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Everything posted by Phorumities

  1. If I built a house or business in RL my driveway wouldn't stop at the edge of my property, it would extend onto the road allowance and connect to the paved portion of the roadway. That's what I also do in SL. I don't encroach on the PAVED surface in any way, but omg yes, my rooted on my own land prim is over the boundary line. I'd sincerely hope the Lindens have better things to do with their time than return prims that only add value and continuity to a scene.
  2. Someone once asked me (on another account) how I was able to hide my login name and only show a display name. I explained that I had never used a display name.
  3. I am also surrounded by a barren SL wasteland, and I love it. The vast emptiness is my backyard and my backdrop. It reminds me of parts of Nebraska and Oklahoma I recently visited. I sincerely hope that my building (ewww I'm not living next to THAT) discourages others from putting in a ticket to buy the land on either side.
  4. One can still create good usernames. One just needs to be creative.
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