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Dafadilia Wayfarer

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Everything posted by Dafadilia Wayfarer

  1. Thank you, but that really doesn't address the concern I had about missing out on the real time experience. It was simply a wish to be able for those of us who are deaf/hoh to be able to take part in understanding celebration speeches in real time like everyone else. That's all. This really is all I have to say about it. I'm not out to ruin anyone's thread or celebrations. I do hope the rest of you enjoy yourselves. Take care.
  2. That doesn't really help us take part in the moment though does it? Thanks. Have fun.
  3. The layout was cute. It reminds me a bit of the the country fairs I used to attend growing up with my dad. It would of been nice to have some type of text based reader set up during Patch Linden's speech for those of us who are deaf or hoh. Just an observation. This was my first time attending an opening event and it just would of been great to be able to take part in understanding what was said.
  4. We have been out on the water a lot lately! Today it was sailing.
  5. Date night in Belli for hubby and I. Just getting ready to head out for an evening on the water while our little one is spending some girl time with her auntie.
  6. There are times when I just love to mark a destination on the map and head out with baby Verity in one of the boats. Today we headed out on an afternoon journey around Bellisseria from our house to one of hubby's houseboats. On the way we encountered so many beautiful nature scenes including tons of waterfalls. Absolutely breathtaking!
  7. Snuggling while decorating one of our houseboats.
  8. It is always so fun to have the chance to relive memories. The first photo was of my daughter and I when Bellisseria was newly created and we had just moved into our first home in Hartnell. My daughter in the first photo is when she was a prim zooby. Her and I have gone through many changes since then including going to an animesh zooby. Her and I both have gone through name changes when I changed my main account twice since then. She is always the same cherished daughter I adopted back in 2016 though... I went bike riding to see if I could find my first home in Hartnell this evening. After I took the second photo, nostalgia just hit because I remembered I had the first photo. So many changes have happened, but what counts has remained the same. Just had to share because this brought tears to my eyes. I love my daughter. I love Bellisseria and the beautiful memories my family has gotten to make here. ❤️
  9. Yosemite has some beautiful trails. Or it did the last time I was there.
  10. Met my hubby three years ago in SL. We took it to rl about two years ago. I moved to the UK last year to be with him and we are engaged to be married now. He is very much my soulmate! We have a very beautiful rl and sl both. Neither of us are really young and we took this relationship very seriously from the outset. Meaning we were very open, honest (even when the honesty was brutal), and took things very slow. Things progressed naturally. Nothing was forced. So although I cannot speak for anyone else, I can say I found a happy ending with love in SL. Love is very real no matter in the real world or sl. My rl bestfriend and sl sister I also met here in sl originally. We've been friends for...oh gosh 12 years. She is the sister of my heart in both worlds.
  11. Nope. Never faked where I live. If someone keeps pushing for where I'm located and I'm not comfortable telling them, I just tell them exactly that. The silly thing is if they would take a moment to look at my profile they would actually know where I'm located...at least the area of the world I'm in. 😂
  12. My dad was the reason I joined Second Life. He is the one who actually introduced me to it. I was born with a series of genetic issues that cause a lot of chronic pain, health and mobility problems. Being born hoh to eventually go completely deaf, etc. I was for the most part able to live somewhat normally up until 2009 when the health stuff began to catch up with me. I was 32. My dad wanted his shy daughter to have a social life and distractions to keep me busy. He was right. I loved Second Life. I was able to walk again at least in avatar form and so many other fun things. Everyone was on equal footing for the most part which I loved. At first I learned how to do things all new comers must learn. Back in 2009 we got to choose the place we wished to have our avatar first rez in and I chose the Faery Crossing. I'm still very much part of that community and those I'm close to know that although I've changed avatars. My father passed away of cancer a year after that so Second Life has remained such a special place for me filled with so much meaning all because of him.
  13. I've taken both long and short breaks from the forums in the past. My shortest has been a few days and my longest has been four years if I'm remembering right. My last long break was this last year for about six months when I moved countries. I found I had no desire to really be on the forums even when my computer got set up so I didn't. Breaks can be a good thing.
  14. I have absolutely always loved those dolls and just recently purchased a few off the marketplace to proudly display in my home. OP: Gacha machines lost their appeal long ago for me because I flat out refuse to dump money into something with no guarantee of getting what I actually want from it. The new way they are doing it also holds no appeal. I often will simply go and see what they are offering taking note of what I want from it for future reference when I look it up on the marketplace. So much simpler and I actually get the item I was wanting.
  15. Windmill Sighting while boating with my tiny Verity in Bellisseria...Beautiful windmill scene in the Camine Sky area.
  16. Having a nice evening at our houseboat. Verity is now walking so getting her to stay still for a photo is nearly impossible to do.
  17. The best way is to not tell them. I would never wish to hurt another. That kind of thing I imagine can cause just that. A lot of unnecessary hurt. Although it might seem a small criticism to you, it doesn't mean the person on the receiving will take it as such.
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