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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. I might have just gotten a similar article in my MSN feed. I'm not sure how some feel about this particular news source but I think the article has some sound reasoning in it. I thought @Arielle Popstar might like to read it. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/world-could-have-prevented-covid-19-catastrophe-expert-panel/ar-BB1gDZz4?li=BBnb7Kz
  2. I've heard this too. New strain of swine flu, not transferred to humans as of yet. Swine flu causes a serious respiratory illness too. I had to be on humidifier for the first time in my life with that horrible virus. It wasn't a ventilator, but it was a horrible respiratory infection and the humidifier helped me breathe. If we do have the intelligence to have a better food source, I sure hope we do something about it instead of going oh well....
  3. I can't answer that, we'd all be guessing where it came from. But, what I find rather odd is how did it get all around the world so quickly? Why weren't doctors more in contact with others about this as it is just like suddenly it was everywhere? I became very ill during swine flu suffering three times with a dreadful bout of it that I developed what is called chronic fatigue syndrome. There was no media hype and all we were told in California was to wipe down our shopping cart with an antiseptic wipe and put hand sanitizer on our hands before we started shopping, and that's it. The swine flu in comparison to Covid does not seem to have manipulated the world nor commodities like Covid has.
  4. I'm a lot more like you than not, Arielle. I have always been a "health nut". I became a vegetarian in my teens and have worked out six days a week for many, many years starting in my late teens. The only drinks I drink are coffee, tea and water. I don't drink sodas nor snack but I suddenly did when my rl bf/best friend moved and I gained a few pounds which would not look normal to my doctor so I told him about it. I have since lost the weight and gone back to the usual me. I feel sugar treats are for once in a while, like once or twice a month. I have studied foods and beverages and what chemicals our governments put in food. I also watched a news program and it blatantly stated all the preservatives are related to more profits - the longer the shelf life, the more the profit, but it's at our health risk. Most things works for profit and this can affect our lives, we the little people. Media works for profit too and thus sensationalism was born. I am also a huge Bob Dylan fan who has torn and thrown mud pies at the media perhaps more times than you. I'm glad I have doctors who work with the whole me, not just drugs. I also am skeptical of big pharma at times but little pharma can be corrupt too. Suddenly, a stock that is one penny is suddenly 5 dollars a share on some of these "covid" related things. But, I am like you, I believe our health is pro active not just a pill. But, some of these sites I'm not sure it's a bunch of hype either. It's too early to have a cocktail, imo, and covid is going to be here a long, long time. Our best hope is to downgrade it to more like a cold through the vaccine rather than a potentially deadly virus. Covid may never go away entirely.
  5. I don't understand how others are just now hearing that the virus is airborne? It has always been airborne. The video below shows how the droplets move swiftly via indoor air vents. Here is the link to the video below - the video's date is May 2020.
  6. Influence came up in the thread about the British Royals and a resident said that the British Royals have no power and have no influence. I don't believe that for a second but I don't wish to debate it as I cannot prove it but neither can the resident that they don't. And, money is the greatest power on Earth. If others say it isn't so that money is also influence, than let others say it isn't so but I don't believe that for a single second. Money can buy one a whole heck of a lot. Money can buy one freedom, silence, a female, a death, you name it.
  7. Now I am beginning to wondering if it's sounds while eating? I've heard many people say they can't stand this. It's not uncommon. You may have issues with certain sounds but I'm also beginning to think it wouldn't be uncommon. Plus, we all have our idiosyncrasies. So, I wouldn't beat up on yourself about it.
  8. Okay, another approach to think about is to ask your doctor what they are doing to stay safe through the pandemic. I'm still encouraging you to talk, talk, talk to your own doctor. If your doctor won't take time with you past meds, ask to switch to another doctor. This is a very difficult statement above to understand since none of us know your pre-existing conditions which may need a lot of meds and med monitoring, your age, etc. But, you need to initiate the talking. All doctor's in California that I've had ask about our diet and exercise. How do you think a doctor talks to one who is diabetic? Just give insulin but not ask about their sugar consumption? That would be a quack. Doctors do go beyond meds but you need to talk too and be honest with your doctor.
  9. I don't like the city. I don't like the skyscrapers, the congestion and the noise. Too many cars, horns, planes, helicopters, endless noise. I like living near a city so I can go to the museums and concerts but I have to live where it's quiet. Some people love hustling, bustling noisy cities but I hate it. I'm always happy to see the sky. I couldn't even live where there are skyscrapers. I'm not sure what you are coming clean about quite frankly.
