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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. In my kitchen, you're better off worrying about what I'm going to pull out of my knife drawer if you don't get the heck out! while I'm cooking. 😇
  2. You even had me wondering but I was smart enough to keep my fingers off the keyboard. 🤫
  3. WindLight was not SL's engine. WindLight was the codename for Second Life's atmospheric rendering system which has been "replaced" by EEP.
  4. Been there done that. It does not work. Not even on the email I have had for well over 20 years. Nor does trying to sign up with my Google account and I do not and refuse to have Freakbook.
  5. profile_web_tab [Phoenix Firestorm Project - Wiki] (firestormviewer.org) fs_web_profile [Phoenix Firestorm Project - Wiki] (firestormviewer.org) profile_secondlife_tab [Phoenix Firestorm Project - Wiki] (firestormviewer.org) (Legacy)
  6. I don't own a cellphone and you can't sign up for Twitter without one. 🤨
  7. I wasn't the one to bring up Columbus nor was I the one to conveniently leave out pertinent facts. All of which do very much so have a large bearing on whether or not humans can survive on an alien hostile planet since all environments are hostile to all life. Science has proven that beyond any shadow of doubt.
  8. That's not all people do in the sea. Some things float. I will never forget that. He tried to keep it from washing ashore. What makes it even funnier is his (real) last name was Wilder.
  9. Who is offended? I'm merely pointing out the flaws in your arguments.
  10. Humans have not set foot on Mars. We've barely set foot on the moon.
  11. Due to a lack of the ability to edit a quote into a post this one has been erased.
  12. People from Croatia think they know more about First Nations history than First Nations people do? I don't think so. Try getting the history from sources that know their own history and you should check your sources before posting links.
  13. Some of them don't even limit it to sex groups. None of my groups are sex groups yet I still get the occasional random randy IM.
  14. Seems to me to make more sense for the scorpion to take the frog shopping beforehand, thus lulling his victim so that when he fakes losing control midstream (instead of waiting until closer to shore so he doesn't drown since the frog wouldn't under normal circumstances) therefore the frog is at fault because, rather than keep on swimming to shore, he stopped so they both drowned. Honorable frog would have done his best to save the scorpion even after being stung. At least that's how it goes in all the scifi books I've been reading lately. 🤔
  15. Yes, it's a business expense. That was not the point. The point was the expense (5000Ls) is ridiculously too high for the creator. The number one reason I had to stop setting up my booth in real life at powwows was because the booth fees had gotten to the point where I could no longer afford them. I should have stopped long before the booth fees went from $100 for 3/4 days to over $200 USD. Last I knew a 10x20 booth would cost $500 and the land was owned by the tribe, so no taxes had to be covered, just the additional expenses for water, sewer, electricity, etc. OF course, the people who organize, setup and run the powwows need to be paid so that is where most of the booth fees go. Anything left over is put back into the tribe after setting aside funds for the next powwow.
  16. You have conveniently left out the reasons why they were killed. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-lost-fort-of-columbus-8026921/
  17. All environments are hostile to life. What doesn't kill life, makes it stronger.
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