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Ajay McDowwll

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Everything posted by Ajay McDowwll

  1. My brother-in-law and niece both have that kind of nose tip, but you are correct that it is not that common. I don't loathe it; I personally happen to dislike that I really can't reshape it past that ๐Ÿ˜•
  2. I wasn't there because I have no stupid home internets, because Spectrum is evil ๐Ÿ˜› I'm hoping they get off their duffs and fix stuff today. We've had zero internet (except for our data service on our cell phones) since early Friday afternoon. It was supposed to be fixed in 24-48 hours. Obviously, it was not. I am decidedly displeased. Here's hoping it will be back up and running in time for next weekend!
  3. My only aesthetic gripe with my Genus Classic is that danged nose. My system avatar (and myself in RL) has a very straight nose. With my Genus, there is no amount of slider work I can do to replicate it. Iโ€™m not a fan of the animations, and have finally defaulted to using either the Vista Elena AO with Genus facial animations, or the Vista Facial AO with the Vista Miriam AO.
  4. Iโ€™m all out of sorts because our cable company has managed to hose the entire stateโ€™s internet service; not that nobody has internet, but itโ€™s spotty. And those of us who got new modems (like us) canโ€™t get them activated due to issues on the corporate end. I have no desktop access to the web, which means no SL, and itโ€™s driving me nuts. I look forward to playing inworld on the weekends, and weโ€™re looking at possibly two or more days of nothing... which effectively hoses my entire weekend ๐Ÿ˜ž
  5. I do as well, with whomever is the right person for each of them ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. Hugs, Marigold -- and at this point, I do hope they get back together once they're older, but rationally I know people change and so forth. What won't change is that they're good kids, and both of them deserve the best. I hope they get it. Regarding mother-in-lawing, all I know about being a mother-in law, I learned from my mother... and swore to do the exact opposite. I love that woman, and while she's a gem to my husband, she is murder on daughters-in-law. That stops with her generation.
  7. It's Friday, so I'm pretty yay about that, but my younger son just broke up with his girlfriend and I feel like I'm unreasonably sad. It's not as if I didn't see it coming at some point if for no other reason than they're seventeen, and there were certainly other factors in play (their relationship dynamic wasn't always the best, and I do support my son's decision)... but dangit, I like her, and I hurt for her. She adored him. Every day he was at the hospital during his recent stay, she'd text him good morning and goodnight, even though she knew he wouldn't see her messages. She's fun, brilliant, snarky, and everything I would have wanted in a daughter if I'd had one of my own. My heart's just breaking. It's not my relationship, and she's not my child, but my stupid eyes keep leaking. Dratted hormones.
  8. (sorry for my posts getting weird; I've refreshed before posting, but apparently I have a setting borked! Will hush until I ensure things are running correctly again ๐Ÿ™‚ )
  9. Talking is hard *nods* (and in actuality, due to the fact that I answer the phone all day at the office, I can really take or leave voice chat -- the benefits are evenly balanced on the other side by the fact that I'd have to speak coherently)
  10. Morning time... first, just sort of lazing, then my face upon realizing that I still have one more day to get through before the weekend. Ugh ๐Ÿ˜›
  11. It does! It comes with all the things, and I just love it. I also have the set called Time Room, which is adorable as well (it's a sitting room area). I tend to rezz out the whole room, pull out the stuff I intend to keep out, then "take" the rest and store it in a folder so that when I want one of the items I can just pull it right back out ๐Ÿ™‚
  12. Of course! They're from Hayabusa Design. They don't have a Marketplace; they're only available inworld http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hayabusa/128/128/2
  13. Finally, we have the "living room," which is actually the baby room, and then we have The Infant in question. She's... terrifyingly cute, and yes, I totally coordinate our outfits on purpose. I actually make sure to do all her things (bath, diaper, love, and food) for her every day, and it's weirdly satisfying. She's the reason this skybox got done up as much as it did. All the original furnishings and finishes are gone; the texturing and tinting was all my own. This was the first place I truly personalized, it's also what made me insistent on bathrooms and kitchens in Second Life when I had previously eschewed them strenusouly under the banner of "I HAVE ENOUGH OF THIS IN RL!!!" I wouldn't have it any other way, and I owe it all to a small, pixelated infant. I regret nothing.
  14. Next are the laundry room and kitchen. Both are from Dench Designs, and both give me an unholy amount of joy, in large part because of both the items they can rezz, and the animations. No, I don't iron in real life. That's why God gave us dryers. And yes, I'm snacking on the floor. Don't judge.
  15. I realized I hadn't posted my "Baby Box" home, which is a skybox I put together when I got my Zooby Baby (aka Ellie, aka The Edritch Horror). My husband is appalled by all things animesh that are humanoid, so this was our compromise. First, the bedroom and the bathroom. Since I'm on group land I decided land impact was not a thing, so I have both a shower and a bathtub in the bathroom
  16. I went for an outdoor privy, shower area. I kind of love the privy in part because it has a "waiting" animation. And I will always, ALWAYS love this front porch view โค๏ธ It works. For now. Things may change
  17. I decided to go with an outdoor cooking area, because the Williamsburg trailer isn't awesome with interior wallspace, so I've utilized the outdoors as an additional living area (and to get something vaguely resembling privacy, should Partnerboy join me over in the wilderness).
  18. I'm getting my (alt's) trailer set up I've gone more toward the "she shed" aesthetic, although I've also tried to make it so I could live there if need be. Kind of an off-the-grid setup... if I had to First pictures are of the inside. I might have a slight book problem. Also, I have a mini-fridge, as well as a wood stove, and a ceiling fan to keep that circulation going.
  19. It's from KAZZA ๐Ÿ™‚ They have a Marketplace presence, but I believe the bedroom is only available at their inworld location. It's named something like "Rustic Bedroom," and it's got multiple textures available via HUD. I'm at work so I can't look precisely, but this is the link the Marketplace store tried to send me to for the inworld location: secondlife://KAZZA/121/217/23
  20. You're not. I turn 50 in less than a month and I'm not old either. I don't understand the penchant some folks have for disliking those of a different age group, be it folks who are older or younger. Ultimately, we're all just people. We were either young once, or (if we're lucky), we'll be old someday too. ----------------------------- On another note, I'm incredibly cranky today. I may go home, haul a chair out to the driveway, and yell at folks to get off my lawn.
  21. I'm relatively sure @VonWulfenis in a Signature body, due to an outfit he had on the other day that I also purchased for my husband's alt. Assuming that's the case, he's in luck ๐Ÿ™‚
  22. I'm not sure on the time/dates yet; I don't believe they've been announced. But the outfit sounds fine to me!
  23. I'm quoting this post because it's that PRECISE thread that helped me get over my fear of trying for a Linden Home -- and my avatar will be 13 years old in August, LOL. Read it, do what it says, and just be persistent and patient. Now I have a Traditional, my primary alt has a trailer (I'm almost finally done decorating that one!) and my husband has a Victorian... which I think he might have just turned purple because all the neighbors have blue houses, and he wanted to be different. They are SO much fun! Well, they are if you're me or you enjoy decorating ๐Ÿ™‚ I'm still new at Bellisseria living, but I'm going to join some of the groups inworld and see what the community has to offer.
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