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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. It's only the ones that come in like gangbangers that I have no tolerance for. That kind of attitude immediately puts my hackles up. We seem to have been getting more than our 'fair share' lately.
  2. We are not Native Americans. We are First Nations. It still won't change the US industry standard questions for surveys like this.
  3. I'm pretty sure FS isn't the official viewer that most start out with. And are you sure you can use those preferences with the Dev menu disabled? I'm not. @Whirly Fizzle
  4. Threads like this are one of myriad of reasons LL decide to put the lookat tool under the DEVELOPERS menu AFTER you have to enable the ADVANCED menu. The damn thing IS hidden. You have to deliberately look for it in order to enable it. Neither the Advanced nor Developer menus are readily visible. BOTH HAVE TO BE ENABLED in order to be able to find the tools. If someone is using lookat as an EXCUSE to harass/grief you, they have enabled those menus deliberately for that singular purpose and should be ARed.
  5. I got yelled at about it a few times back in 2005/6 but not since I turned it all off and left it all disabled.
  6. You don't need to know where MY camera is pointing just YOURS. It's not for OTHER people to see, it's for YOU to see so you can use that to clarify an issue to LL. It has been there since day one and LL hasn't seen fit to remove it for a reason. Unless you would rather your cameras and animations just be broken forever.
  7. How else is a human dev going to be able to see where the camera is pointing when it's supposed to be pointing at something else? Sometimes residents need to be able to tell support what they are seeing so they can get the issue resolved. In short it is how LL debugs camera issues.
  8. I should have made sure I was at the beginning of the slideshow before posting the link that puts you at the last 4 frames. Let's try this again. These photos capture the devastating impact of climate crisis (msn.com)
  9. Last thing on my tv that I saw was this and I'm still trying to figure out how being rescued by fire works. Maybe @Madelaine McMasters can shed some light on the subject for us? https://tubitv.com/movies/524895/fireplace-meditation-relaxation-sound?start=true
  10. Yes, I know. You can't possibly be wrong about anything. If you really cared about people who use your viewer and the rest of us who absolutely refuse to deal with YOU, you would find someone to act as liaison and stop treating people as if they were all too stupid to deal with.
  11. LL must have had a reason for leaving lookat available to residents back in 2003. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Show_Look_At Scroll down to just past Torley's (Friendly Greetings!) video. You will need to restart the viewer to see the changes.
  12. Thunderstorm and cracking fire. I found a fire on Tubi that runs 3 hours and one of my alarm clocks has white noises so I can have the crackling fire and get my thunder fix while reading. 😁
  13. Many of the threads from SLU are available on Wayback in full. You just have to look for the longest ones like the Dutchie one. That's all the info I'm willing to give. If you don't know, you don't need to know.
  14. Ok, get ready to have your dinner spoiled. Humans have to be the taste testers since cats can't talk. Humans have no idea what a mouse tastes like because they don't eat them. We can only taste test what we can eat. For some strange reason I keep hearing Howie Mandel's voice as Bobby.
  15. He's been given the answers he has asked for, but he doesn't like the answers he gets so he posts yet another thread in much the same vein. Not only is that trolling, it's also flooding.
  16. I collect the rugs. Second Life Marketplace - "Home Is Where The Heart Is" by OliviaBijou
  17. Peeve: Existence of humans Reason: Humans are planet killers. These photos capture the devastating impact of climate crisis (msn.com)
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