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Everything posted by Phorumities

  1. Someone just moved in across the street from me, and put up a replica of the Lincoln Memorial and a giant floating copy of the Emancipation Proclamation. I guess someone got offended by my Confederate-themed decor. Luckily I have object entry disabled, because they have four cannons pointed at my Great Hall. *grins*
  2. Yes when Second Life is slow, the forums are always hopping.... at least until the latest hot thread gets locked.
  3. Yep, SL was all wonky for me, then I got logged out and can't get back in. *sighs*
  4. Why is everyone supposed to like everyone else? What is gained by the enforced togetherness?
  5. What about transgendered furries? You know, they have a female furry avi, but they identify as a male furry?
  6. And yet millions of people IN AMERICA, some right here in this very forum in fact, still think socialism is a wonderful thing that will solve all of our problems. Big government is never the solution to our problems, it is the CAUSE of our problems
  7. I think its called eminent domain
  8. on the other hand I often see a solitary old farm house on a 1/4 acres surrounded by a sea of new homes.
  9. I can't offer any suggestions but omg thats funny
  10. its called infilling. I suspect most people that take LL homes wouldn't be caught dead living on real mainland anyway, not with all those "other" mainlanders that actually work to carve out their own little corner and not just settle for having something handed to them.
  11. it makes zero sence to add hundreds of new sims for that silly SSP project when there are hundreds of sims worth of abandoned land on the existing mainland. One can only hope they will at least delete the current 512 sq m Linden homes continents
  12. Whats scary is that i hear Foamy's voice as I read that.
  13. actually my real hero is Happy Bunny. My fave saying of hers is "I know how you feel, I just don't care." Now picture Happy Bunny waving a Confederate flag.
  14. OMG you don't like Foamy the Squirrel? If everyone was more like Foamy, the world would be a better place. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KLMYaF_Xa8
  15. make 500 posts and you can change the tag
  16. I was thinking about that after I posted about having extra 1024 levels. A 1024 is 7 dollars a month, a premium membership is 6 dollars a month, seems like getting a second premium membership is the way to go if you want just a bit more land.
  17. personally i'd love it if LL allowed tier to increase in increments of say 1024 sq m but I'm sure this has been considered carefully by LL and discarded as unfeasable. *rolls eyes*
  18. you are paying at the 4096 level but you also have your 1024 sq m free. plus donate the land to your group and the total land you can have is 5632 sq m. if that still isn't enough there are mainland sims that have a prim bonus, or you can rent tier from another person in whatever amount you need.
  19. Old movies were what? 30 frames per second? That's plenty for second life. I'm lucky if I get half of that on a crowded sim, and the motion is still fine. Its when fps drop below 10 that things seem less than smooth. Below 5 is like stop action motion.
  20. I can't stand emotes first thing in the morning.
  21. I hate this line the most: This topic is now closed to further replies.
  22. No sorry it doesn't. Either race exists or it doesn't. And if it doesn't, then how can we have racial quotas and preferences?
  23. Now you are playing semantics. Race bad, ethnicity good. Besides ethnicity is culturally based, while race is physically based. Nice try, come back when you got something better
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