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Everything posted by AyelaNewLife

  1. When the revolution comes, these creators will be the first to the gulag.
  2. It's not more efficient at all. You don't get to say "the extra steps needed to unpack an object don't count because I did them before rezzing the box", that's garbage logic. It doesn't matter if you scroll through your sorting system in advance in order to create the new folder, or scrolling through after an auto-unpacker has given you the folder - it's a step you have to do regardless.
  3. Surely the opposite is true? Right click -> add on the box/hud, perhaps click it if there's no auto-unpack script, then drag the folder into the subfolder it belongs. If you have a vaguely coherent sorting system, this should not be difficult. Your way means you either have to create a folder for this particular item inside the category subfolder, name it some thing appropriate, then rez out the box, open build tools, then drag the objects into the new folder. It's objectively more work with more steps. Unless you just throw in the objects loose into the category subfolder. In which case you aren't allowed to have opinions about sorting again, you savage.
  4. The one thing above all that the video highlights is that SL is essentially a sandbox. It does not spoonfeed you content; you either make your own fun (however you personally define that) or you wander around aimlessly moaning about how "there's nothing to do" like this dude. There is nothing you can do to make SL appeal to that type of person, without destroying the existing userbase.
  5. So first off, I *think* he spent half the video at Bardeco/Kekeland, which is a (now closed) horrifically laggy sim that has always had problems with rendering. Not exactly SL at its most reliable but that doesn't change how poor the core engine is, nor should you pass the blame onto content creators or people with Belleza avatars. Also yes, everyone that does the "ACKTUALLY Second Life is a virtual experience and not a video game" routine does indeed sound as obnoxious as that dude in the video. Stop doing it. No one cares that much. It's okay to play a video game as an adult, you don't need to justify it by inventing a new definition for SL. The only issues that I spotted were stuff that tutorial doesn't cover at all, like the flying control mini-window or editing/detaching body parts. The current tutorial is extremely outdated and basic, and regardless of what else changes it needs a massive overhaul. Potentially a popup-based one that teaches you about each window as and when you open it, rather than overloading you with a wall of information in the starting tutorial. How exactly would you make the interface more "intuitive", without stripping away function? That last bit is important. Most new accounts for any game out there will try it once or twice and never come back. This far from unique to SL. What is relatively rare for a game is that the number of new accounts that stay long-term are enough to keep the overall population stable for over a decade; I can count the number of other instances this has happened on my fingers. Something about SL is giving the population a trend-defying longevity, and that is a rare and precious thing that is not appreciated anywhere near as much as it should be. Even if that's in spite of LL's best efforts, not because of them.
  6. I decided to follow my most recent blind TP, just to see what happened. There were two "hoodrat"-cliche avatars sitting on a sofa each, another girl that TPed away before she'd fully rezzed, and a latex-clad mistress with her chained submissive in tow. The mistress immediately started trying to discuss limits for the use of her sub, while the two guys rambled in broken English about sitting down, getting naked, and something about my bottom. That was weird.