  10. My doctor is very open and I've always had good doctors, imo, and sometimes gone to doctors with questions I've written down on a list. My current doctor I talk to about all my nutrition, supplements I started, and exercise. He knows all of it. I keep my doctor informed because I have hereditary high cholesterol and I eat no snacks and eat egg whites only to try to lower it but it's such a stubborn hereditary thing that even with me eating almost no cholesterol, it's still high. But my doctor knows if I start eating any junk as I will tell him and I did eat a bit of junk for about six weeks after my rl bf moved away so I told my doctor about it and told him that's why I gained a few pounds I didn't want. Once he caught me with a bag of potato chips as I bought them after exercising and in a hurry to go see him and he said "tell me you aren't eating those?" LOL My doctor also recommending boiling all my food. My doctor believes a healthy diet and exercise are vital to a healthy life. This is how you establish a good relationship with your doctor. Your doctor is a part of your support system. If you don't have one you can talk to easily, find another one perhaps.
  11. Each state has it's own constitution as well so state's rights are perhaps more entailed than in your country. Governors later when each was in control of lockdowns then put mayors of each country in charge of their own country as far as certain rules, at least California did, and I felt sorry for the mayor of the county of Los Angeles as we are a county that is called the greater Los Angeles area as the county includes the surrounding suburbs and it's a big county here and probably kind of like New York City. It was horrendous here. Perhaps the mayor could have done better. I don't know.
  12. Read what I posted above as we were posting at the same time. I THINK you are way better off having a heart-to-heart talk with YOUR doctor about concerns you have.
  13. And, @Arielle Popstar if you want me to downgrade the comment about calling you illogical, than look at it as I thought you were being unreasonable. I felt it unreasonable to keep posting the same stuff for endless weeks that many had already debunked but still you kept at it, insisting all those websites were right and everyone else was wrong. And, I wasn't born yesterday and I do know the media likes to manipulate and sensationalize things. I think you need to lead your life and stop reading into all that stuff and hanging on every word like your life depends upon it. You are far better off having a heart-to-heart talk with your doctor about concerns you have.
  14. I don't think it's abusive to say one is being illogical because I felt there was good reason too as it was going on weeks that you were going on about HCQ and other experimental drugs. You didn't listen to any of the rebuttals not just mine but just kept posting your stuff over and over like a broken record. And, you hadn't listened to me before I said you were being illogical.
  15. Yes, but it wasn't watched or regulated. We had safer-at-home orders at that time (different from stay-at-home orders) which more or less left it volunteer for Thanksgiving. But, many people said ef-it to safer-at-home and got together with family and did not quarantine after Thanksgiving. Some may but many I know did not. Much of after travel quarantine was called "self-quarantine" a do-it-yourself kind of thing.
  16. I read two different websites that had different information. I believe the problem with California and it's re-opening was largely due to not shutting down domestic travel for the Thanksgiving holiday in November of 2020 which caused a huge spike in coronavirus cases that California locked down much stricter in November of 2020 again. It was in so many ways unnecessary to allow the travel to continue. People can conference on Skype or whatever. California was the first to lockdown in the United States then is probably what the website meant. But what is relevant is it wasn't Trump and it wasn't Trump's call. Each Governor and the local mayors were the ones in charge of each state. California went into lockdown because of our California governor. Our governor issued the lockdown, not Trump, and it was up to each state's governor to issue the lockdowns, not Trump.
  17. You know I wear all hair styles, short, medium, long, updos (hair is my collectible I have so many) and I just never noticed that so I was wondering why. But, I can say I do not wear stockings or lacey undies in SL. I did that my first time years and years ago in SL when I was stripper and had all kinds of lingerie and stockings. I was just looking at my Nanika tattoos just the other day on FLICKR and "remembering when" but I never encountered a problem. Weird that.
  18. Many of the ones I used for my second time I was in SL for several years just before mesh clothing and as mesh clothing and Slink feet first came out are still here. My first avatar, way back in or about 2006 or just prior, maybe late 2005, I can't remember the names of the skin or the hair or much but I do remember Butterfly Hollow...one of my first homes in SL was a treehouse in Butterfly Hollow. Butterfly Hollow is still here too. My second hair for my first avatar in SL was when flexi hair just came out or was hitting the grid. My first avatar had worn one hair for about a year because I thought that's what we were supposed to do, make one character to represent us and just be that and I don't fuss with my hair much in real life. But when I saw that flexi hair from Damselfly, I loved it! Damselfly is still here too. One who isn't here that I do miss is Antique Artistry who started in about 2007 I think - their stuff was gorgeous and super low prim - way before their time. Antique Artistry has some 1 linden dollarbies on MP now as little remembrances but they are retired and haven't had an inworld shopping sim for a long time. But, most of the ones I love from all those years ago are still here. Oh, to help with your title about "history"...here is Antique Artistry's bio Antique Artistry was formed in 2006 by two long-time SL creators, Poppet McGimsie and Fatima Ur, who have created literally thousands of SL objects, animations, scripts, textures and soundscapes. Poppet has been making antique furniture all along, including texturing, mesh modeling, scripting and animations. The pieces we offer have often been developed over the last decade, starting even before sculpted prims were possible. The challenge is always to create something that is beautiful, realistic, well-crafted, and low prim.
