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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. Argh, I have been away from my computer for a few hours, trying to catch up now. So, released or not released: Jasper Beach Jetty Point Jitterbug Knot Atoll Lands Edge Lark Nest Liberty Harbour Lifeboat Littoral Treasure Lookout Below
  2. /me tiptoes in, looking at the sleeping forms of all the Westerners and Easterners and DownUnderers... shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....... she pats their dreaming heads and tiptoes out again...
  3. Lovely, inside and out! I think I recognize that exterior shell; I have the Tortuga and Lauderdale ones and I love how they let us get soft, beachy colors like that pretty soft blue!
  4. I live in GIMP; it does everything and it's free!
  5. WOW, thank you so much! I made a copy of all that (I hope you don't mind!) to read through and digest this afternoon. You are totally amazing! ๐Ÿงก
  6. Totally agree about the good/bad energy currents flowing in the US; I have been awake at 4:30 a.m. the past few days and generally giving up and getting up to be productive, then crashing later. PLEASE feel free to be "bossy teacher"! So many of us here are longing to understand our SL environment better. I, and several others from this forum, are two lessons in on Blender and (I at least) still know nothing. HOW does one check on the things we see in stores? Is it putting them in edit and clicking on the "more info" link? I have only the haziest of understandings of what I am seeing when I do that; I took some 1LI stools out to a sandbox to try linking them to see how the "more info" info translated to inworld info and that helped a bit. But I am still generally mystified as I stumble through SL. ๐Ÿ˜•
  7. Oh, you're right; that buoy is right at the Dive In boundary, it just looked like it was outside in the void region. Thanks!
  8. Look! From Rain Alderbury's (the instructor's) profile: BLENDER 2.91 Instructor @ Builders Brewery ๐Ÿ”จ http://www.buildersbrewery.com/calendar/ Beginners Serie A (7 lessons) Saturdays 11:00am Interm Serie B (7 lessons) Thursdays 11:00am Interm Serie C (3 lessons) Sundays at 11:00am Interm Serie D (2 lessons) starts Jan. 31st. For help, join my Helpdesk Group. If I'm offline, you can also ask in a notecard. See my picks for additional help.
  9. Yes, and the parcel boundaries are to be taken seriously; one of my alts got her wrist slapped and a deck returned by a mole bot last week.
  10. An alt scored a super-nice parcel on Flamingo Dancers just now (the pink Lauderdale in the middle) and I noticed something that raised a question. The waterway in front of this lot leads to what might become open, sailable, water but is currently a void region with a Linden buoy in it. Does the presence of the buoy mean that it will be an open water region or just that it will be built on at some point or what? TIA!
  11. Clueless in NY too but I can Google. Apparently, it started as a weird Hungarian phrase translation on Monty Python and grew from there, as things do: https://omniglot.com/language/phrases/hovercraft.htm
  12. WOW!!! All **I** did last night was sleep! THANK you; I just dumped all of that into a spreadsheet of my own. ๐Ÿงก ๐Ÿงก
  13. I am an oldie too but I gave up on mainland and sold all my land even though it was on Nautilus. I feel happier and freer now, bouncing around Bellisseria though I keep half a sim in the Gulls Wing sailing sims, they are so lovely.
  14. I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you!! ๐Ÿคž ๐Ÿคž ๐Ÿคž ๐Ÿคž
  15. I am happy with my palms now. I am so sorry, Hayabusa, I had totally forgotten all the foliage choices you build into your trees! I chose one of the autumn foliage options and picked up some lighter palm bark textures from the MP and I think my little guys fit in quite well now. I love the very, very "leaning" palms that peek out from under my deck. Now to actually furnish the interior!
  16. That's just lovely and thank you for the photos and info, Groucho!! Very cute profile pic! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
  17. Does anyone know of a vendor who sells palm trees like the ones LL uses in the Stilt regions, inworld or on the MP? I feel as if I have looked at a million palm trees in the past two days but not seen much that would blend in. I did find this lovely (2 LI) animated coconut palm at Hayabusa but not much else. So many are 8 to 9 LI, even at that store.
  18. The instructor, Rain, did mention that some of the IRL Blender tutorials taught uses other than those actually used in SL so she focuses on Blender in SL. I am too much of a neophyte to know what those differences are yet but it is a good caution to keep in mind when exploring tutorials out in the "real" world.
  19. I can totally relate. I was NOT going to use Tortuga on my Capn Billy parcel but, so far at least, it seems to be the only Stilt with an exterior paint shell available on the MP so Tortuga it is for now! I always want to customize all of my Linden Home, especially the exterior so I really love using paint shells and I love the ability to customize my interior paint colors. The only thing there is that I have to re-enter my RGB numbers every time I choose a different style of home. Does anyone know of a way around that? For now I just keep my fave RGBs in a notecard.
  20. Howdy back atcha! Capn Billy is infested with forum-ites, I have met others! ๐Ÿค 
  21. I hope you can make it next week! I think the Beginner A level classes are always on Saturdays, the B level classes seem to be on Thursdays. There were 60 there today, packed the sim so get there early. You might try some beginner YouTube tutorials for Blender 2.91, focus on object tools and keyboard shortcuts. I only got lost once, LOL.
  22. WOW, thank you to somebody! I was idly refreshing the land page while waiting for a Zoom to begin and BANG! I lucked into this stunning lot on Capn Billy (the jade Lauderdale right in the center of the photo). Thank you to whoever let it go!
  23. At Peaches today for L$50, the Seraphim text says they are 1-2 LI each and I think they would look great in most of the LH styles. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Solara/139/62/23
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