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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Want to borrow one of mine? You don't need to return it. If you don't want to keep it, you can always pass it on. 🤭
  2. https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/cabinetpapers/themes/invasion-of-italy.htm#:~:text=The invasion took place in,up the coast at Salerno.
  3. Fine then. Don't make it easy for people to find important and useful information. Be petty.
  4. How many millions of people have been murdered for the sake of England's conquests? How many of those conquests were accomplished using genocide? I'm not seeing anything to be so proud of in any of this.
  5. @Kristin Linden Would it be possible to make this thread a stickie, please? Thank you!
  6. Hari Seldon is a fictional character just as Psychohistory is fiction. All life ends. Nothing lasts forever. Humans will destroy themselves, probably within the next 50 years, because most humans can't get past their xenophobia.
  7. @Kristin Linden or one of the other Lindens can explain it better than the rest of us could.
  8. Geez Scylla, they're never gonna catch on if we keep doing their thinking for them and spelling it all out. 🤫🤭
  9. You look good! ✔️ You look good enough to eat! ❌
  10. Now see. All you people who have all those electronic gadgets in your homes just to be able to operate something in your home... what are you going to do when your refrigerator decides you need to go on a diet or Siri opens all the doors and windows while you are on vacation and refuses to close them or Alexa thinks you're using too much electricity and shuts your computer down right in the middle of
  11. Stop over kneading the dough (you want a few tiny air pockets) and make sure the yeast you used is not old. You did remember to let the dough rise right? Hand kneading is better because you can feel what's going on with the dough, imo. Grrrrr... now I need to start making fresh bread again. Good thing he stocked me up on yeast not long ago. lol
  12. Looks like a drop biscuit to me. I discovered them quite by accident 40 years ago when I was attempting to make sugar cookies for the first time, from scratch... without a recipe. They were quite yummy. That's when the drop biscuits took over and I got lazy making biscuits. Slather with real butter or drizzle with honey... jams, jellies, preserves... Now I'm hungry again and I just ate dinner.
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