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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. Honestly, what I would love to see is Linden City. Turn Mainland into a massive city. Where even non-premium can rent there, they can have shops and others amenities. And that is what I would do. The continent is big enough to have a city, then you just mix bellisaria and Linden City and equally chunks among it and there you have a nice suburban area. Then with the remaining, you make Linden National park, with trailer homes and tents and the cottages and maybe some planned activities throughout the year. You don't need adult content, what you need to do is build from the ground up. Maybe keep some of the rented lands that are pretty, and put them on the coast. I don't know that is what I would do.
  2. Basically, I don't care what you do behind closed doors. That is how I see it. Let me add that, whatever happens in your house, at a place of business that allows that or a nudist beach. I don't care what you do. And we have tonnes of those in SL, but I don't think we need a community that is basically 24/7 sexual activity. I mean there is already enough out there, to tickle your metaphorical pickles.
  3. Well good for you. I don't want to see peens and vageens in public. I feel like that should be delagated to your home. I don't care if you have your top off. But I don't feel comfortable with people having it all hangout in public.
  4. No I live in Canada, not in the Netherlands. Things are way different here, and even in the US. If we were to go out like that here. We would be arrested for indecent exposure and put on the sex offenders list.
  5. Technically having peens out, is called indecent exposure. And you seem to be taking this way out of proportion. What I meant is that nudity and even sexual acts are not allowed in actual neighborhoods. I didn't mean anything like furries and fantasy stuff.
  6. I never said that you are not allowed to have it, but what I meant and this seems to be what gets on people's nerves. If you live in Bellisaria, you have to all your sexual stuff in your house. And I didn't mean that, I just meant Bellisaria is supposed to be like a community. Like a neightbourhood on a regular suburban street. Would you go and have sex out in a public place, in your own neighbourhood? No one is taking anything away, we are just telling you. Bellisaria will never have an adult-only section.
  7. Ooh I want to see what you look like in your Kupra Body
  8. I am sorry, but who is gonna wanna see people playing with toys out in the open? Sure there are people who enjoy that. But Bellisaria is supposed to be like a community, like with families and stuff. That and what is this push with making everything hypersexual? Also stop calling people who don't like sex, or who don't like seeing it out in the open, prudes. I just hate that, I am sorry if I would rather sex be in a private area, not in the open. I am sorry that my ideologies of sex and sexuality are very modest and conservative. I am not sitting here or anyone else who is like me calling you names. So what gives you the right to call us that?
  9. There is already a huge adult continent. I forget what the regions are called, but I know there are adult regions on Mainland. So that is pointless.
  10. That isn't even my alt. So thank you for accusing me of that. But I stand by what I said, saying that everyone has to say SL is not a game is very wrong. I mean I look at it as a game. Heck, I made tonnes of friends on other online games. There is nothing wrong with anyone looking at SL in that way. Also this is the only account from my PC that uses SL forums.
  11. I mean that is very subjective, to some people, it is a game. You really can't tell people how to think. That being said, you don't have to be a creator to enjoy SL, that I can agree with.
  12. Uh you know a lot of those permabans are due to actual legit reasons. We don't want the OG Green Lanterns or any other griefer group back.
  13. I don't think it has anything to do with complacency at all, people call them out and they get attacked for body shaming. That is the issue, and then you have that person's squad who digs in on you, that in turn, turns into you basically an empty discussion. With no possible way of trying to actually have a decent discussion.
  14. I think the only thing that bugs me about the topic, is that naturally I have a younger-looking face in RL and I am 32 and I look like I am in my late teens. So I mean genetics does play a big role in that. However, the need for the bobblehead, big-eyed, drooly and snotty faces, on an adult body. That always seems to have big boobs and butts. I kinda am creeped out about that. You gotta a literal infant head on an adult body.
  15. Yeah I know the feeling, especially since I am living with a roommate and the amount I get doesn't allow for me to live by myself. I absolutely dislike it, as I would like to have my own place and be able to be myself more.
  16. I pay for YouTube Premium for ad free viewing. But if I didn't, I would watch the ads. As I want to support the creators that I subscribe to, as I can't afford to pay for all of their patreons. As for the last bit, I honestly don't care if sites are tracking me. They do that, so they can create ads that are targeted specifically to you. I mean before that, I would get a lot of ads for erectile dysfunction or some other issue or problem. I didn't have. Now I don't have to worry about seeing ads about the superbowl or other things I don't like.
  17. Honestly, all I want for Christmas is the money to get my top and facial surgery so I look more feminine so this dysphoria doesn't drive me crazy. I am trans male to female and yeah I feel like looking at a flat chest and a semi masculine face all the time, when all you want is an outward appearance of a female is hard. Especially when you are on social assistance.
  18. Yeah it does suck and I am on disability. I usually miss cool sales like these. And have to make a shopping list folder to know what I want at the end of the month.
  19. Well for one, that was just a big troll that was created on 4chan that these disgusting people took to realistically. For two yeah they should never be in the LGBTQ community. But then you also have people who go we shouldn't be mean to people who have ideations of well doing the nasty with kids. Yes we should, it's gross and disgusting and should be frowned upon. And I would rather them get help before they go harming a child.
  20. We know that. But here is the thing, when you have those people. With big heads that are not proportional neck, big eyes snotty nosed. Yet they have a body of an adult and are hypersexualizing themselves. It's honestly kinda creepy and looks like babies with adult bodies.
  21. To add to that, when people self diagnose themselves and refuse to see a doctor. I know of many people who have done that and for people like me who went to see an actual doctor and got properly diagnosed. It feels like a big kick in the face.
  22. Another big example is the Elder Scrolls and Fallout series from Bethesda. People have been making patches and bug fixes to these games for many years. I honestly find volunteers who have a love for a game or a platform. Will work harder to make each users experience better.
  23. to be honest with this question. I do, maybe back then it was much easier. As people accepted people for however they looked, the community, in general, was much more helpful and there was less of a push that everyone is mesh. Nowadays people won't talk to anyone who looks like they are using the default standard or mesh avatars, and basically, we have this mesh snobbery in SL. That all being said, yes I do think a lot of changes should be made to introducing people to SL as well.
  24. What does that have to do with what was said prior?
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