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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. That's all they can do really. Short of shutting the grid down entirely forever or just banning bots outright. As with everything, there will always be those who will be bad actors just because they can.
  2. AS always it will be up to LL to determine if the account reported in the AR is a bot or not. Us plebs don't really need to know if we use the tools provided as intended.
  3. Too bad. Even I know you're just a softie at heart. Having a soft heart in a hard world is courage, not weakness.
  4. So, talking with the estate owner/managers and asking is out of the question? I just don't understand people who deliberately and obtusely limit their options when there are dozens of options if you just put your mind to work.
  5. Seems to me that levels the playing field when people are shopping for land in Belli. Those who don't know about such things are at a huge disadvantage. One of the many reasons I don't bother participating in a lot of things on the grid. All too often getting info or help that I need never happens, so I end up still on the outside looking in.
  6. Thank you! Now if you can just get down to the parcel level... 😋
  7. It's not the first time this sort of thing has happened in SL in the name of progress, and it won't be the last.
  8. In the nearly 20 years I've been in SL I have never needed a HUD to explore the grid so I'm having a hard time understanding why/how other people might have to depend on such devices. I've boated/sailed, flown, ridden, walked and driven all over the grid and never had the issues so many others seem to have. Worst has always been region crossings. When it happens, I just pick myself up, dust myself off, rez a new COPIABLE vehicle and continue my journey. It may be that putting all your eggs into one basket by having your business depend so heavily on a bot(s) might not have been a sound business plan.
  9. If LL wanted to, they could take it down to the parcel level, code wise. However, I can see where it might not be such a good idea from a technical/support POV. May that be the next step. 🙏
  10. Sorry for giggling. You said it yourself: I never use a phone number, only an email address.
  11. I have seen, in the past, where (on VS aka SLSecrets) people have been tracked down in RL. Or rather, their information. That info was used to threaten and, if I'm not mistaken, got at least one person fired from their RL job. There are always consequences to our actions. It's the ones that we don't see that do the most damage.
  12. There's this nice little thing, usually called a skip button, that allows you to continue registering without entering a phone number. Some platforms finally figured out that not everyone has a cell phone and not everyone wants or needs one. Or qualifies for a free government phone you have to use at least once a month to call your own landline because there isn't anyone to call. Seems rather pointless to me when I don't do business online (banking, buying products/services etc.). The only way to keep my info safe.
  13. I thought I would be able to stop worrying so much when my stalker died in RL. It hasn't worked that way yet. I still look over my shoulder.
  14. Not directing these questions at you specifically, it's in general. Why would any platform like SL make inworld profiles visible to the whole internet? What purpose does that serve? Does it benefit the individual whose profile is making the rounds? Remember when they tried to turn SL into FB and how badly that went over with residents? Think hard about the answers. This current bot situation is no different in the long run and it reeks too much of RedZone and zFire.
  15. FB has never gotten a phone number from me and never will. Yes, I do have an account. I don't bother using it anymore. It's a waste of time. Yes, they keep trying to get a phone number from me but I don't have a cell phone and the "landline" won't work since it's a regular phone that doesn't handle text messages or images. Love the built in voice mail and answering machine.
  16. It's like I keep telling my husband. If no one complains, nothing will change. I complained. Rooster is gone. I complained. Incessantly barking dog is gone. I complained. Chickens have been banished from the park. I complained. The park is in the process of tracking down the live bands and putting a stop to the all weekend long live music they do not have a permit for and have been disturbing the neighbors with for years. It takes time to do it correctly so that it doesn't occur again and if it does, there are things in place to deal with it appropriately. LL did drag their feet a bit in the RZ thing but in the end, they did the right thing when some legal and criminal things were pointed out to them. That's not saying LL wasn't going to do anything at all, just that they were reluctant to at first. Once they had more sound information to go on, they acted, changing the ToS in the process.
  17. I feel like I'm watching a tennis match where someone stole all the tennis balls.
  18. I wouldn't put much stock in what Elon Musk says. https://www.google.com/search?q=elon+musk+not+enough+population&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS963US963&oq=elon+musk+not+enough+population&aqs=chrome..69i57.9429j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
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