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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. Morrison's are doing delivery boxes. They don't guarantee exactly what's in each one, as it depends on what's in stock, but it's supposed to be enough for two people for a week, including household essentials. Affordable too. I know you're vulnerable. If you get stuck, please PM me.
  2. I can't understand the coffee thing. It doesn't give me energy or focus, it just makes me jittery. I drink decaf and herbal tea; if I overdo it, even the decaf isn't good. There's still some caffeine in it and I don't seem to react well to it. Though this might be just my disposition. A co-worker once walked in first thing to find me spinning in my chair and singing to my plant. He turned to the person behind him and said, "She's a morning person. Let's tie her to the chair and sling her into the stationery cupboard."
  3. I don't know, I wouldn't wish actual death on anyone, but if coronavirus made John Nobhead poo a massive Lego brick, I wouldn't be sad about it.
  4. What the actual f***. Horrendous as this is, I do believe they're a minority. I've been very heartened by all the activity on my local supportive Facebook and WhatsApp groups. There may be too many arsewipes out there, but there are also a lot of very kind, generous and selfless people.
  5. Seven samurai. (Think I did this one already at some point.)
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