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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. I want to know what love is. I want you to show me.
  2. Yeah. It would actually in a way be great if, in the future, people are saying, "Oh, why did we go to all that trouble, it was no big deal!" That means it worked and we did actually avert the worst of the crisis.
  3. I'm on several local Facebook and WhatsApp groups to offer help and support in the community as needed and it's overwhelmingly (though certainly not exclusively) women who have been offering, sourcing and providing milk, eggs, nappies, sanitary products, toilet roll, ideas for entertaining children and so on. I think communities are what will get us through this.
  4. Yes, but the scenes of fights and abuse in supermarkets frighten me even more. I'm especially upset that so many people can't find formula milk. If I were still breastfeeding I'd be pumping night and day to help out, I had loads of the stuff. Or maybe that wouldn't work with infection control, I don't know. I've also never wanted to reach through the screen and lamp so many people on Facebook. Why have they still been going out to pubs and hair appointments all week?
  5. Had to Google that. I'm veggie. Cheese sauce.
  6. Honestly, I'm not sure it would hold their attention long enough or that they would get immersed in it. Just knowing them as I do. They also don't know I've ever been on it; my husband and I used to tell people we met online and just left it at that. Think we agreed to say match.com if anyone ever pressed it. I might create an alt and mention it. If you see three ethnically diverse avatars going around famous museums and landmarks, do say hi.
  7. They've never been in SL and would have to pick it all up. It can be an amazing place but you've always had to spend some time on it to get to grips with it, more so now than ever. Also I think they'll want to hear voices and see faces more than anything else. But I might suggest it as a way to explore worlds and carry out activities while confined. I will probably be doing a fair amount of that.
  8. I'm arranging a Skype party for this weekend with a few girlfriends, including a couple who are self-isolating. It occurred to me to introduce them to SL and do it that way but I don't think that would work. We want to see and hear each other anyway.
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