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Everything posted by Phorumities

  1. How can there be racism if there are no races? And who decides who gets to be in which race to get preferential treatment when filling quotas. Someone has to say, oh you look black to me, you can go to the head of the line. Obviously then racial quotas themselves are racist. It seems that there must be some morphological differences that you can use to assign an individual to a race, ergo, there ARE races. duh
  2. if that is true, why are there racial quotas and preferences at universities? That's actually a classic example of George Orwell's doublethink, the act of simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct, often in distinct social contexts. 1) There is no such thing a race. 2) We must work to ensure each race is fairly represented in all spheres of life
  3. yes and breeds of dogs aren't real either, they are just an abstract concept
  4. I'm pretty sure Native Americans came to the America from someplace else too.
  5. So you are saying racism is NOT a natural condition that has existed since races evolved?
  6. Guess its not a pro left organization. Did you know evil capitalists created racism in order to keep the working class divided? According to Karl Marx they did. He also said being a labourer was worse than being a slave, because a slave is sold only once, but a labourer sells himself every hour for his pittance in wages.
  7. are there any slaves in Second Life? To complain about slavery in SL kind of trivializes modern day slavery that still exists in real life?
  8. gawd another America basher, will my work never be done?
  9. I have a script counter at home plus everywhere i go i'm reminded that I am personally responsible for lagging the sim and destroying everyones experience.
  10. i already got the picture removed, do i have to do everything?
  11. racism against white people is quite acceptable. In fact our very own peace and love buddhist posted a hateful picture of a white family in another thread. Im really surprised she couldn't find one that included a Christian Bible in it.
  12. maybe you can save us a lot if time and effort and heartache and bans if u report it now and get it locked.
  13. slavery has existed throughout history right up until present day in fact, but its only really evil or even mentioned if its whites enslaving blacks In the end the "peculiar institution" wasn't really peculiar at all, it was just the way it was.
  14. why do you need 144 frames per second if your monitor refresh rate is 60 fps? is it for bragging rights?
  15. hey its roleplay so its all good. I'm sure theres a disclaimer stating that somewhere in the description plus the phrase "no real racists allowed"
  16. true whats so "naughty" about that. dunno how old i was but i was in a store by myself getting some candy. the clerk said i didn't have enough money so I said ok i'll get more and I ran outside to where my parents were to get more money, with the candy still in my hand. When i came back in with the money the clerk said "I didn't expect to see you again" I couldn't understand why she said that, but i paid for my candy and left.
  17. exactly what does his age when he joined SL have to do with the whole topic of his thread? His original post might end up with the award for the longest troll post ever.
  18. Its annoying because some guy comes here, started a post claiming he joined at 8, and is totally world weary at age 20.... riiiiight. LL should ban him retroactively
  19. so you say you are now 20, you say you got your first account in 2006, so the first time you joined SL you were eight years old?
  20. thank you very much. You have confirmed every thought I've ever has about you.
  21. no American has ever had the right to kill someone because they felt insulted. It was murder back then, and it's murder today. The difference is, back then, we blamed the person, today we blame the gun.
  22. I hate Red clothing too. don't people have a clue what it represents? oh wait never mind, you meant the color red
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