  7. You guys forgot the really obvious one. Because doing anything else would create a boatload of extra work for a studio with limited resources. All for a couple of people with a stick up their rear end about "muh realism" while refusing to just voluntarily not sit-TP if it bothers them that much. "Grug click on chair, Grug sit on chair" is simple, reliable and effective. Anything else would take time and cause problems for a whole raft of people, for no real gain. In the immortal words of Dr Evil,
  8. Okay so good jeans are a dime-a-dozen, I'm sure we've both got plenty; but what's less common is good jeans that will work well with long sweaters or coats or tops, let alone the boots you'll want to wear with this type of outfit. I've got some that work with some sweaters but not others; but the first pair of jeans I ever bought is still my fallback that will almost always work: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/neve-pant-minnie-worn/13372910 Good (but not exceptional) textures, 4 colour pack, toggleable belt and belt loops (essential for this), several different boot cuts, at the same price as most single colour jeans. Worth picking up if you're running into clipping issues, for sure. Shoes; fluffy boots are both practical and adorable, so something like this is an absolute must: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/REIGN-BAYLEE-BUTTON-BOOTS-FATPACK-Maitreya-Belleza-Slink-TD-BEBE-BODY-Toddledoo/13944621 Reign do a few other similar winter boots too, but this is the style I went for and have used since. Not the cheapest, but great quality and colour fatpack at least. I'm kinda light on the non-strappy-heel shoe department, so that's all I've got that really fits (so far). Sweaters; I have problems with some of the stuff out there. I'm not exactly deficient in the chest area, especially for my relatively small size (but nowhere near the "how is your spine still functioning?!" levels I see all the time), so a good number of poorly rigged items from major, popular creators will deform badly. Vinyl and Tres Blah, for example, are sadly a nope. Their stuff might work for you, not sure, but if something works for my Maitreya body then the rigging should be fine for you. There's a pretty good one by Aphorism up in Fameshed right now; it's rigged well but gives off that "you need to go up a size hun" vibe this landmark should drop you in front of the vendor. https://puu.sh/C3LnK/4d1ab237ad.png http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/FaMESHed/242/139/1001 Ison have another nice sweater up in Collarbor88 too, along with an accompanying set of trousers (that I didn't buy). This one was slightly trickier to pair up, as I needed something with visible belt loops for the front without clipping through the back, but I've got a couple that work perfectly with it. https://puu.sh/C3LwO/b90659b6cd.png http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/8 8/24/145/1085 Trigger warning: I'm about to shill for The Brand That Must Not Be Named, viewer discretion advised. Blueberry's latest release is simply gorgeous. It's a coat, built in top/dress (HUD controlled). She's done the usual thing of releasing a bunch of standard colours that aren't very good, then making a set of unique patterns for this one item that are really cute but then locking them behind the fatpack paywall (ew), BUT there's still some great colours you can get in singles. I went for the cream, but the black or the tan or even a deep red works wonderfully too. No MP link yet because new release. https://puu.sh/C3LHg/dd8f30ee17.png http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lenox and Blueberry/243/134/24 When the revolution comes, creators that don't include the vendor ad texture in their box will be the first to the gulag. Similar to that coat is this one from Adorsy; it's more leather than the BB one, but has a similar dress HUD. Also you can throw on some stockings and some fancy lingerie and it doubles up as a strip-o-gram coat if that's your thing https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/adorsy-Natasha-Coat-with-Dress-Black-Maitreya/13501947 Also from Blueberry is this off-the-shoulder cardigan, which is also really cute, I've probably worn this more than anything else since I started wearing warmer clothing. Again has a top/dress HUD so you can pair it with whatever you want, or nothing at all. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Blueberry-Mili-Cardigan-Maitreya-Belleza-All-Slink-Physique-Hourglass-Mesh-Extra-11/12993179 Not sure if it's a generational thing, but I love pairing long-ish sweaters and those coats with leggings rather than jeans. I guess appliers could work, but I prefer mesh ones simply because they come across as thicker that way, and avoids some problematic areas. Quite a few creators have a set, but here's the Blueberry ones that I totally didn't buy because they make your ass look exceptional: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Blueberry-Poppy-Leggings-Maitreya-Belleza-All-Slink-Physique-Hourglass-Mesh-Black/13225162 Okay now someone else link some stuff, I did all this work now it's your turn Bonus mode: I actually started making a shopping list of other stuff that caught my eye as I was looking up MP links, so I've not demo'd or bought any of this yet, but I will soon (after lunch)! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Blueberry-Minnie-Winter-Fur-Coat-Maitreya-Belleza-All-Slink-Physique-Hourglass-Mesh-Black/10539481 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/neve-top-cafe-lace/13372574 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/neve-legging-deedee-fair-isle/10675677 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/REIGN-PALIA-BOOTS-FATPACK-Mesh-Boots-Maitreya-Slink-Belleza-TD-Toddledoo-BEBE-BODY-Winter-Boots/13944617
  9. Hey I don't blame you guys at all for sticking with the party line, even if the party line is terrible you can get away with that kind of eccentricity if you're developing a niche viewer; yours, uh, is not, and it is for the best that you mirror the LL viewer with that kind of thing.
