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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. It's better to mash the button rather than smash the button. 😉
  2. I used to get that bs too at 5' 3 3/4" and 115-120lbs. I'm now over 60 and my current weight runs 123-127lbs and I still get that crap.
  3. My brother was a chess wiz. The one time I managed to beat him, it pissed him off. He refused to play me after that. There are no rules against changing strategy several times during the course of the game. That's what happens when people deliberately try to make me look stupid. You won't see it coming either.
  4. Sounds like the chess pieces were rubberbanding. The game could have been lagging.
  5. The hard part is finding the ones that will treat you right. Most of them are already taken and aren't likely to ever be single again. There's plenty of fish in the sea but there's also a lot of
  6. I don't normally watch but this one I watched all the way through. Wow. Just... wow. Whoever did this vid should be doing them for SL/LL. This is the kind of thing that will sell SL. Maybe add a few humans and other types to give a taste of the endless variety. This was really well done. Bravo!
  7. You need something like this then. I could never justify that kind of an expense for a place I didn't own. Whoever owns the building is the one responsible for those kinds of repairs/upgrades. Last apartment I lived in (about 8 years) didn't even have overhead lights except in the kitchen, dining area and hallway so we couldn't even install ceiling fans. We lived on the 2nd floor, and of course heat rises so winters were almost as miserable as summers. I'll live in a tent (again) before I ever live in another apartment complex.
  8. Peeve: Being attacked for not wanting to associate with greedy people as if there is something wrong with that. I make my decisions on who to associate with based on the same things everyone else does (honesty, integrity, kind, caring etc), yet I am wrong for not wanting to be around people who don't care who they walk over as long as they get what they want.
  9. I'm done with people twisting my words to mean something they don't.
  10. Oh. I'm sorry. I was thinking about all those people who want a Belli home but can't get one because people with multiple premium accounts can't be satisfied with just two homes, they have to have as many as they have premium accounts. I'm also sorry I have the integrity to not want to be around greedy people. I've lost way too much to greedy, selfish people over the years to want to voluntarily expose myself to the risk again. If that is being narrow minded, then so be it.
  11. You must not be aware of the number of people in Belli that have more than one account and thus more than one Belli home. Some of them have several Belli homes. IMO, LL should limit individuals to no more than 2 Belli homes simultaneously per individual, not account. At least until such time as they have built enough regions to cover the current demand. I understand wanting more than one Belli home, but the greediness of owning more than two Belli homes doesn't look good on the person and tells me you really aren't the kind of person I'd want to be friends.
  12. It is human nature to procreate wherever and whenever possible. While many species do mate for life, there is no monogamy and there are just as many species that do not mate for life. Humans fall somewhere in between.
  13. Stop wasting perfectly good food! Cast iron is used only before you start cooking and after you clean up!
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