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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Inside jokes are only funny to those who are in on the joke. It still doesn't explain why someone would try to get me to go to DeviantArt, which has absolutely nothing to do with anything I have said. There are far too many under 18 on DA.
  2. You change clothes in RL everyday... don't you? 😏
  3. Who is Bill and why would I want to be on DA? I don't publish my work online. That's just begging for trouble.
  4. I must have grown up in the only place in the south where that phrase wasn't derogatory. Now that's something to be peeved about.
  5. Wow. You really are a misanthrope. You hate humans so much you want them all to go deaf! 😜 It's weird I know but the electric ones don't have nearly as bad an effect on my tinnitus as the gas-powered ones. Electric ones just make me wanna slap some sense into the user. Gas powered ones make me wanna kill. I thought they'd already built one? 🤭
  6. How big is my block list? Well. According to my handy dandy Stanley Hi-visibility 12' steel measuring tape it's just under 12"x15". What an odd question to ask. 🤷‍♀️ 🤭
  7. For some strange reason this story reminds me of Cinderella, starring Ceka as the evil step-mother.
  8. I try to practice every day. https://www.barbneal.com/the-collection/looney-tunes/marvin-the-martian/
  9. This is one of those peeves that end up making you giggle. I'm currently reading Old Man's War by John Scalzi: http://scalzi.com/books/omwpreview.html A little more than half way through the book Scalzi introduces a new character. The character's name is Aimee Weber. https://aimeeweber.com/ I'm peeved I don't know which one of you jokers wrote this book! 😂 If you like Starship Troopers, you'll love this book.
  10. PIOF (2006) existed long before LL decided they needed to do age verification (May 2007) prior to changing the region ratings to what we have now. PIOF (2006): https://secondlife.fandom.com/wiki/Version_1.10.5 Age verification (2007): https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Age_verification Region rating changes took place in 2009: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/History/Adult_content
  11. Had to share. The kid is better than the adult! Nevermind. Not working like I thought. Ok. Let me try this again. Found a different way. https://www.facebook.com/reel/744149416767984
  12. First rule of FIC is you don't talk about FIC. 🤭
  13. Pardon me. I meant to type "it had nothing to do with" because back then it didn't have anything to do with it. That doesn't mean things and people haven't changed since. I'm going to bow out before someone else bites my head off for reading more into my post that what is there. 😬
  14. As I recall, it was the landowners who made the initial request, mainly because, as you said, at the time too many new accounts were alts used for griefing. Those alts would be brand spanking new to a few hours to a few days old and none of them would have PIOF. It worked then and it still works. It has nothing to do with "class in SL".
  15. Join the club! Wait... there's a club?! 😲
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