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Everything posted by AyelaNewLife

  1. Are Trump discussions the new Godwin's Law or something?
  2. Ooo I like this game, I wanna play! Muscle-bound brotha from da hood with a knee-length schlong bangin all dem white hoes. You know full well it's actually just some middle aged, divorced accountant called Derek who kids refuse to talk to him. Armchair Dominant. Walks around with a "Master" tag and expects all women to bow at his feet because of it. Probably has a small harem that call him "Daddy". Still lives with his mother. "I'm not like all those other musclebound idiots (still has six pack) /me smiles can I take you dancing using the dance menu on my sex bed my lady?" Feels entitled to your attention and/or sex, demands a reason in essay form if his 'wooing' fails. Every square inch of skin is covered with either a Satanist tattoo or a piercing, preferably both, bonus points for tattoos that look like scars in the shape of words. Only owns black clothing. Afraid of women. "I'm from Brazil. You can tell that because my name has 'Br' in for no real reason. Did you know that I'm from Brazil? Brazilian btw. From Brazil." Likes boats/planes/cars/bikes/guns. Has zero other distinguishing features or personality traits. Complains when people bring up boats/planes/cars/bikes/guns to try and start a conversation. Did I miss any? I could do one for women but I really don't want the painful self-reflection that would cause...
  3. /me nods in agreement (I'm so sorry)
  4. It's a depressingly common thing. /me smiles gently, /me smiles, /me smiles at you, all kinds of variants. I can count the number of times it's not been a red flag on my fingers.
  5. It honestly comes across as tone policing. You know, the way you ignored everything that was said (previously, some post lag on my part) and focused on their delivery as a way of silencing what they had to say. Your "macho spray" memes are on the same level as "calm down dear" or "must be that time of the month" - an exceptionally toxic approach designed, in your own words, "to keep disadvantaged groups in their place". And it's counter-productive.
  6. Are you really using tone-policing to try and combat toxic masculinity? My irony-meter is off the charts
  7. Back on topic; also don't be this guy: [03:55] That Guy smiles gently [03:55] Ayela (ayelanewlife): hiya [03:56] That Guy gives that hot ass a spank I'm at a shopping event. Don't do this.
  8. If it is an ego race, it's one you started. For no reason.
  9. While you're not wrong in general; asking the OP "What is your favourite place?" isn't for the benefit of anyone.
  10. While the body is great and all, I still have PTSD from trying to fix the neck seams between Jake and any Catwa head. A friend of mine actually bought her partner Gianni for photos rather than deal with that mess. It's not really the skin creator's fault, it's just the way Belleza decided to make their mesh bodies (ie ignore the market and just go for max triangles, who cares about the consequences!). Of course, it's totally fine to not care about something that niche. I'd advise your friend to try out a Jake and a Gianni demo, and see which one he can get a shape he prefers out of.
  11. Oh get off your high horse, it was just a suggestion, no one wants to hear this pseudo-intellectual nonsense.
  12. 4 months is long enough to guarantee that the OP won't be checking the thread for replies, especially with no quote to notify them. Even so, that's a very good advice post for everyone else reading it. I would add a couple of things though: It's always okay to have preferences. There's nothing wrong with preferring to meet people of the opposing gender but of a similar age/maturity to yourself, but it's always good to be open minded. If you start demanding to see some ID before you get past the "hello"s, that's where there's a problem, please don't be that guy. Likewise I don't think things are as binary as "you are either avatar-blind, or looking to use SL as a RL dating website". Preferences are okay. At the same time, that's not something you have to shove down everyone's throat. Don't put "human only, no weebs or furries" on your profile, it makes you look like a jerk, don't be that guy. Don't use shop groups as pickup spots, for the love of God. Sure, I've made one or two (female) friends from chatting in a couple of the major brands I shop at; and I've also had several dozen guys who IM me because I spoke up in the group - obviously me trying to sort out an auto-alpha issue means I'm gagging for it ? please don't be that guy. So yeah in short don't be that guy; don't stalk clothing shops for prey, don't make real life info your second question, don't advertise yourself as a jerk, don't friend request spam, don't act like the creepy uncle everyone pretends to tolerate, just act like a normal human being and you'll be okay.
  13. If you bought the Hourglass pack that included the hands and feet, you'd only need to buy the Physique body itself, which is L1250 from memory - as that's what I did. It was a newbie mistake, I demo'd to just the overall look without getting a shape I liked first, in the end I just bit the bullet and bought Physique - and was far happier with that body. You'll have store credit from buying Hourglass, 10% I think, so the change will 'only' cost you ~L900 or so. It's far easier to get this shape with Physique rather than Hourglass. An hourglass shape is usually defined by having a balanced bust and hips, and a defined waist - Slink HG trends more towards a pear shape, with a far larger hip measurement than bust measurement. And that's without mentioning the number of ribs and organs you'd have to remove to get the Slink HG waist. Sure there are exceptions to this, of course - but those are the shapes the two bodies trend towards naturally.
