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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. FORE! *after I've picked myself up off the floor from laughing so hard* Playing golf in Scotland.
  2. Both for and against (if I can do that). Teletubbies! Why my mind went there I'll never know. 🤭
  3. That's a bit of a low blow isn't it even if she isn't providing any kind of sources to back up her claims? I'm not trying to criticize you, it just took me a bit by surprise because it's not how you usually handle this sort of thing that I've seen. I hope everything is ok with you. 🤗
  4. Where? Where in Oregon that is. 😊 I'm just wondering how close it is to me.
  5. Name the 5 deep south states. Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida. 🤭
  6. Not disagreeing with you just saying there are some things I keep on hand because of their ability(?) to kill bacteria and viruses. Lysol concentrate (and spray)* is one. Another is hydrogen peroxide for cleaning cuts and abrasions as well as occasional use as a facial cleanser followed by witch hazel. I've found those two items to be the most effective in generally staying well. *any and all Lysol products
  7. I don't disagree with him but it kind of falls to the parents to be sure they and/or their children aren't using too much toothpaste. The other thing I had trouble with is how does he expect things to NOT change from one century to the next? A lot can happen in the span of just a few years and obviously some of the research couldn't be done in just a few months. There are advantages and disadvantages to everything including preventive health measures. The key is "moderation". It's when you over do things that the most damage is caused. What was it that old Brylcreem commercial jingle said? A little dab will do you.
  8. I know what you are saying. What I was saying is you can "open" the script (maybe not in inventory but in a rezzed object) and even though you can't modify the script itself, you can still do such things [from the build window as well on the Content tab (last one on the right)] as reset the script on a no mod script. That is something LL has to allow or people would be even less inclined to stay in SL if they have to re-rez scripted items every time the server hiccups or something else goes wrong. I've been resetting no mod scripts for years. If I recall correctly, the other function is Refresh on the Content tab. So some things do need to remain visible while grayed out because at some point the owner of the object may have the necessary permissions to use those functions or have some sort of workaround like the Reset and Refresh on the Content tab (except those are never grayed out to my knowledge).
  9. I've only seen that happen when there's been an issue with SL. I've always been able to set a script to not running. But... now that I think about it, I may have been doing that in the script itself and not in the build menu. That particular one might have something to do with no mod permissions though. I think that is one that is grayed out in the build menu when the script is no mod. *pouts* I dun wanna log in and check... maybe tomorrow. Nah, who am I trying to kid? 🤭 Someone *grins at Solar* is bound come along and correct me if I'm wrong. 😋
  10. You can have mine. I'd prefer to wait until more extensive testing has been done. It happened too fast for my comfort.
  11. lol I'm not sure what you understood now but yes, LL did change the TOS so they could force people to change website names years ago. They tried it on Cris and SLU but it didn't work.
  12. No, I was saying the same thing you were in regards to posting chat and IMs outside of SL. I never said a word about SLS/VS. Go back and re-read my posts if you need to. I never mentioned Kess or her site. Yes, I do know about it. No, I don't go there. I outgrew slambooks before they ever existed. It was a misunderstanding so of course I accept and apologize for my own part in the misunderstanding. I'm sorry it came off that way to you. I admit my feathers were a bit ruffled yesterday but it had nothing to do with you, the thread or SL. Please accept my apology for that as well.
  13. I don't seem to have that problem in FS. Didn't have it in PH or EM or the LL viewers either. Or any of the viewers I've used. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  14. Ah! I think I see what you're getting at now and I have to agree.
  15. You can call and tell them exactly what you just posted and they'll ask you questions to verify you are the owner of the account but no one will be answering the phones for another 12 hours. Some of the questions may include names of friends on your contacts list.
  16. Well, for newbs especially, those two menus are effectively buried if you don't know the hot keys to use. Personally, I like having the UI where I can see it and have the things I use most "at my fingertips". I'm also one of those nutcases that prefers the pie menu in FS. Make the UI "go away" and you might as well be in mouselook, imo, but then, I can't use mouselook so I might be a little bit biased.
  17. I might be missing the mark here but one thing that comes to mind is not everyone should be tinkering around in Advanced or Develop menus in the viewer. That's why you have to intentionally activate them. Or maybe I'm just thinking "hidden" in this context means something different than what you're thinking. Or.... maybe I should smoke another bowl.
  18. I haven't misunderstood. Not once I have said a single word about copyright. What I am talking about doesn't have anything to do with copyright. I know open chat and IMs can't be copyrighted. That is why I am not talking about that. I am talking about the fact that chat and IMs can NOT be shared WITHIN SL without permission from all involved in those conversations but that they can be shared outside of Linden Lab services/servers/forums/Marketplace/etc/etc/etc. Any website that Linden Lab does not pay for, Linden Lab does NOT have jurisdiction over. Conversations don't have anything to do with copyright. So why are you convinced I am wrong? It's been years and I forget who but LL has been to court a time or two over it and LL did not win.
  19. One more time. I am NOT talking about the section you just quoted. I am talking about the one you posted and then you quoted it in your own post on page 2. The one that DOES pertain to CONVERSATIONS which DO INCLUDE IMs . IMs ARE CONVERSATIONS.
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