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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. My ex made a rear bumper for my little Toyota pickup. He was a welder at a RR yard and so the bumper was made from cast iron pipe in his spare time at work and it was a lovely thing. Did its job extremely well. A little too well. It was made because I got rearended (on a rainy day) but then the darn thing started acting like a magnet. My truck got rearended twice more after the bumper was put on! I'm peeved because I loved that truck and would be driving it to this day if it had not been for that last reaming. No, that's not a typo. Laugh. Go on. I dare ya! 👅
  2. I have been known to keep it about 5 below the limit when idjits tailgate. I love watching them get pulled over while I go about my merry little way.
  3. Whoever told these people SL would be a good place to start/do their research should be declared incompetent. 🙏
  4. You first. 🌋 It was your idea! That means you're just as guilty as anyone else! 😜
  5. And in the early days, Tringo, Slingo and another one I have forgotten the name of. From 2010:
  6. Bank alts are actually very common in SL and have been for more than 15 years.
  7. Just how many hoops do people have to jump through to have access to their own stuff!? 10? 20? Next, you'll be wanting to password/token/wtfever protect our inventories so that we have to provide 10 different security question answers before we can even open Inventory, much less change anything. Where do you draw the line? Just how far do you think protecting people from themselves should be taken? When will it be enough? When there is no one left because by the time you get done verifying everything, it's time to log out and go to bed so you can go to work the next day and do it all over again? Thank you, no.
  8. Making MFA, or whatever you want to call it, opt in completely defeats the purpose of making it mandatory. I'm not even sure why I bother these days since the way things are going it will be impossible for me to be online. Having to have a freaking cellphone just to be able to log on to the internet is just around the corner. Not no, but HELL NO.
  9. I got that. Bu you don't offer anything for those who don't have cellphones? That I do not get.
  10. No, thank you. By that I mean I don't use anything anyone on the internet recommends. There have been those cases where it was a scam. Not that you would do such a thing. I just have my ways that work for me.
  11. 😕? Send a one-time code to what phone? The landline? It can't get text messages. The scams aren't going to stop until the people pulling the scams stop pulling them. Good luck with that since many of them don't believe or see (or care) that what they are doing is wrong.
  12. So those of us who do not have a cellphone are just SOL and can't buy Ls? Let's not do the whole government funded phone thing again please. I'd still have to call my own "landline" to keep it active. And I simply do not want a cellphone nor do I have a need for one.
  13. Yes, for the most part. It's usually called disposable income for those that have it.
  14. I only log in from home. I don't even have a smartphone or cellphone. I don't need Big Brother holding my hand even though I am in my 60s and apparently suffer from dementia or Alzheimer's. 🙄 If someone really wants to take your SL account, MFA isn't going to stop the determined.
  15. This is when you get on the phone and talk to CS. They can and do ask you questions about your account to verify. One they may ask is to list 3 - 5 people on your contact list. Another would be any and all email addresses you have/might have used. There are other things they can ask about that only the person who opened the account would know the answer to. Been there, done that. Got my account back.
  16. The elderly are most susceptible to being scammed because they are targeted more often than the young and dumb.
  17. I didn't log out. I just closed the dialog box and went about my day. That was more than 10 years ago, and I'm not really surprised someone managed to do it again. It's what script kiddies did/do. Give it a few years and it'll crop up again, a few newbies might fall for it but other than that it will fail like it always has since people are usually quick to report such things to LL. LL, with the exception of RZ, has always been prompt in closing financial loopholes.
  18. It doesn't work when LL never completely deletes the account. https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/31000135218-i-want-to-cancel-my-account- https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/31000152533-i-want-to-reactivate-my-account-#:~:text=In many cases%2C you can,the self service reactivation option.
  19. Peeve: Rubberneckers never stop to think that if they'd let people through the door, they'd have more to gawk at. 😊
  20. Four Kings Casino and Slots... definitely NOT Second Life. lol https://store.steampowered.com/app/260430/The_Four_Kings_Casino_and_Slots/
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