  14. If we have Second Life 2.0, can it be without the people that spent several pages arguing about the word "midget"?
  15. This one is kinda account security 101, it's frankly shocking that your account name is broadcast to everyone so easily - especially since the signup process tricks you (tricked? haven't checked recently) into thinking your account name is just that, a private account name.
  16. The Laq pricing scheme is designed to make swapping heads considerably cheaper than their rivals. The "complete package" of head + HUD costs the same as their competitors - in the region of 5k - but if you wanted to change your looks, then that is considerably cheaper than, for example, buying a second 5k head from any of the other 'major' brands. Laq's HUD also contains all animations made by the creator, unlike eg Catwa that sell those packages separately on top of a 5k head+HUD package. It gives the customer flexibility, and avoids unnecessary repeat purchases, so it makes complete sense to me. Unfortunately, many people are idiots. I've lost count of how many people have complained in the Laq group chat about the head not coming with the HUD - despite the multiple and highly visible warnings about this. Having worked in retail before, I don't blame the other creators for assuming that every customer is a moron, and thus being pleasantly surprised when they show more intelligence than a gerbil. On a side note, you need to stop using "b-b-but muh free market" as a way of sweeping any and every criticism of a creator under the rug. Yes, they can sell whatever they want for however much they want and with whatever permissions they want. None of that prevents me from call their decisions dumb. Just because you technically can do something, doesn't shield you from the consequences of doing so.
  17. Unless it comes with a resize script, a colour change hud (even if it's just the buttons), autoalpha, or any kind of script at all, or anything that might need repositioning. In that case, copy+mod is essential, copy at a minimum. (Gacha items tend to have none of those features, and default position co ords are easy to jot down in a notecard to let you "reset" the item, so the necessary lack of copy is less of an issue.) Out of interest, if a customer that didn't appear to be in the rental business contacted you saying that SL ate a no-copy piece of furniture that they bought from you, (and assuming they did actually buy it etc etc), would you be willing to send over a single replacement for free? And do you think that is standard practice? I don't really buy furniture, as I don't really "entertain at home", the flat I bum off a friend is mostly full of poseballs, anypose stands and lighting projectors; but if there was some kind of "insurance" against SL-fu through common sense customer service then that would make me much happier buying no-copy furniture. Obviously "oops looks like SL ate my sexbed 3000 for the ninth time this week; but this time can I have it in black?" types can take a hike.
  18. Oh this thread again. It's always fun to see the strawman of the small but noticeable number of Catwa Catya default shape clones used as a stick to beat the entire spectrum of mesh heads. Storytime: I have a few friends who have a mesh body but a system head, and who put in the effort needed to make their head look both amazing, and to make it fit their overall shape. In one case I honestly had no idea they had a system head, that's how good they looked. So yes, you could use that to say that mesh heads aren't needed... but three of those people have upgraded to a mesh head in the last two months. And two of them applied that skill and effort to making their new mesh head look as good and unique as possible - and the difference is incredible. Both the guy and the girl look amazing now, truly gorgeous, far better than their previously attractive looks. The third was too lazy, and just slightly tweaked a Catwa default shape, and looks pretty good, but nothing special. But she can pull funny faces now, so there's that. Honestly, it boils down to this: heads are just tools. Good quality mesh heads from a good creator are better tools than the system head, and you can produce better finished products with better tools. That doesn't make system heads automatically look worse than mesh, all depends on what you did with that head; but if you're interested in looking the best you possibly can (and it's okay to not care about that), then going mesh is a no-brainer.
  19. That's actually the reason I made the swap, even though I slightly prefer the Slink shape. I just got so tired of going to shopping events or searching for something specific on the MP and running into the wall of Maitreya exclusives. Everyday clothes (and more smarter/sexy ones) are easy enough to find, but trying to find anything remotely niche is a lottery. It's almost a creator-enforced monopoly, and it honestly sucks. But I have no idea how to fix that problem (or even if it deserves to be fixed).
  20. Confirming that the both female Slinks (and I assume the male Physique too?) have segmented layer toggles: I've just made the Physique to Lara swap, and with a little work I managed to get my shape to be almost identical to my old Slink shape - boobs+butt will be perkier with Maitreya, but everything else ended up pretty damn close, so if you're attached to your alt's shape then you should be able to recreate it.
  21. Do you intend on doing much with photos? Belleza's Jake is a great looking body, but I still have borderline PTSD over the neck seams that body has with most popular mesh head brands. Slink Physique and Signature Gianni don't have anywhere near as severe a problem with neck seams. Niramyth's Aesthetic body looks out of place when next to the other male or female bodies, especially when still using the head that comes with the body. I've seen a small handful of guys who have done a lot of work to improve their appearance and make themselves radically different from the "out of the box" Aesthetic appearance, but most don't bother and... bleh ? If you don't really care about any of that - and most don't - then go for the body that you can make work the best with you. Grab some demos and play with the sliders a bit.
  22. Most of my shots are of the less-than-work-safe variety, but here's one that shouldn't get me banned shameless flickr plug
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