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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. You sure they are siblings and not offspring? Sounds just like my kids did when they were young. lol
  2. Not disagreeing with you just wanted to point out that there are hundreds out of the roughly 4 million First Nations people that do not live in the US (many weren't born in the US/had children overseas). Like David Little Elk. Last I knew he was still living in Germany.
  3. Thank you. Now I don't have to go digging up the link to prove that those questions are standard because of the US Census.
  4. I mostly ignore random IMs because 99.9999999999% of the time it's some jerk of a guy who only wants to get his rocks off and doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself. And then of course they get pissy if I do answer and turn them down, never stopping to consider their target just might be a r.ape victim. Oh no. She has to be some kind of lesbian or prude or something I can't name without getting banned. This is the kind of crap I have to deal with on a daily basis in SL and in RL so yes, I do tend to avoid people. I got fed up with being treated like ***** decades ago.
  5. It has suddenly dawned on me why I don't have any friends. They haven't invented the holodeck yet.
  6. By the time I finished reading your post I was hearing it in V's voice. Stop that! 😆
  7. You mean like screaming banshee Beatles fans? No, thank you. I'd rather not make myself look any more ridiculous than I already do.
  8. If you want just a single post, go to the post and then click on the 3 dots for that post then hit share. Like this: Edit: I linked my own post in case that confuses you.
  9. You can link to individual posts and threads though. Click on the three dots (of the post or thread you want to link) and then select Share.
  10. You don't. You can't even edit a quote in if you forget to quote. This forum software is highly restrictive in what posters can and can't do compared to the forums I've been a member of for decades, even after those forums updated to current "standards". Not sure whose standards they are but they definitely are not mine.
  11. I think we're going to be ok for a few more years. From the link Coffee posted.
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