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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. I'm trying to get fresh veg frozen in as many forms as possible. Got various home made soups, sauces, fritters and veg burgers filling up the freezer. It's taking me back to preparing for maternity leave, but it was so much more enjoyable when that was what was lying ahead.
  2. I think you need something of the head, something of the thread, something of the body, and something of the dead.
  3. He's obviously a worthless and abusive little toe rag, but tbh I kind of see his point here. I would have been off after the first nasty, entitled and misogynistic message (what made him think he had a right to meet you, and what does he mean by "one of those types"?). At best I might have cut him with the sharp end of my tongue and then block and maybe AR, but I wouldn't have had any kind of prolonged exchange with such a horrible piece of work. There would literally be no point and nothing to gain from it. He's too thick and hateful for you to get a teachable moment and if it's in IM, there's no wider audience to whom you might really have been speaking by engaging with him. Clearly he wanted you to respond and didn't expect you to say nothing to his nasty messages. That's why he did it, complete with an early fake flounce, the tosser. Don't do what these people want you to do, is my advice. Just to be clear, I'm absolutely not blaming you for this. It's entirely on him, he's horrid. Just suggesting that the best way to deal with it if it happens again is not to give this type of person what they want. No response is a response, and it's a powerful one.
  4. I cross stitch, but as long as you're using aida fabric, it really isn't hard. I'm in awe of the evenweave hardcore stitchers.
  5. I have a breadmaker so I make a lot of my own bread, pizza bases, vegetable and fruit loaves etc (great for fresh stuff that would go off otherwise), plus my son loves baking. So I use a lot of flour anyway. I have tried growing my own veg but the fecking slugs get everything that puts out a shoot. Sewing is definitely not obsolete. There's a whole subculture around knitting, crocheting, making one's own clothes or upcycling old ones, complete with blogs etc. My favourite is the Refashionista. It often goes hand in hand with the subculture around vintage fashion and aesthetics, although "vintage" always seems to mean 1940s and 50s. I haven't seen anyone trying to bring back shell suits and shoulder pads.
  6. They might have been in isolation for a loooooong time.
  7. I'm not much of a TV watcher, more into films, but BB was one of the best things I've ever seen.
  8. Can I ask what people think of this? Flour is still hard to come by in several places. I have a few bags, no panic buying, I'm just always well stocked because I use it a lot in normal life. Found an activity my son will love but it involves using flour and I feel a bit torn about using food to play with when the situation is as it is right now. If it's relevant, it'll result in an item that we will keep and look at and play with until it disintegrates. I don't waste food in the sense of throwing it out, but I suppose this could be considered waste, arguably, since it won't get eaten. We already have a box of lentils, rice and seeds for sensory play but we've had that for months. What do people think?
  9. I'm assuming it's all the same loony. Hopefully the Lindens won't drill any air holes this time.
  10. I created a revolting av, put it in the ugliest freebie silks, used no AO and went around Gor submitting to everyone and begging them all for sexual release. To my annoyance, the slaves generally thought it was funny and some of them asked me to come back and do it again. The Gorean Masters didn't like it at all though, so that was good.
  11. It's annoying when someone insists that you've missed the point, when in fact you understand it quite clearly but just don't think it's right.
  12. Granted, but you can't get your freezer to work. I wish I could do clever, complicated 1950s hairstyles.
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