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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. I do not think that is the case for trying to understand a game of any type. I just think it is more dependent on how well put together a tutorial is, and in my opinion. LL did absolute crap on putting together a well-thought-out tutorial. They throw you onto a tutorial island with a bunch of HUDs, that doesn't really help. If they made it more hands-on and more focused on being as well put together as say a Tutorial from like the Elder Scrolls. Then maybe people would have a better chance to be able to get SL, but at the same time. They also practically leave you alone after and don't tell you what places would be best to go. In a virtual world like SL, knowing where to buy things and hangout after tutorial island, would also benefit new users as well.
  2. We had a social credit score in the past, and the system didn't work. Why bring it back again?
  3. I honestly think that any person who comes to SL, especially with how shallow some people can get and expect you to be mesh on day 1 can be hard. With any sort of mind frame.
  4. Isn't LL planning on updating from Open GL to Vulkan in the near future? So what you did, would be possible when they change over to Vulkan.
  5. So people are not allowed to have biases against things like second life, and there are things called opinion pieces. Which both articles are, I mean yeah people are gonna have biases against a lot of things. That is part of being human. I am sorry but both articles are valid and have merit.
  6. It doesn't kill the germ itself, it kills the proteins coating the germ. Without the proteins the germs are screwed.
  7. I mean we have a tonne of people writing reviews, without any sort of credentials. Especially in the video game area. Does that also make them unqualified? I mean does a person with a journalist degree qualify more then someone doing it from home without a degree?
  8. I mean it all depends on how people view it, calling it a second life is very subjective.
  9. They also need to retopologize and learn how to optimize their clothes. You don't need over 10k complexity for a pair of shoes, that is ridiculous.
  10. Then by definition that is not free speech. That is controlled speech. That all being said, the only way we can stop atrocities like this happening again, is A teach our Youth about the atrocities and B Stop all this divisiveness. I mean we are practically at a precipice of another genocide caused by a crazy totalarianistic person, and this divisiveness isn't helping one bit.
  11. I am not saying the laws are perfect, and I feel like countries take advantage of certain laws and rights. By creating new words that allow for the censoring of certain words. I was just telling Prokof, that the US isn't the only country.
  12. Well the issue I see here, is that not every country is a constitutional republic like the US. That and LL has to follow laws from every country it is in. That all being said, I live in Canada. We don't have a first amendment, nor a constitution. We have what is called a Charter of RIghts and Freedoms. That and Molly seems to be in the EU and they also don't rely on a constitution or a first amendment, when it comes to human rights. The issue here, is that the US is not the only country in the world and you seem to think that first amendment rights are transferable from country to country.
  13. To be honest, they need to have a better interactive experience as a tutorial. I know people may cringe, but turn it into a small RPG game, like an experience similar to Runescape or The Elder Scrolls. I think if it were that interactive, especially when it comes to avatar customization. I feel like noobs would have a better understanding, and not be thrown into the virtual world. Not knowing what the heck they are doing.
  14. I am totally imagining an animated avatar, coming up to you and going I'm here to talk about your cars extended warranty. Lol. Or a scantily clad person whispering, there are women and men in your area that are looking for a good time. Lol. Sorry about that, but I am totally imagining that in a metaverse. Or some pill ad or other ad, we are bombarded with on a day to day basis. Lol
  15. Yep that is true, its the same here in Canada. Slander and Defamation of character is actually an offence. Technically, Libel, Slander and Defamation is considered a crime that you can be charged for.
  16. I mean I don't think my hardware is that old. My PC is only 4 years old CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz (3408 MHz) Memory: 16328 MB Concurrency: 8 OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 19043.1348) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 Graphics Card Memory: 8192 MB This is what I run under the hood.
  17. When will we expect a full release and unlike most viewers will this be hardware intensive. I mean Firestorm is pretty hardware intensive and if this one isn't as bad as Firestorm, I may plan to switch to that as my daily driver.
  18. Okay why are you not working for LL to help improve the graphics side of things?
  19. Maybe have PBR incorporated through the settings, and you can choose to disable or enable it. I mean if that is possible.
  20. Also wanted to add, SL is not a Meta Verse, it is a virtual world.
  21. I see that all the time on SLFB, people will get so offended at some honest evaluations and ban the person from ever buying from their store.
  22. That wouldn't make it anonymous then, if they know who it is in the email.
  23. Not really, if LL would actually take the time and fix chat. Then maybe more people would use the the inworld chat. The amount of times things have been dropped for me. SL chat is so unreliable.
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