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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. If, IF, in the event Olin does not log back into SL, those who rent on his regions may want to contact LL (individually and/or as a group) and arrange for you to have a bit of time to pick up your things before L shuts the regions down. LL has always worked with residents in situations like this when LL is made aware of what has occurred. Don't wait too long though because if there isn't enough to cover his monthly when that comes due... yeah and I doubt anyone but him knows what his due date is. There is a chance a manager might know. Whoever is supposed to be in charge when the owner is absent (like sleeping). Anyway, point being communication (with LL) is the key if you don't want to end up in a sandbox with a ton of items all clumped in one huge... well... clump.
  2. One of the nicest things about the Cove is you can keep vehicles out quite easily. There's only one road in and out. Boom.
  3. Reminds me of Cades Cove. I have some 35mm shots of it still from back in the early 90s. If I ever get around to scanning them I'll share them with you. Ever since visiting the Cove, I've always wished I had the money to buy it so I could live there. But. It's a national park and I don't want to "begrudge" others the beauty and tranquility of the place. https://www.nps.gov/grsm/planyourvisit/cadescove.htm If you haven't been and can ever get there, go! It is more than worth the visit, especially if you can go during the off season (late fall through early spring). Edit: We were there during the winter right after Christmas in 92, then again in April of 93.
  4. I swear I didn't know what my main and alts have been up to when I haven't been logged in until I found this in one of the Inventories...
  5. You've let your imagination run away with you. I scrolled through 3 or 4 pages worth of politically charged posts before making mine without even seeing yours and you are accusing me of attacking you. Sweetheart? Really? Not everything is about you. Not everything I post is about you. In fact the vast majority of my posts have absolutely nothing to do with you. The thought of you never crosses my mind 99.99999999999999% of the time. Good day.
  6. Um. What? Are you trying to claim my post was directed AT you personally? It was not aimed at any one person in particular. Good lord, you flatter yourself too much.
  7. I find it interesting that other people have no trouble understanding my points yet you always do.
  8. So how does the Nam's Optimal in EEP compare with how it looked in WL? If there's little to no difference I might just update to the newest release before FS says I gotta.
  9. Aaaannnnnd back to politicizing Covid... again. ☹️ I'd make another thread for people to actually talk about Covid and be able to vent without all the political bs but it would be a wasted effort since sooner or later someone would crash the thread and get it shut down. Some of us are very limited in where we go online (whether by choice or necessity or both) to socialize and then we find that limited circle is shrinking because others insist on being inconsiderate. Anyone know where one can go where this sort of thing isn't allowed? No? Didn't think so. ☹️
  10. If you aren't spending 5 minutes staring at the screen trying to figure out what the hell went wrong so you can fix it every time it happens... you're doing better than I am.
  11. Yesterday was not a good day. Today isn't much better. Don't ask me why I typed Google when Amazon was in my head. I don't have an answer. Other than, you know how sometimes you are thinking one thing but you actually say something different without realizing what you were saying wasn't quite matching what you were thinking? Yeah, that.
  12. I would have thought the profits from vaccines would be much higher than other "existing treatments" since more people trust vaccines and immunizations than don't.
  13. Superpower: Environmental Adaptation so I can move to Mars. Music: Philadelphia Philharmonic Orchestra c. 1970s I came this || close to playing for the Jr. Philharmonic which would have given me an excellent shot at a seat on the main. I blame Picard. TV Series: Star Trek: Voyager They made it home. They got to go home.
  14. It's kind of like a roller coaster. It has it's ups and downs (mostly ups) but watch out for the loop the loop. Just hang on to the bar in front of you until the ride comes to a stop. Then, once you get out of the car and away from the ride you can beat him over the head with a nerf bat.
  15. I've lived my whole life at a "slower pace" and only fairly recently gotten hubby to slow down. Not due to Covid but due to the fact that he is finally accepting he can't do everything he did when he was in his 20s and 30s. lol Everyone should always take time to stop and smell the roses. 🌹
  16. I don't know if your experience is the strange one or if mine is. I have some scripts I recently* purchased that I use for creating texture change HUDs that are copy/no mod/trans and I have to reset the scripts in both the HUD and the target object (only 2 scripts) whenever I make a change like adding a texture** along with the face number, color etc in the notecard. If I don't reset both scripts it won't work. Other than that I don't know what to say. *within the past month **normally add several at once rather than one at a time. Too many at once can get confusing and lead to errors.
  17. That's not why I wanted to know where. I've never needed a VPN so I don't use one. I don't do much in the way of surfing any more because ID 10 Ts. I think I found it. Too far away for us to commute. https://www.oregonlive.com/silicon-forest/2018/04/google_touts_18_billion_invest.html Thanks though!
  18. And if Tomorrow Never Comes? Or, What if They Gave A War and Nobody Came? 🙃
  19. I already told my doctor that I'd probably continue with the mask during "normal" cold and flu season if we ever get past Covid. At least when I have to go to places like the grocery store during busy times. Or if I have to take public transportation. Things like that. Out riding or doing something else outdoors I may not wear one but I will have one with me just in case. That made her happy and that, in turn, gives me more confidence in a young doctor that has only been in practice for 5/6 years. She came up with a workable solution to reducing a dosage that needed to be reduced (if not completely done away with it at all possible) when no other physician had even bothered. Now that hubby is working from home, neither of us gets sick as often. That's like pennies from heaven.
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