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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. Be very wary of the virtual office It's dressed up all sexy and shiny to sell it to you, it's not for you, it's a prison hat your boss will get to put on you for the day. A bubble where you can only see your work world and the work world your bosses want you to see.
  2. I would agree, but make an exception for 7seas.
  3. Li is directly tied to land area. 2048 sqm of land will have double the Li as a single 1024. However, in order to use all those Li in the same place, all of your 2048 sqm MUST be owned by you AND on the same region. As yet, there are no 2048 linden homes, so you will have half your Li in a Linden home, and half going to waste unless you can find some mainland for an entirely separate second home.
  4. It's not an investment. It's an entertainment expense. Nothing in SL has any value outside of SL. Not land, (especially) not stuff, not even L$. I don't invest in a HBO subscription or WoW membership just like I'm not investing in my avatar .. I'm paying for things I need to consume and participate in the services I enjoy. End of.
  5. What made me angry was Patch opening with how he's all about concurrency in a location and how awesome it is to have SO MANY people in one place. There is nothing awesome about sitting in a crowd of 200 people in single digit FPS not moving, barely able to follow chat waiting for something, anything, to happen. SL is not a spectator sport. It's about personal participation. Peek SL is 4 friends together, engaged and active. This is the same "event's as a end in themselves" hill that Sansar crash and burnt on.
  6. Yes, hyper useful. O N C E. On the condition!! That the home you want is sitting empty AND exactly where you want to be. G R E A T Now, how can I get the neighbor to move out so my fren can claim it in the dead time between it dropping and the GOH randomatic just handing it to someone else. In programming. This is called a race condition. It's a source of unpredictable outcomes and misery. W O O H O O
  7. If it wasn't hyped to the moon and back for MONTHS. Like this was something we should be excited for, because awesome reasons.
  8. I upload all the time, I should use the beta grid more but I can't be bothered .. if I added it all up, it wouldn't really make a huge difference in the grand scheme. Like if I spend 2k developing a product .. it better cover that and a lot more over the product's lifespan
  9. If you have a GF premium, do not, under any circumstances, change that account. If you need 2048. get your alt a regular annual premium and pool the land via groups.
  10. I'm not seeing this offer as compelling at all. The L$ and land are proportionally below the existing offering if you want 2048 sqm of land - get 2 regular premiums and use land groups. The rest of the perks are fluff. Free uploads is inconsequential, cant wait till we see regular PC files encoded as images and stored on LL's CDN forever. A bigger Linden home would be nice for people REALLY into that. If they can get one. When they are a thing. Soon. 140 groups .. It's not a big deal for me. an extra script experience everyone will too terrified to enable .. ok actual tech support .. come on. The special offer price for monthly is just the monthly saving you get by paying annually. If you need more of anything, get more premiums, pay yearly, and hope they don't bump the price to 129.99 per year (they will).
  11. It's not. Up to 49152 sqm with a single owner, stack premiums, over that 1 premium and tier is cheaper .. of course, you can stack premiums forever with groups in which case tier is never cheaper .. but the number of accounts racks up. Premium + fixes this loophole.
  12. I've run the numbers and yes .. this does bring stacked super premiums more in line with regular mainland tier prices. This is for stacking annually paid premiums and selling the excess L$ at current market rates VS 1 premium and regular tier. I've got to go over and double check everything but so far the advice is If you have < 49152 sqm of mainland, stacking regular premiums is significantly cheaper, up to $675 pa at sweet spot of about half a region. Premium + is still conditionally better value than regular tier up to 4096 sqm BUT it's worse than stacked regular premiums. I expect regular premium to go up in price to fix this anomaly later this year.
  13. I believe it's been said that upload fee changes will not affect mesh, so just those 10L image uploads, snapshots, group creation fees etc etc. Mine is ready and waiting ^^ Keeping mind mind we haven't seen any evidence of bigger Belli home plots, there might just be the option to have a second home, but I'm not holding my breath.
  14. I've done the math on this one .. the fix is to reprice premium or redo the entire mainland tier pricing model. Guess which one is the simplest by a huge margin. Will work out the exact changes premium plus makes when we get the details, although I will say I don't see any world where LL drops face tier prices. I'm expecting premium plus to be slightly worse value (land & L$, ignoring introductory offers) than regular premium and for the price of that to increase again some point this year.
  15. Addressing the problems with the mainland pricing model is not going to be fixed by tweaking the premium offering, if anything it might actually make stacking premium accounts even more broken, unless they bump the price of regular premium at the same time. I am not going to be very excited for plus if its value is dependent on there being a regular premium price hike slipped under the door.
  16. Multi tasking. When I started you couldn't run the SL viewer and a browser with 40 tabs and a streaming service or actual game on side. If someone was in SL, they were in SL. Not anymore.
  17. There is an element of needing to find your "VR Legs" much like finding your sea legs by being stuck on a boat for a week, the vomiting will cease eventually. Sadly most are not up for forcing themselves to endure repeatedly and purposefully inducing sickness to get over this hump. Every single indie game dev I knew who jumped on VR when it first hit ended up on prescription meds to stick with it, and they all ended up abandoning their projects. Better tech marginally improves comfort, and that's enough for some to stick with it, but for most everyone I know it hasn't been. At the end of the day you're fighting against an evolved instinct. Visually perceiving motion without movement is surprisingly close to eating something very poisonous, hence the urge to barf. You may be able to learn to suppress this with constant repeated exposure, but that takes a really special kind of masochism.
  18. Most body makers provide an application process to get access to a dev kit. It's a catch 22.
  19. The destination guide isn't a thing. Where aren't the people ? At places listed in that guide. Where is that guide, who knows .. who uses it .. almost no one.
  20. An event and a dense build are not the same .. and probably mutually exclusive.
  21. LL did experiment with making SL VR, getting the headset to work and react to movement isn't the hard part. The project was abandoned for technical reasons. VR really needs a constant frame rate with low latency to stand a sliver of a chance at not inducing vomiting. SL could not do this. LL went off and made Sansar as a VR SL 2.0 and missed the point of what SL (and virtual worlds in general) were about and who they were for, trainwrecked everything, sold Sansar and then sold themselves. This doesn't preclude SL ever being VR, or someone resurrecting the work that was done to add VR support to SL, but as it stands .. people aren't fond of blowing chunks.
  22. You're really underselling just how completely screwed we are and just how huge our impact has been. There is no "balance to be found". There was balance and then we showed up and messed with everything, waiting for a new balance to be found while we continue to poison the well is not really a solution.
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