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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. I am just gonna stop you there, the girl was smoking weed in the photo. But somehow it has devolved into smoking cigarettes. But here is the issue, if someone were to make the same post about SLex. Then people would lose their minds, call that person a prude and tell them to scroll forward. But since it's smoking " another vice" I might add. Then that is free to attack. I mean there are so many pictures on FLickr depicting violence or violent sexual acts or even drug use or self harm. But no one is batting an eye.
  2. We don't go after or say that media influenced us, for graphic forms of violence, or sexually explicit content. We don't go after content that portrays self harm or anything like that. We are demonizing art that portrays smoking, as if somehow the artist is responsible for the actions of others.
  3. But I think what she was getting at, is why are other vices not demonized as much as smoking? I mean people are okay with sex, alcohol and drugs. But smoking, oh no that is a problem and artists need to take responsibility for what they put in their art. But it was only focussed on smoking, and the picture was actually of a chick smoking pot.
  4. And studies also find, people on the autism spectrum and people with ADHD smoke, due to stress, inattention, anxiety etc. There are so many reasons why people smoke. I mean I can admit it, I used smoking as a tool to help my ADHD, specifically my inattentiveness. I found that I could concentrate better when I did it. As again, studies show that nicotine therapy can actually help with a plethora of issues. Due to nicotine hitting certain receptors, the same receptors that are associated with that.
  5. I grew up in the 90s, and it was the same thing. But I also had a dad, I was raised by my dad mainly. My mom was an uber alcoholic and barely took care of herself let alone me. Who taught me responsibility and accountibility. That all being said, I dislike that we use any form of media as a scapegoat, to not take responsibility or accountability for our actions.
  6. You really can't blame media for that. I am sorry, if the girl stabbed the dude, there was prior ideations before she saw the anime.
  7. What is going on, is the OP wants people to self censor or be more careful what they put in their art. As they feel like it is propogating or glamorizing smoking. We might as well get rid of art all together, because if it doesn't make you think, doesn't bring forward emotions that the artists wants. Using that imagery, then what is the point in art.
  8. That is not what I was saying, everyone has to be responsible for their actions. It is just not the fault of the artist, if someone does something expressed in the photo or video. That is literally my point, if I take a photo of myself drinking at a party. It is not my responsibility to tell you not to drink, or drink in moderation. You should know that, and if you don't, it is not my fault that you drank like a fish. You need to deal with the consequences of your actions. So if you drink like a fish, then you need to deal with the consequences of a hangover or puking yourself and not blame the artist for somehow influencing you.
  9. With the way people are describing it, you would think that we are telling them to smoke or drink. I mean you might as well just put a gif like this, just to be a smart aleck
  10. I feel like anything that somehow has a negative influence on someone, that they somehow want it to be banned. Instead of scrolling on by and just dealing with it, they want to be coddled and anything bad should be locked away. But somehow word it, to where they somehow think that in their mind, they are not wanting it banned. We are all gonna see negative influences in our life. We just have to deal with it, and not hide it away. Be accountable and responsible for ourselves and stop holding the artists and creators responsible for our own actions.
  11. This is basically like those posts about how we should hide sexually explicity images on Flickr, or we should not be taking them. I don't take them. But anything that invokes some sort of negative feelings, seems to get their knickers in a knot and wants it banned or some sort of warning label. Just to protect them.
  12. I wasn't saying you had ideations of suicide, but if others have ideations. Then maybe they need to get help, you can't blame the song for them committing suicide. I mean that is absolutely absurd. No its the fact that people need to take self accountability for their actions and stop blaming others.
  13. Let me preface this by saying, that this song is basically telling people there is no need to commit suicide. Things get better. That there is help out there, if you ask for it.
  14. So we might as well just not have anything bad in media at all, especially in film, tv shows video games or art. It might just influence someone to do a bad thing. Do you see how moronic that sounds? I do, it is a form of censorship. And there has been tonnes of sad songs out there, and i mean yeah it can influence feelings. But if you have ideations about suicide, maybe you should seek some help. And not blame it on the artist.
  15. So what should we as the creator put a warning label in our descriptions, telling people that this is harmful and why it is harmful. I feel like this is what you and the two others are saying. Oh if I have cigarette in my picture, I should tell the viewer that harmful effects of smoking and that they shouldn't do it.
  16. Here is a good example, someone did a picture of them in the hospital a few years back. They were hooked up to IVs and everything, and they had people who clearly cared for them in the picture. I do actually get it, but I also realize that it is not there to promote anything. I realize that there is a deeper meaning, and sometimes a cigarette isn't just a cigarette. There is a much deeper message to get from it.
  17. No one is promoting it, they are using it as a tool to set the mood. Especially when you see most of the pics, are of someone escaping reality, dealing with lots of crap. This helps to portray that, without having to show what they are escaping from or what kinda bad stuff they are dealing with. In any pic I took, that had a cigarette in it. It usually was a dark pic, and it was used to signify escaping from something. So I would assume, that this is what the artist is trying to convey.
  18. Again, why are artists or even YouTube content creators responsible with what they put in their content? Why must they basically censor themselves, and they do. Since someone will always get triggered and the artist either gets a strike or even kicked off the platform. So now as a creator, we have to be mindful of others, and not realize people are accountable for their own actions? Do you not see how stupid that sounds?
  19. Okay this is where it is very black and white, you have a choice to do the thing or not. This is where you are responsible for your own actions, and the artist is not responsible for imagery or depictions in their art, influencing others.
  20. But here is the big thing, you chose to do it. No one influenced you whatever, you saw some wine on the TV. You go oh I want wine, but then realize you don't need it. See it is all about choice. You have a choice, to let the influence get to you or not. That is all on you. I see a tonne of ads that make me want something really bad, but I don't get it.
  21. Like I said before, if you don't like it and it affects you or anyone negatively. You can easily unfollow the person and block them on Flickr or any form of social media. Artists should never be responsible for what others do with their art or how they perceive it. Stop putting the onus on the creators, and start putting the onus on yourself.
  22. But if you don't like it, you can just easily scroll on by. I mean you are responsible for yourself and what you take from the image. That is my point, no one is forcing you to look at it. No one is forcing you to keep your gaze on it, that and I mean example on Flickr. If you don't like it, and feel it is influencing you in a negative way, unfollow and block the person. Stop putting the responsibility on the artist and hold yourself accountable for your own actions.
  23. We are individuals at the end of the day, and we do have to take responsibility for ourselves. I mean I shouldn't have to censor my content, just cause some Karen gets offended at the fact that I put a cigarette in my hands. When they can just as easily scroll on by.
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