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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. Oh and another big pet peeve and a solution. When events just start in SL, and people take forever at them. I wish that LL would maybe in the estate tools or the land tools, implement some sort of timer thing, so that event owners could set it and it would eject people that hit the time limit.
  2. Additional sarcasm. You are responsible for your own children, actually be a dang parent and not a best friend. Teach them right and wrong, and stop using devices as means of taking care of your kid.
  3. The only thing that bugs me about Windows 11, is that to update my computer. I would have to basically buy a new motherboard and some new hardware to just use it.
  4. I do have one honest question, and if the moles or the lindens deem this as innappropriate. Then I will take the punishment. But why is it that you make a topic in the forums, where there have been some who have disagreed with you. About media influences and stereotypes, that you berate them and tell them they are wrong? When some of us actually do work in media or have worked in media or in another field that pertains to this question and we kinda know what we are talking about.
  5. You made a slight error in your anger. You put Can instead of Can't. I am just being nice, before someone decides to use it against you ♥
  6. I mean it is pretty simple, children cannot consent to any sort of sexual activity.
  7. She meant consensual sex, between two adults. Not pedophilia, I don't know how you went to that sudden extreme.
  8. I honestly don't know, I have never had one. But I can imagine they probably smell good.
  9. The Vape juice I ordered, is gonna smell like Watermelons and Kiwis
  10. That does sound good, roast lamb. Now I am craving Lamb Chops. Thank you. Lol
  11. That is probably a weed vape, or even someone is actually smoking weed. Lol
  12. In better news, I had S'mores flavoured Ice Cream from Ben & Jerry's. It was Delicious, that and today is my first year anniversary with my partner
  13. Watching Lucifer is also more interesting than what this thread devolved into That and eat Ben and Jerry's
  14. I would say this response is laughable, as well the issue is. Kids can't consent to sexual acts. What in the absolute fudge is wrong with you? But why are you bringing up pedophilia, and slavery and smoking and saying that is comparable. That is disgusting to go that far.
  15. You really can't pick and choose what depictions of smoking is bad or not though. As with censorship, if you censor one depiction, you have to censor them all.
  16. No it is not, the art is for the individual to interpret. If they somehow can't tell the difference between reality and fiction, that is not my problem. That is their problem. I feel like you need to understand, I am not responsible for how someone interprets my art. If I post myself in a dark corner smoking. Maybe I am trying to convey a message of sadness or depression, or maybe I am trying convey an escape from something. But hey instead of doing that, I will just show why I am really depressed or stressed. Wanna see a picture of someone dead in bed, and I am crying over them? Wanna see that? I mean I could get very graphic. My dad died, and I don't want to show that, I want to show my way of escapng from that thought and using smoking as a method to cope. Is that glamorizing smoking? I don't think so.
  17. But you are expecting everyone else to do the same. Like somehow freedom of expression and imagery if it pertains to that, should not be allowed.
  18. You might as well censor all other vices or anything that could have a bad influence on all people too. And well we have a right to freedom of expression, that comes hand in hand with freedom of speech. Meaning we are unhindered in what we say or depict. I mean if it is hate speech and it incites violence. Then it is wrong. But depicting smoking in an SL pic is not classified as hate speech nor does it incite violence.
  19. Let me try to word this right. By telling people they are influecing someone to do something, IE gluttony, addiction through art. You are practically telling them that they shouldn't put it in there. Then to top it all off, by saying we shouldn't glamorize smoking. Basically it means take all that out of your picture or that you need to somehow give warning to what is in the picture and explain why it is bad. So either we censor ourselves or we put a warning label.
  20. The topic is literally about self censorship in art. She just used that persons smoking quote as an example.
  21. But the issue I have with this, is that you are blaming the form of media for somehow making you do something. Instead of taking responsibility. I mean yeah I see people smoking weed in pictures on SL Flickr all the time, but I never once thought. I am gonna go right back to it. I have impulse control. But back to the cigarettes thing, no one influenced me to smoke. I chose to smoke myself, as it helped with my attention. I am taking responsibility for my actions. That being said, the picture is not telling the person to smoke. It is just showing someone having a good time and smoking a joint. We see this all the time on social media, are we gonna automatically blame the person for it? No that would be stupid.
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