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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. There is no game of chance involved in these conveyor system. For it to be considered gambling, by law it has to be defined as a game of chance. That being said, these new systems are just an over convoluted sales mechanism.
  2. I get no rush from gambling either, I actually got more of a rush from the soft drink lounge in the casino than the actual machines and tables itself. Lol
  3. With her logic, we might as well ban everything that we as humans can get addicted to.
  4. From a legal standpoint, Gambling is a game of chance. Meaning that since we know what we are buying, that takes away the game of chance aspect that gachas used. And we don't use neurological or mental issues to determine laws. With your logic, they should get rid of all the stores in SL and get rid of MP. As shopping gives the same boost of dopamine that gambling does in people's brains.
  5. We get that you don't like it, but as of now. That is not gambling, there is no mystery to what item you are gonna get. What you at that moment is what you are gonna get. I think I already explained it well using my shirt example. You see brown shirt, you buy brown shirt. Now put it into a machine, and add a randomizer, so after a certain amount of time the item changes to another randomly picked one in the set. But you still see the item you are buying. It's just a more complex normal sales machine. I don't like the system either, but I don't see it as much as gambling as gacha.
  6. What these new systems are are a sales gimmick. I will give you an example, you want to buy a shirt from a store and well you don't need to buy the FP. So you buy that one shirt. Basically this conveyor system, is that with a randomizer and rares and commons. So they basically just added more complexity to a sales system, we have used for over a decade. That is literally all it is. I mean with the time they took to create this, they could have put all that creative energy into normal sales items, and got the same amount of money back. But no, they make work arounds and act like if they don't have it. That it will be a great depression in SL, similar to that of the 1930s.
  7. I mean had they not had those stupid hardware requirements, I would update. But alas, I would have to rebuild my pc just to use it. I can't afford to just dump a butt tonne into new hardware. So thank you Microsoft. Lol
  8. actually if you read, going forward, items are not allowed to be transferable.
  9. I think that the rules state that items have to be no transfer, copy items.
  10. The only thing that bugs me about these new conveyor system, is that they are basically selling normal items with permissions that are similar to items you see in like an outfit from Blueberry. But now you gotta go through this whole extra thing just to buy it. I mean why waste your time building a new system, that is basically selling you normal sales items? Instead of actually just making more sales items.
  11. I mean the only thing I can say that media seems to be influencing, is people buying every new body. And then using the same statements about said body. Whether it be Kupra, Ebody, or even other new bodies releasing. I feel like people can't think for themselves and lack any sort of individualism, when it comes to new stuff in SL.
  12. I think Dyna Mole already warned us once about character attacks. So I think that we should listen.
  13. Can you please cite your sources on how the government is trying to brainwash us. I mean any language can be construed as manipulative. But due to the fact that we can't understand it, as we are not politicians or lawyers. Doesn't make it evil or manipulative.
  14. I think you made a mistake there, that is called legal jargon. You know the language that they use and lawyers and politicians understand. I mean in that logic, medical jargon must be manipulative as well.
  15. That was me who said that children can't consent
  16. I honestly don't see the OPs point, that it's scammy. With this system, you know what exactly you are gonna get. Unlike before, where there was a chance, you would get 1 of a plethora of items and you don't know what item you would get each pull.
  17. You actually see what you are buying, and when you buy it after a certain amount of time it randomly changes to the next item that is for sale. That is basically the system.
  18. I mean right now, the leading cause of death is COVID 19 related cases.
  19. To be honest, I think they are just trying to protect themselves. But instead of trying to get help, she deflects and puts it on Neurodivergents. I mean if she needs help and has gambling addictions issues. I feel bad for her, but to deflect and say that this system is also predatory and basically and then say people like me have problems. That is what made me angry.
  20. I am sorry, but the thing is, I have ADHD and I am on the Autism spectrum. I am one of those people she is talking about. But I certainly don't get dopamine rushes when I play this, nor do I even buy into it. So I don't know what you are talking about. I mean this seems kinda ableist, as you are basically saying we can't control our urges. Like we are somehow impaired. I can control my urges quite well. I don't like the system but I don't see it as a problem, I see it as a solution to the problem.
  21. I have worked in media in high school. So I have some experience.
  22. I have tried the vegan diet, two days after I was really sick and went back to meat.
  23. I mean humans have been eating meat since the beginning of human kind. So yeah it is definitely human nature to smoke and eat meat and well yeah. Lol
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