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Everything posted by Sorciaa

  1. id go with 2 accounts unless you have a neutral name.. you dont want to be that boy named Sue
  2. yea, legacy. I was just looking for head skins and alot it seems have head and body included, so you kinda get what ever you get. Now, i am going to have to look at that 7ds pack. so far the tone has been my fave out of the demos I have got and hopefully the new one is for the HD pro.
  3. Hey all, i am really on the fence about picking one of these heads up. I been demoing skins from a few makers but there seems to be issues, either with a neckline, or the body skins make my toes look like they got frostbite, OR.. they do the demo lines going right through the neck line so its hard to tell if there is one ro now. so, those with the head, what skins are you using ?
  4. yeah, i have a few from 7DS and i love the whole body thing. I also have some from Skinnery? I think. The one I have used is from Pink Fuel, I got their BOM for both the Laura and my Legacy, but the head skin I use is only applier.
  5. Ok, I am mostly looking for some clarification on the BOM skins. As I understand it, the BOM uses a standard that applies to all heads/bodies regardless of the maker. Is this true? I have been head shopping the last few weeks, grabbed a LeL while it was on sale. got the free Genus and I am really in love with the new CATWA heads as well ( might be my fave.) The Skin I use now, the maker seems a tad behind and only had a few BOM for heads, mostly Genus. I have used it on the CATWA demo and TBH, i cant see any problems.. but i am not a super detailed person so I am sure there were flaws i may have missed. Would It be ok to just find a bod skin I like and a head skin that matches from the same maker in BOM and use them regardless of what head/body they were made for?
  6. There IS an animesh hair now. I think its at Vista. Not sure who did the hair but it needs a HUD or an AO to run.. and if I remember right, it has clipping problems with alot of clothing
  7. both? It depends on what head I am using.. Furry heads vary alot in shape and some rigged hair will fit one but not another.. so having unrigged is very nice to have to go along with the rigged.. I find alot of the hair I buy can be resized, or it comes with an unrigged version.
  8. i am at 7k or so right now, not including any store credit. shakes her fist at leLutka..
  9. It is, including the brand new release. Hard to pass up 1,300L mega packs
  10. Anyone heard if Legacy is going to run a sale? Got a friend who is interested in one, just not 5,000L interested.🤣
  11. really been tempted to try a new head.. i grabed 2 demos and..how do you get rid of the panda eye look? I am going through the HUD but i dont seem to be seeing anything that will remove it.. is it a skin thing?
  12. Dying? I aint dying.. they are going to have to kill me before I die. and no.. no need for a will.
  13. Have you tried the maitreya flat chest? seems to be more for a " male " look.
  14. step 1 : win the lottery step 2 : buy out the Chungs step 3: profit easy peasy.
  15. waking up in the morning. Everything after that is a bonus
  16. I did this.. well sort of back when the TMP body was like 1L and Catwa has their free head.. I am unsure if the body is still around.. but i do remember Genus had a free head.. also unsure if that is still around.. but that is a good start.
  17. learn somethign new every day. thanks
  18. I have noticed a few times when I got to check the L prices on the market place, a person on my friends list is green. What does this mean? what causes it ?
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