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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. They kept locking threads before I could even read them much less respond. 😬
  2. I know exactly what both policies are and what they do and don't do. Neither policy prevents someone from not self-certifying and then connecting to the grid. Those who do must meet LL's requirements or they are rejected. There are many people out there who compile their own viewer but do not share the use of the viewer. most are just doing it to have their own preferences, very few do it for nefarious reasons like copybotting. We can always ask two or three of those who have been approved (at some point) by LL. @Henri Beauchamp @Coffee Pancake @Jessica Lyon @NiranV Dean All 4 have viewers out that are/were approved by LL. They have all been on the TPV list. Scripted agents aren't really treated any differently. if LL doesn't approve of what you do with them, LL can and will remove them from the grid, regardless of being registered or not.
  3. It's that last sentence that people need to have pounded into their heads. it's on them if they choose to use a viewer that doesn't comply with LL's policies, not LL.
  4. not true. https://secondlife.com/corporate/third-party-viewers https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory
  5. Sounds to me like they're addicted to be so dependent on a script in a virtual world. Imagine if they had to do without their smartphones. Personally, I refuse to live my life so dependent on gadgets and I am happier for it.
  6. Someone has probably already pointed this out but just in case they didn't (and I haven't caught up yet) SL has never been Open Source. NEVER. Not even the TPVs have access to all the viewer code.
  7. The JLU did use RZ but when stuff started hitting the propeller, they had already made the transition to their own system. In other words when they realized what was about to come down, they bailed on RZ. The old SLU threads are still readable on the Wayback Machine for anyone who cares to dig deeper. The main discussions were 2 or 3 RZ threads of about 50k posts each and one or two JLU threads. All the other threads were mainly click bait.
  8. That's Ceka in the second image, not Rowan. 😂
  9. Bots cleaning up bots on the grid. Who thought that one up? 🤣
  10. I stole the image from Rowan because today, of all days, LL does this right after making the new estate tool release. LL has released the Flying Roombas (bots) to clean up the grid! 🤣
  11. If I'm not mistaken the RZ DB was hacked on three (or more) separate occasions. Each time it was released into the wild except for that last one I know about. It never got released because LL finally permanently banned the whole shebang. I vaguely recall other DBs being hacked and released but RZ is the one that had the most impact on me so I remember it and the fear.
  12. This section gives more details. Linden Lab Official:Scripted Agent Policy - Second Life Wiki
  13. If the list is stored inworld, you have nothing to worry about. It's only when info is stored outside of SL/LL's servers that people start getting itchy. I don't blame them. They have good reason to be concerned since LL has no jurisdiction outside of their own servers/products/websites.
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