree Goreans are weird. 2. Leave the alts alone. Not all of us are like that secret conniving curs looking to score free stuff from our main avatars. 😅 3. I know of the Voodoo sploders you speak of. The creator of the voodoo system is reportedly not a nice person. You're not missing out on anything important by being barred from entering such places using this device. Such places are sad looking, poorly built with circa 2005 textures, and populated with money-farming bots who couldn't care less about clubs or the poor unwitting staff working there.
  21. My SL today looks like a Black Friday shopping spree frenzy. New clothes: New brows: New skybox: ...with a built in bed: ...and bath: Can't forget some furniture to fill it with:
  22. Raided the Black Friday sale at Body Language. This is the only dance I will ever need for the rest of my SL.
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