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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Twice in 4 long years is nothing more than coincidence. Even twice in one year is coincidence. Twice in one day could still be coincidence but it isn't likely.
  2. You need the original files, not ones downloaded from SL. I'm going to pass on a bit of advice that was given to me back in the early days of SL. Three simple words. Just remember PAS. People Are Stupid. People don't always stop and think before they act or insert foot into mouth. They just do and it usually turns out to be something they shouldn't have done. Humans. Can't live with them. Can't live without them.
  3. People who are stuck at home bored out of their minds. Sorry to drop the bombshell on you like that. If everything is of your creation (from scratch, not saying it isn't) then you have nothing to worry about. The counter claim should take care of the issue since you should have all the evidence you need on your hard drive (psd files, object files). You did need to know that if the other person wants to be an ass and throw away money to get rid of you, that's how far they will have to go. There are those who are nutty enough to do it.
  4. Name and shaming is against forum rules. You need to remove the name. As for the rest if you have RLV on, turn it off, remove all attachments and relog. If RLV is off, remove all attachments and relog. Do not wear anything you may have that was given to you by that person.
  5. All you can do now is wait until LL takes action. Unless I am misremembering (or something changed) you will be able to relist your items once the counter claim has been processed and LL determines your claim is legitimate. You should also be prepared for this to go to court so that means you might want to start shopping around for an attorney.
  6. First thing you need to do is file a counter claim. This is the info you need: https://www.lindenlab.com/legal/intellectual-property-infringement-notification-policy
  7. Claiming to be a Linden Lab/Linden Research employee is a violation of the ToS/CS. If reported it will get your main and all alts banned from SL. Permanently. Create a new account and LL will eventually find out and you will be banned again. It is as simple as that.
  8. As seen on America's Funniest Videos. Mother (apparently sitting on the "throne") to 3 year old daughter: Can I have privacy please? 3 year old: Uh huh Mother: Can I have some privacy please? 3 year old: Yes, you can. (looks in hand bag hanging from shoulder then looks up at her mom) I don't have any. 🤭
  9. "Savage." Do people even bother to read what they quote? 😬
  10. Just in case you'd like to see the correct order. Men White privilege Trump 🤭
  11. Maybe OP should have taken a moment and thought about how others might see their reaction if they really want to get this group thing going? It won't make a difference for me, now, but it might for someone else. What someone else says and does isn't a license to take it out on everyone else. The very kind of thing abuse victims don't need.
  12. I'm female and I've been online since the 80s and in SL since 2004. Not that it has anything to do with how you present yourself. Your statement here only reinforces my own and I stand by my statement. You are too aggressive for me to be comfortable around and be able to talk about my own experiences. So, again, no, thank you.
  13. It is in color. It just an illusion that it's in black and white. It has to do with the angle of the sunlight, distance from the sun, blah, blah, blah. All stuff professional photographers learn about on earth but atmospheric conditions on Mars are different. https://mars.nasa.gov/mars2020/spacecraft/rover/cameras/ Some other links at the top of the page you might be interested in.
  14. I'm only gonna say one thing and let it go. If I ever move back east and don't go back home, I'm moving back to Townsend. 🙃
  15. I think the Sky Cranes are the way to go until something better comes along. The Perseverance landing had to be the smoothest one yet! That first image from the landing cam was almost instant. So were the second and third images. Beautiful! Did anyone else jump up out of their chairs and applaud when the team did? I didn't jump out of my chair either but I sure was cheering and applauding with as much enthusiasm as I had in 1964 when the Ranger 7 landed on the moon. I was almost 6 at the time so you can imagine. 🤭
  16. At one point, on the NASA YouTube channel, there were over 3.2 million people watching. Several YouTube channels were running it at the same time so you could probably add a few million more to that. I'll breathe easy when Perseverance wakes up in the morning with a strong signal. 🤞 I think most of us watching really want off this mudball. 🤭
  17. You're talking about country folk that don't live in town. I'm talking about the country folk that live in town. 🤭 There are those who still have to get out in it and work. My father was one of them, especially if a city main broke. Since the family company are the ones who laid most of the underground utilities in that town, we had the plans and all the files from when the work was done. Where I lived is a lot further south than Tennessee. lol
  18. It's not the snow that shuts things down in the south so much as the ice. People in the [deep] south are not used to snow or ice and certainly are not prepared to drive in or on either one. Mostly those who grew up in an environment that gets snow/ice every winter and moved to the south are the only ones brave enough to get out in it. True southerners are too damned stubborn to leave/move.
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