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Everything posted by CaerolleClaudel

  1. I appreciate your point. However, I feel there is fairly well zero overlap between people who write poetry and people who write scripts, lol. I am guessing people who play the piano are not writing a lot of scripts, either, but music has a strong analytical structure, so maybe. Crossword people, I dunno. I don't get the allure at all. Perhaps that means they are likely to like writing scripts. In the end, though, not trying to convince you of anything. I know lots of people enjoy building, writing scripts, all that, and SL probably serves those people pretty well. My point was not about that stuff being good or bad, just that I felt it likely was not something that would keep most people engaged with SL.
  2. Removed content after thinking through it. It was a an offhand thing and a joke, but I am embarrassed with the position I put Madelaine. Sending her an apology too...
  3. I personally (and I am guessing I might be speaking for the vast majority of ppl in SL) would rather perform brain surgery on myself with a rusty tin can lid than do anything related to computer programming...
  4. I spent huge amounts of time in SL from 2007 through about 2010/11, when all the things that interested me in SL had disappeared. Starting in the middle of last year, I spent several months, maybe close to a year, trying to find other interests, and finally decided nothing there interested me. A bit OT, but continuing existence of lag and slow texture loading overrode what little interest I was able to generate. So, the issue might not be the lack of 'things to do,' but rather 'things to do that are worth bothering with all the nuisances of SL' or 'things that are more interesting that whatever else I could do with my time.' Lack of compelling and engaging things to do is not the same as lack of things to do period.
  5. The way I looked at it was, I am paying far more than I want for Premium, but at least I get this back, so that effectively lowers what I pay. And I did use the money, saved me having to buy quite as many Lindens. These days I don't use SL, so I just log in every few weeks and donate what has accumulated. It amounts to several thousand Lindens by the that point, is not nothing, IMO.
  6. Sorry, I have told this story before, and on top of that I know it is OT for this thread... I have actually been in SL for 13 years. I spent huge amounts of time there the first few years, then about 2010 or 2011, SL starting changing in ways that made it less and less attractive to me. The biggest issue was that the places I loved and saw as home withered and died one by one. Also, so many people I knew and liked left. I struggled on for a few years, and finally gave up. A couple years years ago, I came back and tried again, very hard. I tried to stop complaining about how all the stuff I loved was gone and tried to find new interests. I even tried SL photography. Really, to me though, it is all about the places and people and I just could not find anywhere I liked and fit. Plus, lag is still just as bad as ever, and that ruins it for me. I think I have just spent too much time in SL, most people seem to reach that point eventually. SL has just changed so much, and I am not able to adapt. Every time I logged in I spent 30 minutes to a couple hours just trying to find something that interested me. Plus, I have more interests than time, and SL has to compete with that. Obviously I still look at the Forum every few days (which, ironically, I didn't even know existed until I came back to SL and tried to get a house in Bellissarria), and participate in the rare thing that catches my interest. But I cannot see ever getting active in SL again.
  7. OMG you even got the butt crack thing going on! lolol
  8. Thanks! I don't much care about getting locked out of SL, but I don't want to have to pay for more Premium, for which I have zero use. I don't even plan to update my browser anymore, will just uninstall it when the version I have gets locked out. Guess I need to make sure to get all my stuff off my land and abandon it before that, too.
  9. Thanks for your help! I will wait until closer to time, but seems likely you don't get a notice, and I don't want to be charged. Really, though, I rarely go into SL anymore, and having my stuff all set up or not makes more difference. It's a good reminder, though,I have no need of Lindens anymore, so I donate my allowance to my sister's clan. It has been a while, I probably need to log on and do that.
  10. Holy crap, I did not know that. I am glad I saw this thread, thanks! So, I guess I need to remove all my stuff, abandon my land, and then somehow formally quit Premium? I assume via downgrading to Basic, which was mentioned above? PS: Btw, I doubt I have ever actually read a TOS in my life...
  11. I don't recall exactly how I got them, it has been a long time, but somehow I acquired a deck of cards with Vargas Girls. I spent a lot of time furtively staring at a particular few of them, sighing and swooning, while slowly shaking my head and breathing out, "Oh..my.god..." Interestingly, at the same time I was listening to Woman Power singers and was all about feminism. So I did feel a bit conflicted and guilty. What can I say, I am a deeply flawed person, who never can quite meet her ideals (or mostly even get with the distance to Saturn of them).
