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Lyssa Greymoon

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Everything posted by Lyssa Greymoon

  1. I never quite got the point of "voice verified". Is it like "I will only sexytime text with you, but trust me I'm really a woman and you won't catch the gay from it"? Otherwise people will probably figure out you sound like whatever you're claiming to be verified as when you start talking. I'm a voice verified Dalek! Woooooo!
  2. I cannot imagine how anyone could possibly come to the conclusion you do.
  3. It's been my experience that Second Life favors Team Green, at least with consumer grade cards on Windows computers. AMD's pro grade cards seem to have better OpenGL drivers than their consumer cards.
  4. It's almost like as soon as the fight against same sex marriage was lost, people moved onto another minority it was still socially acceptable to ostracize, then got a bunch of idiotic talking points from Breitbart to get people to defend straw men.
  5. No, I am not to blame for idiots trying to drag me into a game I have no interest in playing.
  6. I don't hate Bloodlines, it's more like disdain. And it's not delusion, it's experience. The experience of unsolicited bite requests from spampires where they shouldn't be. A bite pest standing it front of a "No Bloodlines" sign sending out bite requests to everyone who teleports in does not give non-players a positive impression of the game. And my impression was set years ago before my block list was full of spampire fangs.
  7. I wonder if this is all just a ploy to draw attention away from Randy Andy. Come with me to the conspiracy corner! From what little I've followed this, it sounds like this is Harry's doing, not Meghan being a harpy. He has always hated the British press, and I think justifiably so.
  8. That clothing budget will go a lot further in SL. I welcome our new king and queen.
  9. From what I gathered from reading a bit of his pamphlet is not that he's claiming smoking isn't harmful, but the WHO shouldn't be telling people about it. That's a bit of a distinction without a difference.
  10. You have not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original Klingon.
  11. I set the screen resolution to 2048x1152 and these settings most of the time: Dialing down water reflections or turning off Advanced Lighting Model can help when it gets too sluggish. HiDPI support will kill performance. Avatar Hardware skinning should never be turned off.
  12. It's probably using as much as it can. If you open the resource monitor in task manager, you'll probably see something like one core running full out, and the rest doing not much. SL just can't use the rest of those cores. You can max out the texture memory in Firestorm's graphics settings, and turn up other graphics settings, but once that first core is maxed out, you're hitting the wall.
  13. There isn't a next. The move to Windows as a service is what convinced me to go ahead and make the jump. There's no waiting for Windows 11 to bring back XP, future versions of Windows are the twice a year feature updates to 10.
  14. Unless you’re full of walnuts, it has to be awesome.
  15. Get the latest AMD drivers. When you run Firestorm, in the AMD controls, open gaming and it lets you make a profile, click the tune performance button and select auto tune performance. You should be able to turn up the SL settings much higher. All the shaders through Atmospheric shaders, at least, and I’d expect a 570 would be okay with ALM. 128M draw distance. I had the same problem with an RX 550 in an i5. The new drivers made a huge difference. SSDs are also the bomb. Every computer should have one. ETA, also set your texture memory in the Firestorm graphics hardware settings as high as it can go.
  16. I think Germany's technological superiority is vastly overrated. The technological advantages they had at the beginning of the war languished terribly and was quickly outclassed by the Allies. The advanced technology they managed to deploy was rarely ready for prime time and failed to effectively counter the conventional technology of the Allies. Sure, they led the way in operational jet fighters, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. A handful of mechanically temperamental jets were still no match for skies full of Mustangs. The lesson from the V-1 and V-2 is, until you can put nuclear warheads on them, they're no substitute for a strategic bombing force. They had no strategic bombing capability and while America was putting massive resources into developing nuclear weapons, Germany had some uranium cubes in a basement. Making sure all of their best nuclear scientists were working for the Allies wasn't a great plan. The technical advantage they had with U-boats disappeared by mid-1943. Their tanks were super bad ass looking, but mechanically poor and being able to kill a Sherman from a mile away is of little use when you're spending all your time hiding from P-47s or being overrun in a maintenance yard. The P-47 illustrates German technical stagnation. Germany started the war with the iconic dive bomber, and now they're getting slaughtered by an American fighter that's a better dive bomber than their best dive bomber. The pioneered a lot of technology that would be useful in future wars, but not so much in the one they were fighting. They also wasted a lot of resources on junk, while failing to make the needed improvements in their conventional technology.
  17. It would have turned into a Cold War between the United States and the victorious Axis powers. They would have probably ended up with their own endless military quagmires in Russia and China. Even if the Axis could have beaten Britain and Russia, there is no way they could have successfully invaded the United States. I mean, in reality they couldn’t even get across the English Channel. They wouldn’t have even tried North America.
  18. The Firestorm developers can support Windows 7 for as long as they want. Of course SL will stop working under Windows 7, everything will. We’ve known this is coming for years. Being forced off SL because an OS that hasn’t been sold for years is finally depreciated is like getting run over by a glacier. Microsoft stopped selling it almost seven years ago. People should have stopped using it when they started giving away Windows 10 five years ago. There is no excuse to still be using Windows 7.
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