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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. I love that house! My first guesses would be Trompe or maybe Scarlet Creative. Do tell, please? Answered my own question cuz I could not resist searching. It is the Silje Cottage by Trompe: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Trompe-Loeil-Silje-Cottage-PG-V12-mesh/19541449 (although I am willing to bet that yours is A and not PG! 😁 )
  2. Love that spiffy watercraft! I don't recognize where you are but, next time, stop by Port Plunder, my pirate neighbors on Pslande and look for my little nest in the SE corner.
  3. Try this: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ fast, easy set up and so easy to use! For SLT, enter "California" as one of your location choices.
  4. Sorry for participating in the pizza derailment earlier but I have to fire one last shot. I was just out to lunch with friends and thought about how much our tastes change over the decades when I ordered my first ever cauliflower crust pizza with tomatoes, broccoli and spinach. It was just as yummy as it looks:
  6. Hey, when I was in college I always ordered anchovies and pineapple on my pizza! Suck on that!!! 🍕 🍕 🍕
  7. I pretty much agree with both of you, having gone in and fairly quickly out of both Fantasy and Sakura Linden Homes, in spite of the fact that I love a house on water and both themes offer a lot of water. I resisted the Chalets for a long time but, once I tried them, landed some outstanding locations and liked the homes themselves enough to choose the Chalet theme when I won the Cedarburg site at an ACS auction last year. When I do start hopping again, I almost always go with Stilts.
  8. Hanging out with Tiggie at Cedarburg, watching the Bellisseria Ferry on its route between land, the Bellisseria Fairgrounds and the Lighthouse. Photos of what we were watching can be found here:
  9. I find that I am pulling back a bit from land acquisition recently and focusing on my favorites while I stroll the sales and madly unpack random boxes in my inventory. This morning at Cedarburg:
  10. Stunning! That got me following you instantly! May I ask where this photo and your forum profile background photo were taken??
  11. So.......... this is my first effort and is TOTALLY splurched out in the middle and too big to post here but I just wanted to show how much fun the water slides at the Big Splash Adventure at the Bellisseria Fairgrounds are! https://gyazo.com/1f91453c00aeddfe5ec89dc9feeb6e69
  12. Did a real estate deal with my neighbors, the friendly pirates of Port Plunder so they could expand their port and I still get to keep my little eyrie overlooking the Blake Sea.
  13. Yes, that is why they call it the Wheel of Fortune. Some days you are up, others you are down but the wheel keeps turning. My favorite illustration of the Wheel is the Pamela Colman-Smith classic from the 1909 Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck:
  14. Your calendar is your friend. There are many flavors; I use Google calendars and can check them from anywhere in the RL/SL universes.
  15. Your little buddy is adorable! What is his name?
  16. Who says men can't laugh at themselves??
  17. EEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwww, this is what we need an "EWWW" reaction button for!! 🤣 🙀 😝
  18. Tiggie in SL has been bugging me to include some photos of him as he is now as Tiggie Forever so here is the little bugger this morning:
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