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Ajay McDowwll

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Everything posted by Ajay McDowwll

  1. Well, I learned that when one searches "Sliced Mayonnaise" on Amazon, they have none, but the variety of mayonnaise available is kind of startling. It also includes a brand from Japan by the name of "Kewpie".
  2. I couldn't decide between a "like" and a "thank", so please accept this comment as covering both options
  3. I'm sorry for misunderstanding; the way it was phrased read to me as a suggestion, which is something I (and I'm sure many others) have heard time and time again. "Why don't you go out and get some sunshine?" "Take a walk -- everybody has thirty minutes a day for a walk!" "Have you tried getting out with some friends?" "Have you tried exercise?" These are things that are usually first suggestions when someone is feeling "down" or "dark". Thing is, there's a difference between just feeling a bit blue and actual major depressive disorder. There's a difference between just having a case of nerves, and full-blown generalized anxiety disorder. I wish my specific condition were fixed as easily as "trying some exercise". It would be great. It would mean three fewer pills to swallow per day, a ridiculously pricey prescription off my list of monthly expenses... and it won't work. Also, what Beth said is true. It can help you feel better in the moment, but in my case it's clinical. I will likely need medication the rest of my life to balance this because my brain chemistry is hopelessly hosed. I don't love it, but if it's what allows me to function from day-to-day (and yes, even get to where I'm able to get back on track with my exercise), I'll take it and gladly.
  4. This is one of those well-meaning comments that falls under the subreddit r/thanksimcured LOL To be fair, studies show that for some types of depression and other mood disorders, physical activity can be helpful in conjunction with therapy and, where indicated, medication. However, it isn't always helpful; in fact, where the type of disorder causes an utter lack of energy and inertia, being told "You have 30 minutes a day to take a walk!" or comments of that nature is... pretty defeating. Personally, I am on medication in part to get me to the point where I'm able to get exercise again. I used to walk for 30-60 minutes per day in addition to weight lifting, etc. I'm not able to right now, but I want to get there... and telling me "just do it" isn't going to do a thing, because I quite literally can't have one more thing on my plate. The stack is teetering as it is. Others' mileage varies.
  5. Well, went in to see the nurse practitioner, and she's moved me from my Wellbutrin/ Buspar combo to a Trintellix/ Buspar combo, with thoughts of easing off the Buspar as the Trintellix takes effect. We'll... see how it goes? All I know is that I had to take it with food, which is going to need me to adapt my schedule based on this morning. I used to take my Wellbutrin right when I got up, then Buspar with some breakfast when I'd arrive early at the office. Well, no Wellbutrin this morning... and holy cats, my brain missed it. I was unreasonably upset that I had to balance a Chicken McGriddle on top of an iced coffee for my child. I mean, literally distressed over it. The heck? This is Not. Rational. Fortunately I know it and am able to moderate my external behavior accordingly, but dadgum, part of me really hates being dependent on medication just to not be completely discombobulated by even the tiniest curves life throws me. The rest of me, though, is grateful the meds at least exist. That said, it takes three weeks for this stuff to start kicking in. THREE. Lordy, I'm just going to have to hold onto myself like a fiend in the interim. Here's hoping the changeover side-effects aren't too bad. At times, I really wish my parents had sought genetic counseling prior to reproducing...
  6. Thanks -- I love the kitchen as well! Sadly there's no actual river; there's a swimming pool, and my bad lighting probably made a river appear where there is none. It would have been nice, though It does front onto a Linden Road, though, which doesn't hurt my feelings at all
  7. Doing okay today, considering it's Monday. I leave in about 15 minutes for my first appointment with the ARNP at our local psychiatric clinic to go over my meds (currently Wellbutrin and Buspar) and see what could use some tweaking. I just want to feel normal again. And I'd kind of like to NOT feel that it's necessary to eat my weight in Cheez-its Grooves... that'd be cool, too.
  8. The toilet cracks me up -- it has an "air freshener" animation and attaches a can of it to your hand The exterior shot is a bit dark, but I kind of like how it looks this way
  9. I have a serious decorating problem. I'm not good at it, per se... but I enjoy doing it, and we've ended up with WAY too many houses because of it LOL. This one is a tiny house that I tinted pretty heavily (it was all white, except for the floors, door, and trim around the windows) and stuck on a 1024 plot of land with 351 land impact allowed. Although I did deed the land to group, I decided to see what I could do strictly within the inate LI, so everything you see here and in the next post (due to upload limits) hits a grand total of 321 LI. I had way too much fun with this
  10. Cindy, I am so, so very sorry to hear this. I'll be thinking about you. Virtual hugs going your way, if they're welcome ❤️
  11. Yep. I keep acne meds with my cosmetics anymore, which is just plain annoying
  12. THIS. I love to dance. I love couples dancing. But it's well-known that I don't dance with anyone other than my partner, and although he's given his go-ahead for me to dance with other folks because he does get that "dancing is just dancing," he's still uneasy with it so I haven't bothered.
  13. I made a ton of bacon rain in the back yard of the beach house. Fortunately, our backyard neighbor, too, loves bacon
  14. I went skin shopping for my husband's alt, who is identical to Syn in both shape and body/head combo. It was incredible how different some of the men's skins made him look... which is also why I was worried about going with a different skin maker. Then again, I was testing more "aged" skins on his alt, so perhaps that's a reason why they were so distinctly different.
  15. If I manage to make an acceptable alpha and you want it, just let me know and I'll pass it along I checked Marketplace, and it's the Enid dress I'm thinking about.
  16. It's not so much patience as it is that I get the occasional urge to break out of what's easy for me and try something new. I have pretty severe anxiety, and one way I cope is by sticking with the familiar... which is one of the reasons I resisted BoM pretty strenuously for quite a while. I can't control life; it's uncertain by definition. I can, however, control my avatar's look and what methods I use to achieve it. Having said that, well, obviously the urge to break out of the comfortable hit (and also the urge to be able to make my own alphas), so BoM it is I'm weirdly proud of myself.
  17. Well, I've found my lunch hour viewing for the day! There's a Dead Dollz dress I have that hits just between two alpha cuts. Aggravating. In fact, one of my motivations for going BoM was to make a proper alpha for that sucker so I can wear it without my legs clipping through the back when I do anything other than, say, stand absolutely still.
  18. I have mastered BoM -- yay, me! Also I went a tiny bit darker, because I was blinding myself in certain Windlight settings. Oh, and new profile pic
  19. I was super worried about that with my skin shopping, but with the exception of one store's demos, which gave me a bit of a "duck face" shading to my lips (beautiful skin otherwise), I still looked like me as well. When I was going around shopping for my husband's alt, I was trying to find him something a bit more mature looking, just for grins... and every skin I tried on him, bar none, utterly changed his look. It was pretty impressive, actually. The alt ended up identical to Syn, just as mine are either identical -- or nearly so, the redheaded version notwithstanding -- to me. Makes things entertaining when he and I take them out with us 🤣
  20. That's... kind of genius I love it. I don't know if I'll go that route (change is hard, and I already took the BoM/ new skinmaker plunge this week, LOL), but I really like what you did. Makes life much easier from a body update standpoint, for sure!
  21. Yep, it sure does. I'll be back at it again tonight re-updating the outfits... although I think there may be some I'll delete out of sheer frustration
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