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Ajay McDowwll

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Everything posted by Ajay McDowwll

  1. Seconding this. I have a friend... well, a friends? I've known them by a few names in SL, and they play each part to a T. They don't know the others (their other alts), they've never met my husband, different job, marital status, number of children, etc... ... but the tells are there. I used to be insulted that they thought so little of my intelligence. Now I figure whatever; it's their SL, they can do what they want with it.
  2. I've been doing some landscaping for one of my friends. I'm not a pro by any means, but I think this turned out nicely, and most importantly, he and his boyfriend are happy (note that all structures and statuary are his; the bridge and other stuff are what I threw in )
  3. I have not been on point lately lol -- sorry! And thank you
  4. Yes, significantly. Here's the complexity for my current Lelutka head: That totals 8,898. This is the complexity for the Genus Morph variants I used: That totals 16,849 (unless I entered numbers into my calculator incorrectly). The difference between the two is 7,851, so very close to an entire additional head.
  5. Well. After being all "OH BILLIE HAI!!!" then Lelutka went out and released Sugar. Dagnabbit. Had to take a new profile pic
  6. I may be marginally obsessed with this build.
  7. I got it, because bodies and heads are like Pokemon to me. I noticed that the dead lowest you could put the chest sliders before things started to seriously deform was 45, and things were way more happy at 50, which is where they are in this picture. They're kind of awkwardly shaped in the northern "hemisphere" of the breast; the top is very rounded, as if the wearer is floating in space and gravity is not a thing. No one with a chest that large has that level of weird perkiness; my typist is not under-endowed and... no. This is not a shape that ever happens in nature. This is a shape that requires mass quantities of silicone. Also, the rounding is to the point where the nipples almost point down, which is kind of disconcerting as well. All that said, I do like that there's a heavier-chested body out there with less emphasis on the bottom half of the body.
  8. I use 16 attachment points before I start getting dressed that are made up of my head, body, hair, one deformer, and jewelry I never take off, in addition to the Firestorm Bridge. That excludes the huds for my head and body, as I take them off once any adjustments have been made. I used to wonder how on earth anyone could possibly use up all their attachment points... and then I got more into photography, and into more fantasy-related outfits, etc. Yes, it's easy to use up all 38 at those times. Mostly it's a non-issue -- literally fantasy outfits and photography are the only instances where it occurs for me -- but there are times when more are needed. Thankfully my preferred creators for fantasy looks include many whose releases are modify, and I link like the dickens, but it's by no means a foolproof solution. I'm Premium Plus and I still get 38 attachment points; Cristiano, I have no idea how you got so fortunate, but I salute you
  9. It exists. I've seen it, and I've even found where one can acquire prim butt hair, because I hadn't been scarred for life enough already.
  10. I wasn't sure whether to laugh or not, because massive gore everywhere... but I'm going with the laugh due to the assumed intent. If I'm wrong, just ignore my reaction please!
  11. This dress from Evanescence's Going Under video. Shirt. Whatever. Although since it's SL and we're talking about what we want, I want it as a dress
  12. I love this one; I set up Botanical's fae lights on my parcel and put them to respond to the day cycle. I'd put a large bunch of them in a small clearing, and remembered Studio Skye's Faery Ring and rezzed that beneath them.
  13. Titled "Monday Morning after DST" or, alternatively, "Madpea is Genius."
  14. The Billie head is gorgeous. I may have a new default. I say "may". I'm really attached to my Avalon. But dadgum...
  15. This is what I came here to say. You can make your parcel (or region) open to group members only, make the group so you have to have an invite to join (i.e., no open join), and none of his avatars will be able to get in, period.
  16. I live in an estate where we do seasons, and we just hit spring this past weekend. I've been planning a complete overhaul of my parcel, so I ripped that sucker down to the ground and rebuilt everything, including the house (I built a new one with Marcus Inkpen's ModIt kit, the Fantasy variant). My next-door neighbors in the castle to the right of the picture hopefully won't mind their view being changed too terribly much
  17. I redid my off-sim stuff. I'd been using a few prefabs, which were great, but I wanted something new, so I cobbled this together out of stuff from my inventory and kept a few of the prefabs... or parts of one. The estate where I live does seasons, and with this I can totally do season changes
  18. RL, I'd drop my job down to extreme part-time, basically just the stuff only I know how to do (I'm not indispensable, but I am convenient and my employers are fond of their convenience), and I'd insist on remote. If they didn't want me to be 98% remote, they could find someone else to run that extremely specialized software. We'd abandon the current house to the kids (aged 21 and 25) and their respective girlfriends, and move somewhere with a kitchen that's been updated since 1983, a reasonably-sized yard for our Sulcata tortoise to run amok, and a tortoise keeper because Sam is really annoyed when we try to bring him in when it's cold. Then we'd sock the rest of it away in a trust/ annual distribution type scenario, because stupid is as stupid does, and an obscene amount of readily disposable cash is just asking for it. We may or may not leave a forwarding address SL, I'd talk to my current landlord about getting a full region for me to take out my landscaping aggression on, and I'd drag my next door neighbors over with me. It would have to be a 30K region because we all basically eat LI for breakfast. And then when I filled up that region, I might get one more just for funsies. Oh, and I'd find a parcel in Bay City to buy or rent, because I've always been interested in that area. I already rent on the Blake, but I might upsize or purchase there. I'd also have so much fun providing matching funds for donations and participating in the auctions at Fantasy Faire
  19. Thank you! I've come a long way in the past couple of years Editing to add the picture I worked on today. It was not taken during the same session as the picture I posted Monday, but it is very obviously the same build. I set the lighting in a few of my shots to have as much contrast as I could manage, with an eye to taking one of them down to black and white. Then when I did that, I thought, "Hey, a little color might be nice..." So, much jaw-clenching and shouting at Photoshop later, mischief managed. Now I need a muscle relaxer
  20. This is the problem with alts: you make them, you care for them, you nurture them, you BUY THEM SO MANY CLOTHES OMG!!! And the thanks you get is a drained account balance, a permanent squatter in your home, and being treated like an armrest.
  21. I'm desperately awaiting the end of winter in the estate where I live (just ten more days of endless, unrelenting white!), so to keep myself from going around the bend, as well as to test out some thoughts for landscaping re-design, I rented some land and entertained myself with building. I'm now done... and spring is still 10 days away
  22. Not exactly my avatar... but still my avatar 😁
  23. Yeah, as I said, it breaks any functionality of the eyes because... well, you're not wearing them. I'm really not sure what the rationale was, other than "let's make EVERYONE wear applier eyes!" I'm sure that's not it, to be honest... but if you want your eyes to look reasonable (BOM eyes in their native state have a much larger appearance to the iris), you'll have to.
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