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Everything posted by CaerolleClaudel

  1. “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist”
  2. I do the first all the time, when I have to run errands. It's like five mins between places, and I'd rather just leave the mask on rather than fight again to get the straps under my hair and around my earrings, and get the mask itself adjusted. Which is related to the second part, when I work I mostly have to wear it all day, so just used to having one on and seems normal to have one on.
  3. She hasn't toured for decades, she has been pretty much retired for a long time. She has put out a couple very non-commercial albums and does some benefits, but that is about it. She was always very much not into celebrity, and is very private.
  4. Back in my younger days I followed 10,000 Maniacs and then Natalie (after she left the band) all over the Midwest. She had a profound influence on my life.
  5. JFC, yeah, wrong link. That was from yesterday or day before in a completely different forum (topic was the IN AG trying to stop the wife of a woman who gives birth automatically being listed as the mother, like married men are listed as the father...long story even more OT). I have not idea how I pasted that, sorry. One day I should learn to proofread my posts on forums, but today was not the day,~ Correct link for anyone interested: Natalie Merchant - Hello In There (Live) - YouTube
  6. OT, perhaps should have put in PM, and really, it's all about me, so even worse than useless, but just wanted to say you reminded me of one of my fave things ever, Natalie Merchant and Michael Stipes doing John Prine's Hello In There with Billy Bragg at an English music festival (no, I wasn't there, but saw it on YouTube and have watched it for years): https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-finds-indiana-attorney-general-curtis-hill-groped/story?id=70634926 Thanks for reminding me to watch it again. So sad and haunting, and Billy Bragg is just the sweetest and so ego-free. ❤️
  7. Wondering what your take is on how restaurants in US use the word 'entree.' (sorry, don't have a French keyboard, lol)
  8. You're fine, lol. I didn't realize she had started a MOVEMENT!!! 😁💖
  9. I am so confused, I thought it was Maddie replying, what with the 'set you on fire' stuff...
  10. Wait, what, did you change your name, too?????? le sighe...
  11. Sorry to be the Grammar Police, but I know you like to be precise (perhaps that only applies to math and mechanicing, dunno...), and it should be 'whose.'
  12. This is as far as I can recall the only thing about the last 5 years that involved Trump that has made me smile. Really, I laughed so hard I thought I was going to stroke out. And it would have been worth it (plus saved me from having to suffer through our descent into autocracy and final devastation from our pretty much complete lack of remediation of climate change).
  13. They get capped at like 12, or seem to in my account. All mine are notices from a group that I cannot figure out how to quit, but I definitely do see them. Weird that you cannot see any messages when you log on.
  14. Fauve, I am very much enjoying the OT of this thread, thanks for starting it!
  15. Wow, if nothing else you certainly have a consistent world view.
  16. I actually logged into SL today to check out a place mentioned in the Forum (Riverside, quite pretty), and in effing 2020, had to wait for textures to load, particularly the rental board once I found the rental location ('cause that was related to the question in the Forum post). And I thought to myself, OMFFG, I sooooo do NOT EFFING MISS SL.
  17. Pretty place. Seems like they must rent here??: 'Home Rental Community, Riverside County (60, 100, 22) - Moderate' http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverside County/122/97/23 Currently full or almost so it seems, though...
  18. Yes, I understand, you said that was not your priority. Just pointing out that for those for whom it is (me, specifically), it renders SL a highly-decorated hollow shell. Which is also frustrating to just walk thought and look at due to lag in moving and in texture loading.~
  19. Sadly, if that is your top priority, not much left of interest in SL.
  20. Well, give whatever to whoever else but me.
  21. That assumes you have something you care about buying. I already donate my $300 weekly Premium money to someone, as I have given up on finding anything in SL worth the time and effort to do. I guess if it was a million I could donate more to something else, but more money would not change a thing for me personally.
  22. I used to spend hours and hours and hours in SL, and never had to entertain myself. I had clubs with people who had interesting conversation, specific-interest sites also full of people with interesting conversation and interaction, the place was wide-open and free-ranging but places had people who were interesting in interacting with other people. Navigating an empty world, especially given the persistent lag and slow texture loading, is not for me, or a lot of us who came here for social interaction.
  23. Here is my experience in 2020: Relative to North America time zones: If you like country music, you can find several clubs with massive crowds. Blues is similar, though not as large. Pretty relentlessly str8 and human as you might expect. Oh, also 'classic' rock, oldies, I think fall into this category. People seem to love that stuff. Relative to Western European time zones: I have had some success finding some good EDM with crowds. Less relentlessly str8, still relentlessly human. Queerer clubs: Maybe as many clubs; far, far fewer events and mostly smaller crowds. One or two country, some rock, scattered other genres. Gothy/BDSM clubs: A couple of places, crowd size varies, far fewer events. One of the biggest problems I find is that even at clubs with people, I rarely find people talking in open chat, which is mostly filled with chat spam. Almost all conversation is in IMs. I have been in and out of SL since 2007, and to me it is massively harder to find friends and find places that have any worthwhile conversation. I have even tried sticking with the same place for a while in an attempt to work my way in, but even at smaller places I find that hard; most of the regulars often have known each other for years, and natural selection has worked to form the group. Even harder, for me at least, is to find a place with an atmosphere I like and music I like, too. I have tried going to clubs that seem to align with my social wants, and listened to my own music, but honestly it just isn't the same. If you are trying to 'solve' SL's issues, noone can do that. If you are looking for things engaging activities for yourself, I would suggest being more specific: What time zone you are, what kinds of music you like, what kind of space you want to be in, and so forth. The problem is that SL has changed into something very different than it was even 10 years ago, much less 13 - 15. Another current thread is discussing 'things to do,' and that thread reinforces my impression that the social aspects of SL are pretty much dead and are not coming back. A lot of people these days seem to be into just doing their own thing, a lot of which involves playing virtual Barbie, photography, setting up houses/sims just as its own entertainment, exploring, and things like that. SL has gone from something that had a brief burst of wider interest to a really, really niche place, and is only going to become more so, IMO.
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