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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. Nope, you will be happy to hear that you can claim and abandon five Linden homes in a 24 hour period. When I am on the hunt, I use my expanded Teleport History to keep track of where I have looked and when.
  2. Brilliant study of Persephone photographing Persephone!! So imaginative, you rock! ♥️
  3. Yes, I am excited to see them too and also wondering if they will be in every theme or just new ones. Fingers crossed for ALL!
  4. Do you guys like music? If so, what kind? I happen to love clubs with good DJs (for me, blues, mainly). The dancing is fun, the music is great and the chat can be great, especially with the right host/ess stirring it up a bit. Have fun exploring the Destination Guide: https://secondlife.com/destinations and have a blast!
  5. I have used the "dome-y" type myself, like these: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Skydome-V1-with-Sky-and-Ground-textures-Menu-Driven-Copy-Modify/2545176 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Turnips-Skydome-20-Base-Package/4251774
  6. If it was me, I would begin by TPing around to the many, many skybox, skydome and scene-changing skybox rental sites in SL. There are sooooooooo many of them. Check out where they have purchased their products or, if they made their own, see if they sell them as well. See what you like and would like to offer your renters.
  7. Yeah, Teleport History is your friend! Expand it so you can see the time of each TP.
  8. Totally confused: I replied to Sylvia's reply with a "thank you" but my reply is "hidden". Did I hit some button by accident? (And now it shows but I have no idea what I did... sigh...)
  9. Wow, thank you SOOOOOOOOOOO much; I made a big screenshot of that and managed to follow directions with minimal confusion, LOL!
  10. Okay, I turned that land setting on as I also find it very useful. But I don't see how to add it to the Quick Preferences button; what am I missing? TIA!
  11. Keep an eye out for vendors that now offer "AUTO PLACE" (or something similar) for interior and exterior wall shells. That feature can save hours of blood, sweat and tears!!
  12. Honestly, Kylie, if I compare SL costs to other things I love: coffee, books, music, etc. it does not look that costly. How much pleasure and friendship did you enjoy over those 15 years?
  13. YES to learning what really matters to you in a Linden home, that is what the Game of Homes is all about for me. And, YES to great the add-ons made for us by Blush Bravin and the other great creators in SL!
  14. Why not go for it and enjoy the Game of Homes! I admit that I do have fond memories of parcels I caught on the fly and later abandoned so GoH life is not without regrets. Sleep on it and decide....
  15. So, what is the story with Abnor's Suitcase Full of Money?? Tiggie and I went out hunting this afternoon and he smelled it out (such a great hunter!) and here we are literally sitting on it, underground, and it still does not let me take it. Sigh.....
  16. Only fitting since you have gifted us with your Monday and Thursday train trips!! I look forward to them every week!
  17. This has had me laughing all morning and sharing an audio clip I made of it with family and friends. I should probably not share that clip here but here is a link to the podcast "Make Me Smart" from Marketplace. Scroll forward to near the end, at about 11:28 or so: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWFya2V0cGxhY2Uub3JnL2ZlZWQvcG9kY2FzdC9tYWtlLW1lLXNtYXJ0/episode/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWFya2V0cGxhY2Uub3JnL3Nob3dzL21ha2UtbWUtc21hcnQvdHYtdmlld2luZy1tb3JlLXN0cmVhbWluZy10aGFuLWNhYmxl?hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwjxsOm2tNP5AhXdjIkEHTJlBisQieUEegQICBAF&ep=6 Basically, one of the commentators has been kitten-sitting and right as she begins her last story, the kitten wakes up and climbs on her keyboard and chaos ensues. Enjoy!!
  18. We had a great time on the Mayne Line this morning! Afterwards, one of the other passengers (Karen, I am so sorry that I can't remember your last name!) gave me a wonderful balloon tour of Sakura and then we rezzed a boat near the Sakura Community Center (HUGE and lovely) and went down via the connecting water regions (Jolly Serpent, etc.) to Bon Vivant in the Stilts regions. Now I will be shopping for a boat! ♥️🤣
  19. I suspect you are a much better "prim-sticker" than I am! It is very attractive.
  20. I LOVE your boathouse; I have not seen one like that before! May I ask where it is from?
  21. Skyboxes! I have always been obsessed with them, even when they have too high an LI to be used for long. Back in the days when we only got 117 LI to use on a 512, I had a furnished house and two skyboxes....
  22. ... and monocles too, right? There were monocles...
  23. Search for wallets and monocles and anything that looks Mole-ish while you are there!!
  24. The one thing I have wanted is not available yet: the option to change your name to one of the older, retired names. If there is an operational reason why this is not possible I would like to know so I can stop hoping for it.
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