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  1. Hey there, apologies if this has been asked before. I'm using a very simple script I found on the forums for a pop up dialogue box but I haaate how it says "(owner's name)'s (object name)" at the very top. I know I am being picky, but is there a way to hide the owner's name? My goal is just for it to say "INFO" at the top, not "creationsbymox's INFO." I am not sure if there is a line of script I can add, or it simply cannot be done. I am adding the following script into a prim people can touch: default { touch_start(integer total_number) { llDialog(llDetectedKey(0), "example example example.", [], 1 ); } } Any help is appreciated thank you!
  2. Can confirm this place is really great! Make sure you set your WL to Midnight or darkest, especially with the updated Firestorm viewer. They have live DJs periodically, but otherwise the radio playing is well chosen. One of the most realistic clubs I've seen in SL and great for photos. 10/10 would recommend
  3. Just a hardworking God fearing Christian household - definitely NOT an establishment of ill repute - Password required at the door - Trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again - Cops come back with a warrant WELP REVIEWS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Robin Banks said: "Bob has the best meat in town!" ⭐ Sue Yu said: "!!!!!!!!!!!! False advertisement NOT a deli or butcher!!! DO NOT GO HERE!1" ! NOTHING TO SEE HERE http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Desert%20Ruins/112/23/1701 SECURITY IS USUALLY OFF / OPEN TO PUBLIC JOIN GROUP FROM JOINER FOR SECURITY ACCESS + GIFTS
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