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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Being the sendee (recipient) and not the sender makes a difference. If it lands in Trash at all it wouldn't be in the OP's Trash. Always check L&F and Trash for lost items. Always check Trash before dumping. Two basic rules oldbies tend to forget new(er)bies don't know because it isn't in documentation, it's in the habits you form as you learn.
  2. I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere. I thought I was on Earth.
  3. I thought I remembered seeing a necro from 2011 fairly recently.
  4. Them: "if you ban me you have to ban x and y and z or it's not fair" Me: Who said life was fair? Who said you could dictate to me how I run my land? 🙄 /me mutes/bans/ejects in that order Problem solved. 😁
  5. Gachas are usually no copy. So yes, they are lost in the ether with no means of recovery. Sorry.
  6. Even the Lindens should get a giggle out of that one. 🤭
  7. No need to lock the thread unless things get out of hand. That hasn't happened [yet]. A bit of a derail, yes, but nothing worthy of being locked.
  8. The closest Best Buy is about 3 towns over from my town. My point being many people do not live in a big city and do not have the same access. Can we please get back on topic now?
  9. My mother had polio as a child. There was no vaccine at the time. She was one of the fortunate ones and grew up to be able to turn down an offer from the New York City Ballet Company. Polio is no laughing matter, and it is still out there. Anyone can still contract it. Yes, I know WHO and the CDC say it's been eradicated but the truth is we have never truly completely eradicated any virus. I'd even go so far as to say it's not possible to completely eradicate any virus. The deck is stacked against us and always will be. Not trying to say you shouldn't joke about it, just saying that no virus will ever be completely eradicated and that kind of kills the jokes for me. Although yours did get a tiny smile out of me.
  10. Is there anywhere in SL that you can go and not find drama of one sort or another? 🤭
  11. Don't need to work somewhere to know how they do things. I have eyes, ears and a brain. Scary thought that it is, I do use them. And I have been in the position where I had no choice but to buy from Goodwill or I did without. Mostly did/do without. Throw them back on the lawn? That is littering. There are Goodwill stores across the US and people everywhere use them to dump their unwanted electronics and appliances because they can't afford to pay a special service to come in and haul them off. Most of us don't have anywhere we can store those kinds of things until they can be hauled away. We get one of these brochures every year as a reminder. Even so, I'm still glad I do not live in California. That isn't a reflection on you. I'm just not willing to put up with the bs. Almost forgot. Back on topic: Using any of the features in SL is a choice and no one can be forced to use any of them. Except by LL. And even then, you still have the choice to leave SL if you don't care for how things are done.
  12. All they do is plug in appliances to see if they will turn on. If they do, on the shelf it goes, if it doesn't, it is disposed of. They don't repair anything. Food is biodegradable which is why it makes good compost. If the diapers can't go into the landfill where do they go? It would be better to go back to using cloth diapers. I'm glad I don't live in California.
  13. Decades (!) ago, Muncie to Esler Field, a short layover and plane change at Atlanta, take off from Atlanta then land in NO, take off and land in BR shortly after and then a few minutes later land at Esler. It resulted in hearing loss to add to the tinnitus I've had since I was a child. Those short hops never allowed me to relieve the pressure. Nothing worked. Not chewing gum or swallowing or anything. It's why I will never fly again and if I must for some reason I can't fathom right now, I won't set foot on anything larger than a Boeing 727.
  14. I was going to add to the list but then I realized you seem to have covered it all.
  15. I'm the last one standing in a handful of groups, one or two that I created as far back as 2005. The rest I just can't bring myself to let go of. I don't have a favorite, it's sentimental for me. I keep them hidden because no one needs to know. 🤫😉 It did take me a long time to leave groups like JEVN but at some point, for that type of group, you just have to let go. Especially if you are basic.
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