  10. As has been said a few times in this thread, the official viewer/Firestorm complexity calculation is outdated to the point of near uselessness, so there's no point in trying to draw conclusions from what you've seen.
  11. me: ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°•?((¯°·._.• คYe?卂 •._.·°¯))؟•°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸ also me: "why won't anyone use my chosen name?! this is so unfair and rude"
  12. Basically it's this: Who cares about success rate, a bullseye is a bullseye, right?
  13. I think you've got it spot on with the more female than male avatars thing. I guess it's not that different from supply/demand market forces (but don't google "dating economy" or you get a bunch of redpill drivel).
  14. Essentially, it's the modern-day descendent of traditional gender roles. It's traditionally been the man's job to go and ask for the hand of his wife from her father. Sure, society has moved on from that point, but we still have echoes of that expectation, that it's the man's job to propose to the woman and not vice versa. That's still the same in dating - but more importantly, it self-reinforces. Because men will tend to initiate contact, women are used to receiving that contact and so will make fewer initiations themselves, as they're already getting a bunch of conversations (started by men); which men aren't getting too many pickup lines from women, so they'll make more themselves to compensate; and so the cycle starts again. Then you get the men that adapt to this by "shotgunning" pickup attempts through dating app messages to as many vaguely acceptable women as possible, knowing that the vast majority will be shot down or ignored, turning it into a raw numbers numbers game. Throw a bucket of darts at a dartboard and you'll probably get at least one bullseye; and all you need to "win" is just one bullseye. Which makes the problem worse, as women get even more pickup attempts than real life, so filter out more without giving each guy a chance, and are even less inclined to make an approach themselves. The only way to fix it is for us to approach more men. This isn't something men can fix; if they just ask out fewer women, they'll get fewer dates for no benefit to themselves. Until the whole "men ask the women out and pay for their meal" culture dies, there will be this problem.
  15. It's no different to real life. Swap tinder accounts with a male friend for an evening and see what happens. It was an eye-opening experience for both myself and my friend when I tried this.
  16. I agree; BUT this is not okay: You get the picture. As the one being IM'd, it's not my job to effectively start a conversation from nothing if those three lines of small talk don't kick things off. Strangers can't just throw me the conch and expect me to entertain them like a court jester. I'm all up for a conversation, but that's a team effort.
  17. While I agree, you don't start with a $100 limit. You start with a $30 limit, and that only increased to $100 after a few days. $30 will buy you a mainstream mesh body and head and almost nothing else; you'll need more for a few outfits to get you started. Or at least that's how it was for me a few months back. The best part of that process was how even LL customer support had no idea when my limit would go up to $100, so I was left in the dark, not knowing if I'd have to spend my first mesh-month in a bikini. That was fun.
  18. Oh fair enough, I've never run into that, probably because I've not really tried too many older mesh hairs I made that screenshot because my original example was NSFW, from a hair that had a much larger "alpha footprint" than necessary, thus exposing a friend (wearing a semi-transparent top) from the collarbone down to one boob, but that's about the worst I've personally run into. Learned something new today
  19. My favourite part is when they'll include a landmark and a notecard with contact information and a notecard with social media information and a notecard to tell you to right click -> add the clothing and a landmark for the event you bought it at, but including a copy of the vendor ad texture? No that is too much work.
  20. Yep, that's pretty much unavoidable, and will also occur when you're in front of leaves or the ocean. Here's an example of a month-old hair from one of the "big names": I've learned to live with it, and if I'm wearing semi-transparent clothing then I just pick an appropriate hairstyle that doesn't have hair dangling in front of it. I wouldn't really blame the hair creator for this, there's no way around this issue other than restricting themselves to waxworks hairstyles with no loose strands, which isn't a great solution either. If you wear tattoo or "underwear" applier layers, you'll notice the same effect with the alpha layers that surround your body. Same deal; avoid overlap with high transparency objects and you'll be fine. Even then, most cases are only noticeable in photos, and are fine for "everyday SL".