  12. What if you just let your Premium account expire? Mine will be up in April, and my plan was just to let it expire, and I was assuming my land 'ownership' would end and all my stuff would be auto-returned to me. This thread almost makes me think LL could somehow keep charging me for Premium unless I moved all my stuff and abandoned the land?
  13. I'd rather they improved lag and texture loading, and there were actually events I liked to go in SL. That would do more to get me back than spam. But I guess spam would be easier for them
  14. INFP-T on this one. 74% I 74% N 96% F 75% P 97% T I was struck by how the questions highlighted how neurotic I am, lol. Not surprised though, am definitely one deeply flawed and effed up person.
  15. Though my opinion of him has changed a lot as I have found out more about his personal life (he did some really messed up stuff to one of his partners, plus was one of those 'aren't I clever' guys~), so I don't quote him much anymore, David Foster Wallace said that in the end you become yourself (there was book by that name from the guy who traveled with him and interviewed him, and I think it was made into a movie, too).
  16. That is relative. Depending on what you are sanding and what your goal is.
  17. I have taken many of the M-B variants (including the official one, which included a 1:1 counseling session), and always come out INFP, but have never believed it. I am just not that mellow, I can be very reactive and angry. I think it is more that it is what I would like to be, so no matter how hard I try I tend to be less than honest when answering the questions. Over the years I have also had a lot of people who know me read the descriptions or even sit with me as I take an assessment. Like others have said in the thread, that is taking the whole thing too seriously and using it the wrong way, to look for my identity rather than just seeing my cognitive preferences, which is what the assessment is really supposed to tell you. I sort of accepted a few years ago that the M-B is not really that valid, and gave up on it, but have spent most of my life trying to figure out who I really am. Or perhaps just accepting it. One note on the validity, I often am far less definite on the Perceiving/Judging factor than on the others, and sometime not strongly Introverted, either. To me, this calls into question the whole validity of the instrument, as flipping any of the traits completely changes how you supposedly interact with the world. In an assessment like the Big Five, you just get a percent along the axis, and it doesn't assign some 'type' to you (though perhaps there are categories used for some purpose such as psychological/sociological/political research). The Enneagram is another of these, that IIRC asks a lot of the same kinds of questions but put them on different axes, and winds up with 9 types. And while unlike astrology these sorts of tests start with info on the specific person rather than the alignment of some planets or something, in the end the types do seem a bit like astrological types, where people look for things that align with how they are and ignore things that don't. OTOH, I have known people who have taken one sort of these assessments or another (we have used a couple other similar things at my work over the years that pretty much do the same as the M-B) who won't even share their results or profile with others because they feel it describes them too well and invades their privacy. Some people are even creeped out as they feel like someone has been following them because the descriptions fit so well. In the end, I wonder if it is best to take all this as just something fun to do and not let it define you. FWIW...
  18. Gee, I guess you would *really* be upset if you had a rezzday and NOONE, even people in your Contact List, who are on and perhaps even right there in some place with you, said Happy Rezz Day. 'Cause *that* was always my experience. And I am just as bad, I didn't really look up people's profiles and keep up with their Rezz Days, either, other than a partner or Mistress or otherwise extremely close people.
  19. I rented for years, a couple of times in apartment buildings. One I only left because I logged on one day and it was gone. Generally I have rented houses or skyboxes, though, and sometimes more than one at a time. The most I was willing to pay was L500/week. Now I am Premium and have my own house. However, I am rarely in SL anymore, and when my Premium expires next April I will not renew. If I were still doing SL, I would rent a place, for sure, but instead will likely just go back to not having a place, like in my first few months in SL (way in 2007).
  20. (for Lindal...) A mathematician, a physicist, and an engineer were asked to comment on the follow list of primes: 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 17 The mathematician said, "1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15...wait, 15 isn't prime." The physicist said, "1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 17. Hmmm, that next to last one must be an artifact." The engineer said, "1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 17. Anything else?" and one I use a lot: If it stinks, it's chemistry. If it's green or wriggles, it's biology. If it doesn't work, it's physics. I often say I must be doing physics, because what I am doing isn't working.
  21. I can't even.. (derisively shakes head as she snorts, turns and leaves)
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