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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. RZ was also storing personal information that had nothing to do with SL such as how many children you have in RL, where you work in RL, your spouse's name and workplace, your children's school. Get the picture now?
  2. LOL I meant how she coded her bots to not land on regions the regions owner requested not be included in her surveys. I've never known Tyche to be a jerk even when it was obvious she was angry.
  3. Someone should ask @Tyche Shepherd what she did to prevent her bots from landing on regions they weren't wanted.
  4. Where has anyone said they didn't want anyone visiting? Do you have an issue with people being able to choose who is allowed to visit their land in SL the same as they choose who is allowed to visit them in their own home in RL? Over the years I have learned that there are people on the grid who I absolutely do not want any contact with so I do make certain they can't enter my land. If that is an issue for you then perhaps you should speak with a professional.
  5. And we're back to both the page and next buttons dumping me at the BOTTOM of the next page as if I had already read those posts when I've never even seen the damn page! 🤬
  6. Yes! Caramel drizzled on cheesecake, yes! Chocolate covered pretzels, NO! Preztels are ok just more salt than I care for and don't need. Chocolate covered pretzels on cheesecake? Them's fightin' werds.
  7. The popcorn is caramel coated. Like Cracker Jacks. I miss the original Cracker Jacks with the roasted peanuts, also covered with caramel. You got something against caramel? Are we gonna have a 10 page long "discussion" about the merits of caramel before coming to the conclusion to agree to disagree? Do we dare enter the Twilight Zone? Tune in next year for the new season! 💨
  8. Boiling chicken in water is how you get the broth. Herbs and spices are optional, especially for those who are on medical diets.
  9. Try hitting Ctrl+F5 with the page open. Ctrl+F5 refreshes the page by clearing the cached content of the page. Edit: In Windows.
  10. And when clicking on the page number at the bottom of the page to go to the next page, it still dumps me AT THE BOTTOM OF THE NEXT PAGE when it is supposed to BE AT THE TOP. Yet, if I click NEXT, it takes me straight to the top of the next page. That is NOT how those buttons work. BOTH should take you to the top of the page just like every other forum out there for the past 40 years. LL should switch to Zenforo. *nods sagely*
  11. When you raegquit... can I haz yer stuffs? 😁
  12. Let Torley build it. All dayglo watermelon and lime. 🤭 @Clover McGregor
  13. It's gonna be a while. Most don't ever think to check it's plugged in. 😏
  14. I wonder if they remembered to plug it in. 🤔
  15. I love how you guys can turn a simple yes/no question into a pages long discussion. Will this one make it past the first page? Will the barbs fly? Will the trolls be driven back under their bridge? Tune in tomorrow! Same bat time, same bat channel! 🤭
  16. A better way would be to just add a Redeliver button and leave the date alone. I, for one, want that date where I can see it easily. Right where it is, is perfect. The redelivery button could be for those who don't know how to identify links on a webpage. Obviously, that does not mean you personally since you did identify the link. 😜
  17. In case someone doesn't get the reference, both songs were used as themes for Highlander movies and tv series. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highlander_(franchise)
  18. I'm not leaving until they [permanently] shut down the server(s) to kick me off. 🥳
  19. That was for the OP. I just used your post as a springboard. Sorry I forgot to say that.
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