  21. My wet layer is more of a water-droplets layer, and it's the "shine" of those individual droplets that I'd miss without using the extra layer (I think? not sure)
  22. Oh I've got some solid stories of my own like this. I wear a freckle tattoo layer constantly... which means my hands and feet are covered by an alpha blob of doom, 24/7. Oh well, guess I'll have to accept that... except now I need to also wear my wet/dirt layer for a picture, which means choosing between the freckles or the effects layer, oh that's no good, okay time to swap back to Slink hands, now the freckles are on my skin and the effects are on a glove layer, which means floating dirt, fantastic. Bonus points for the hand/arm join practically highlighted. And then I need to swap hairs because alpha overlap. Fun. It's even more fun with the head. I wear a Laq head, and for those that don't know, hitting default zones on a whole-face omega applier is almost always a terrible idea with Laq. Exhibit A: This is the default zones that this dirt layer applies to (Lipstick, Eyeshadow, and Eyebrows too - old shot, I'd added my Eyebrows layer back on). I had something in every one of those slots, now removed, rather than using the perfectly functional tattoo layer manually. That's it; one layer covers the entire face, and instead the applier picks three layers to deliver a useless result. Which would remove my freckles tattoo layer... lesser of two evils, for sure . Or.... I right click add on a couple of system tattoos. Much better. So yeah, assuming that all my appliers creators go over their lines and provide free system tattoo versions, BoM will be a help. I'd still need onion layers for stuff like the wet layer (#specularmapslivesmatter), but I'd need less, for sure. And ideally Maitreya will realise that it's no longer 2015 and having a (single) tattoo onion layer that covers the skin of the hands is actually a useful thing to have.
  23. Indeed there isn't. I remember reading about a case where a German politician's fingerprints had been pulled off a photograph and used to fool a fingerprint scanner. In real life, not in a Mission Impossible movie. However, that is no reason to keep doors unlocked. A security system doesn't have to be flawless to be worthwhile, simply raising the effort bar needed will have a massive positive effect. If it only works half the time, you've just halved the number of breaches. Surely that's worth the effort?
  24. I honestly think having to crowd-fund or otherwise pay for basic automated account security features is unjustifiable. Even a basic SMS-based 2FA system is "install in a day" level stuff. Sure, LL are going to want to do far more testing than that, it's not literally going to take them a single day - but this is still not a massive drain on their resources. This is stuff that one of my volunteer-run gaming communities got sorted over a single weekend, by two guys. But yeah I'm happy for it to be opt-in, that doesn't reduce the safety of my account (or credit card).
  25. Every single game I play has a separate login name (or email address) and display name, for account security. I post a review on Amazon, and my display name cannot be used to login. Every service that involves payment info of any kind, everything with monetary value, everything that matters is the same - they don't broadcast one half of your login credentials to the world. It really is Account Security 101. My messenging apps all follow the same principal as the stuff that matters. Messenger requires a facebook login (email address), so does Discord, so does Skype. Every forum I've ever used also uses an email address to login, not your display name. It's the standard way of doing things. Everything else doesn't matter. If someone can log in to the comments section of some online newspaper, who cares? It doesn't matter. There's no financial risk involved, you invested nothing in that 'account'. Even then, half the comments sections use some Disqus-variation, which logs you in with (you guessed it) a hidden email address, not your display name. Email is the big exception, it's problematic and almost entirely a legacy issue. People are used to just logging in with their email address, and people don't like change, and would object to having to create a separate login account name for their email address. That's why 2FA is present for every major email provider out there, to at least partially compensate for this. Second Life has neither. It broadcasts one half of your login credentials to the world, and has no second factor of authentication to compensate. It is objectively below standard. There are people that don't lock their doors at night. Those people are stupid. And their stupidity is no reason to stop the rest of us from buying locks, and in most cases a bolt too. That's what your argument boils down to - there are some people that don't feel the need to have adequate security, therefore no one gets to have adequate security. It makes no sense. Stop.
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