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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. I also said earlier in the thread that as unfortunate as it is, this is one of the risks you take when doing business in online. Specifically, in SL. Over the past 19 years I have seen this happen more than once in SL and yet SL is still here, and we still support it even though my prim builds were ancient history before I ever got my business off the ground. I do empathize with those who may lose part or all of their business in SL but they knew that was a risk when they started. If they didn't, well, I'm sorry, they didn't do the research.
  2. I agree. This is why I think the new scripted agent feature needs to be implemented at the parcel level but not be able to override the estate/region settings. As I said earlier in the thread I can also see where doing so would be even more of a nightmare for LL. But that isn't for us to determine, and it looks like LL is taking it in steps. If all goes well enough function wise it may come about that we one day have the same settings at the parcel level (without being able to override region settings), if we hold our faces right. 😁
  3. I've said this before and likely will say it again. Tyche (creator/owner of GridSurvey) would take the necessary steps to prevent her bots from entering [y]our region/estate/homestead if you ask her to do so. All she needs is the name of the region and you won't see her land survey bots on that region ever again unless you ask to be included again or that region changes ownership/goes away. I know Tyche would do this because she did for me, a complete stranger that IMed her out of the blue asking if there was some way she could stop her bots because at the time (over a decade ago) my homestead was being bombarded with bots. That happened well over 10 years ago. This is how long the bot issue has been ongoing.
  4. Which is what I am talking about. Registered scripted agents allowed or disallowed on the Access Tab for a parcel when it has NOT been activated on the region/estate level. It may not be relevant in your opinion but that doesn't make it irrelevant.
  5. I never said it did. I've been in SL since 2004 and I am very familiar with how LL does and doesn't do things. There will always be an overload of ARs simply because LL no longer staffs as many employees as they once did. There was a time when LL did pay people to do just ARs. It's no longer financially feasible for LL to continue and hasn't been for more than a decade.
  6. You misunderstood my reply. I'm not so sure it's possible to have a discussion about estate settings without also discussing the parcels those settings affect. Most regions aren't just one large parcel. They're broken up into smaller parcels, except maybe homesteads. I'm wondering why it's so hard for people to understand that I am simply putting forth an idea an already existing tool that just might be useful... if only they (general you, not Rowan specifically) would listen instead of hearing what they want to hear. But they're too angry and are taking that anger out on me. I'm not the one they should be angry with, if they should be angry at anyone (or thing).
  7. And yet the Lindens themselves have been telling the residents when in doubt AR it and let the LINDENS DECIDE for nearly 20 years. Imagine that.
  8. I'm sorry Rowan that you went to all that trouble only to find out that I still am not taking about using the new feature in any shape or form. I am taking about using a tool that has been in About Land for more than 15 years. Of course, it can only happen on those regions the new feature has NOT be enabled on. The only reason I am posting again is so that you might understand that I am not referring to the new bot estate tool at all when I say it is possible to add bots to a parcel's Allowed list the same as they can be added to a parcel's ban list. It is no different than adding a regular account, but people seem to be completely ignoring that. *switches back to read only mode
  9. Not once have I said it would not have an effect on some people/businesses. NOT ONCE! And yet you have one or two thinking I have said exactly that. Not cool.
  10. You think I don't know what products I own in SL? LOL I know I don't own anything that requires a bot to use without a doubt. I have no use for most of that stuff. I have never had any need of a "tourguide" in SL to explore. I'm not like the majority of people in SL. I'm not in SL for the same reasons most people are.
  11. You said it effects everyone. I'm not part of everyone? Gee thanks for making me feel like I'm no longer on the outside looking in. Now that we are getting into personal attacks I'm out. Too much anger directed at me for no reason.
  12. Thank you. I wasn't saying a parcel whitelist would override an estate BAN list but that it may be possible to over ride the BOT feature using the whitelist. To my knowledge no one has actually tested this. Since I don't have any bots, I can't test for myself. This is why I wish you hadn't already unregistered yours. You might have gotten the region owner to cooperate so that we all know for certain.
  13. Not where I live but then my landlord isn't the ***** some think he is.
  14. Region owners are just as much a part of us as every other resident out there. No, it does not hurt everyone. It has absolutely no effect on me.
  15. My point is you do not have to have access to the estate tools when you have access to your parcel tools to whitelist any account be it registered agent or not. If that were the case, you'd have to ask your landlord to add someone to the estate ban list so it could be added to your parcel ban list every time you want to add or remove someone from your parcel list. It doesn't work that way. I don't think I'm getting what I'm seeing across to people so I'm just going to bow out.
  16. Please show me the documentation that states there is no per parcel whitelisting of bots. I haven't seen anything to indicate a bot can't be added to either an allowed or a banned list on a parcel unless it's a mainland parcel. You should be able to enter the bot name the same as an account name... since the account name is the bot name. Again, I've seen nothing that says a bot can't be added to a parcel whitelist. Seriously, please show me where it says bots can't ever be added to an allowed or banned list.
  17. All rules actively encourage violations by bad actors. This wasn't a kneejerk reaction on LL's part. The bot situation is something that has been brought up and discussed numerous times over the years both on the forum and inworld. It's been a long time coming and now that it's finally here, residents are making kneejerk reactions to others taking back control of their SL. The rules were already in place. Now LL has given us a tool we can use to help them enforce those rules. Win, win.
  18. This is the Access Tab under About Land for a parcel. Note the section for Allowed Residents. Here you can enter your botalts so that the estate bot ban doesn't affect YOUR bots on YOUR land. 🤔 Edit: Mainlanders may or may not have access to use that list. Not having access to such features on mainland is one of the many, many reasons I haven't lived on mainland since 2006.
  19. Belli isn't the only land in SL. Bots don't land just in Belli. I'm not speaking just about Belli.
  20. What, exactly, are you circumventing by having your alts as registered agents? Or, what, exactly, are you circumventing by NOT having your alts as registered agents? There will always be those bad actors who will always do something just because they can. There is nothing anyone can do to stop it except for the bad actors. If people want LL to start patrolling the grid for violations, don't complain when prices start going sky-high to cover the cost of patrolling the grid. You can also kiss SL goodbye at that point because it will not last long.
  21. I'm a little confused. Why would you have all of your alts as registered agents? I'm sure you realize that by making the alts registered agents, you've limited the usage of that account to non-personal use so you should be able to see why I ask. Even if all I am doing is setting poses using an alt, I do not register them as bots for the simple reason that they are not bots. I know you have better sense than this Paul. Did you even consider adding the alts to the whitelist on your parcel? You do have options.
  22. Not one single word of this post addressed anything in my statement. Most of the residents of SL DO USE THE TOOLS PROVIDED. I can tell exactly what would have happened in the case you presented. LL would have done precisely nothing to your friend. LL has all chats available to them to see what exactly happened. That includes private messages and group chats. Been there done that many, many times over the past 20 years. Your bs don't fly with me when you are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.
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