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Everything posted by Ayeleeon

  1. Which no one hardly ever posts in. I will post there if the last post isn't mine, but quite often it is mine, and I have been taught double posting is bad form, so I post here.
  2. Ok, I will give you the first part, multiple pictures in the same outfit, but this notion that including others in our shots is a bad thing is nonsense. Not everyone logs on to just stand around in their private space alone. No reason our pictures should not reflect the social aspect of the platform.
  3. I just asked a question, I did not accuse anyone of anything.
  4. True, It isn't even a question I thought up. I heard someone else bring it up a while ago, and personally am not sure what I think. I ask it now and then to get others thoughts.
  5. But does it help promote the idea that smoking is glamorous and this increase the chance that others might smoke in RL?
  6. Exactly, so play by your own rules and let others play by thiers, if everyong did this SL would be a better place, and in fact the same is true in RL.
  7. I am pretty well convinced they already know everything abou tus already, and all the security stuff is just a ruse to make us compliant.
  8. Only if someone reports it, i wont if you wont.
  9. I was wondering why you didn't make the list. I also wonder if they think the Earth is flat and the Moon landing was faked.
  10. In Second Life, content is created by individuals, and the incentive to create is the same as in RL, so they can sell it. Some old things are free because the creator has made enough money selling it when it was new that they just let people have it for free. The people who have worked hard to create new mesh heads and bodies however, are still wanting to get a return on thier investment in time and effort.
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