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Everything posted by KanryDrago

  1. Every basic that pays rent is demonstrably paying about 92% of their rent to the labs via the landlords tier. Mine works out over 30$ a month after the landlord takes his cut hardly a slim cut. The landlord's cut is maybe 4$
  2. Maybe just me but for a private party I am throwing and hiring an entertainer for I always make it clear a tip jar is not going out as I don't want my guests feeling obliged to finance the party. Usually it makes the entertainer more costly but then why would you invite guests and expect them to pay
  3. Go out have fun talk to people. Most don't have 2 heads and are friendly....my turn to be the exception
  4. They forgot *Basics must perform any act required of them by a premium member
  5. Child avi's are run by adults why should they not swear?
  6. yes a potential solution but 1) it would mean I have to find 8x72 dollars in one month and the other issue which is I really don't like mainland
  7. I think you missed my main point here. Would it increase the amount of people in sl...yes not disputing that. What I am saying is will it increase the amount of people in SL by enough to make it worth the lab spending the time and money to make those tools over doing something like bento. What percentage of sl users are actually creators that would use these tools. As to the gamey side, yes you have a point about being able to make more game like introductions to SL. However I believe from what I have read here that they used to do that and had a series of tasks to complete. They took it away presumably because it wasnt working. Now it maybe the people who would like this addition is a large number, for example I ride motorcycles here and would better physics help there. Yes undoubtedly.....however how big a group really are vehicle users. I don't get the impression its that large, vocal but again a small percentage. All I was trying to point out is that with limited resources they need to target the work they do to target the largest number and retain them. We all have our pet projects we would love to see but realistically we need the lab to work on whats best for overall health of SL. As to my pc, well the only place I find I have to drop down from ultra is Franks and that place is often mostly full of prim people with flexi's and sculpties most everywhere else I get over 60 fps and the only lag I get is network induced
  8. Its actually worse than that though blush, I personally would see premium as a worse option for land for me. The year before last just before christmas I got laid off and took me till the end of March before I had money coming into the house again for various reasons. If I was premium and had my land 8192 metres the end result is that the Lab would have tried to take payment and then locked my account until I could pay them. Not being premium however I talked to my landlord and explained and he was kind enough to say no worries keep the land then when back in work you can catch up. End result while unemployed I could still log on and keep my house and while I had no lindens to spend I could still at least enjoy sl
  9. Smiles we have I think been talking at cross purposes to a certain extent Bitsy looking at the same thing from different directions is all
  10. I agree that there is no general warfare Lindal, but yes I am strident on this topic when suggestions such as gate major world features like mesh behind premium comes along, or as in a previous thread some people were suggesting that basic members were freeloading off of premium members. Most premiums and most basics get along just fine and pay no attention to each others status. However as soon as someone makes a suggestion which would result in basic members being lesser members then damn right I will step in and complain.
  11. I already support the platform is my point and I don't need something worthless to do it
  12. And you have not understood what I am saying either my current budget for sl a month is 80$ going premium merely adds 99$ a year to that total for something I dont want. You can try and justify it anyway you want but at the end of the day I am still paying 99$ more for something I do not want
  13. for the last time its not 3.50 its 99 extra a year it costs me and absolutely nothing in premium has any value to me whatsoever
  14. No its only a rebate if I spend less, thats why I call it a drop in the ocean I wouldnt even notice it being there. Without sub I spend 12x with sub I spend 12x + 99 therefore the sub is a 99$ tax simple as that
  15. To clarify Bitsy I spend x a month on lindens I therefore spend 12x a year even with the stipend I will still spend 12x on lindens the fact that you would buy less lindens due to the stipend is purely what you do
  16. No I didnt misread your post. For starters I currently get through 20k lindens a month currently. All the stipend would mean is I spend 21200 a month. So its not saving me anything. If I dont have it I wouldnt be buying an extra 1200 lindens. If I do have it I wont be buying less lindens than currently therefore its not saving me a single penny. It is you misrepresenting things because you are merely looking at it through what you do.
  17. Why should I pay extra on top of the 36 dollars they already get from me a month? I already give more to their bottom line than some premiums. Yet you think I should pay extra for some perks I neither want nor need? Care to explain why the you think I should
  18. If its a major world feature like mesh hell yes, if its perks the premiums get then hell no couldn't care less
  19. Some people say exactly that, you yourself are arguing that basics shouldn't get nice things because only premiums deserve them and if you are not premium then that is just a wierd stance. You can ignore numbers all you like but the fact remains the Lab cannot afford to annoy basics to the point they leave in large numbers. If you don't think there are some premiums with a sense of entitlement about it then you certainly didnt read the thread about changes
  20. Lets put some figures up as some premiums seems to feel they keep the lab afloat so they should get loaded down with goodies In another thread people came to a fairly well agreed estimate of 100,000 premiums. 100,000 x 72 = 7,200,000 income for the lab Last year according to the report here https://readwrite.com/2011/08/08/second_life_makes_100m_a_year_in_revenue/ the lab had 100,000,000 income your premium fees are a mere 7% the rest comes from people paying tier, merchant fees, cash out fees,market place fees etc all of which basics contribute to, maybe even more when you consider basics dont have a free home So get off your high horse about how much the lab needs you. If everyone dropped premium the lab would still make a profit. If all the basics disappear because you feel they are free loaders however the Lab is going to be in trouble So kindly take your premium sense of entitlement and shove it
  21. By the very definition gating some new feature behind premium and saying basics can't have it is excluding them. There is a huge difference between perks and not having access to certain world features
  22. I joined sl on my own, but to establish a social network quickly I joined a bloodlines clan. Worked great and though I no longer take part in bloodlines I still have folks from those days as friends
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