  19. I gotta disagree here, Phil... as each state is different here and California was the first to go into lockdown in March of 2020. First of all, to Arielle, I heard about airborne transmission here in California in early 2020 and I already told you that in the other thread but as what seems usual with you and I, you just ignore what I say or get very forgetful. So, I really see no need to go over it again. As far as Trump, he wanted things open for Easter of 2020, that and some other things I don't want to list all at the moment but we still got real news here in California, mostly through our governor as well as all the full articles you could read down south there. If you think everyone was listening to Trump...lol. You all from other countries give him way more power to upset you than he does me. I had ways to filter him out. Trump is a polemic and he works like a shock jock. My California Governor was in charge of California, btw, not Trump. Oh, and California was first to go into lockdown in the Western World; New Zealand and Australia were after California.
  20. I've not read this but I tried and I click and move sliders and nothing and I tried many times just to see if I was doing something wrong. Yes, I know I need to contact the group inworld about what-is-what with all these things on here that leave me even wondering what they are for. I haven't even spent time learning universal neck even yet because I need to relax after this EEP debacle and my AMD GPU which are not compatible. SL is just not relaxing for me anymore because of this problem of EEP and my graphics not compatible so I put everything SL aside for awhile. Being a Dinkie I can do a little bit easier for my machine, so I guess I'm lucky I can at least be a Dinkie. I don't want to blow out machine by trying to run EEP and the heavy mesh humans too much. It's just not good for my machine anymore, sadly. Dinkie's are super low triangles, about 13 thousand as opposed to millions for some humans. So, I have that at least, for now.
  21. Now, I didn't experience this at all and have many pictures of Nanika's beautiful lace tattoo appliers she USED to have and that I would splurge on for my rez days and my real life birthday. No I had no problems with alpha glitch and tattoos. It was eyelashes but then I prefer my females with little to no eyelashes anyways so not a problem there. BTW, Nanika closed her tattoo applier line and I don't know if she will open again for BOM. But again me rambling on about tattoos.... I learned to make BOM tattoos for myself and it's so easy and fun. That was the best part and then I made eyeshadows and lipsticks and some fantasy skins as well. But, making tattoos...it's so easy...I'd recommend anyone learn. One thing I am not sure about though is the HD huds going forward with BOM. I am a Catwa girl as to me there is just something about Catwa and I cannot find a replacement so I keep going back to Catwa. The Queen head is beautiful and will shape so many ways that is one thing I love about some of the Catwa heads, such a variety in shape-ability. Again, the Queen HDPro I received was one of the best gifts I ever received in SL but that HUD. Well, to make a long story short about the HUD, it's too time consuming and I've just had too many other projects. A more stream-lined ease of use HD Hud I would prefer for any kinds of HD Pro or other HD types of heads going forward. The applier huds were just easier to understand and I love the sheering ability on the applier system, that's is the worst to loose and I cannot use my sheering applier lipsticks on the HDPro Catwa Queen head, so lipsticks are a problem on that one.
  22. You can upload textures for a free trial prior to purchasing a texture. You need to learn how to do that, it's very easy. Ask in a building school or in the texture area of the forum. It's basically you click LOCAL and then ADD the temp texture; you need to open the edit window first and then click on the texture and then click local and then pick what texture you want to temp view and then hit add. I've never explained this so perhaps ask at a building school or Goggle how to upload a temp texture to local is waaaaaaaaay better than my explanation. Once you like your texture, then pay for the one you like. You can demo as many free ones as you like temporarily. BTW, your avatar looks great.
  23. I get this too at times. The nostrils too dark and not sure why. The thing with EVO is it doesn't say which head it's for, not on the ones I've seen anyhow. Deetalez puts up a pack of free shapes to try with her EVO skins and one could try those - both shapes and skins to demo at the same time. I don't know if Deetalez skins come with those shapes when you buy them though and I'm not inworld right now. But doesn't having to put up shapes to try with skins sort of defeat the purpose of free to shape? EVO could be a tricky one to fit if Deetalez is having to put shapes to try on the skins. January could try Deetalez and her shapes and see how she likes them. Just generally to this thread, also, for some skins that don't seem to fit...be sure to change the eyebrow shape which is usually included with your head pack and just changing eyebrows can make it fit better, not saying it will be a perfect fit but the eyebrows are a necessity sometimes especially if you had other eyebrows on for a different head that were set far too low. For those who like to change looks as one poster said in this thread and then having difficulty, it could just be first of all you need to change to the eyebrows that come with that specific head. Remember we have two shapes: One for head and body and one for eyebrows.
  24. There is a bit of precedent only in that unscrupulous people have put up NFT's for sale that are Disney things or very well known copyrighted things which they are not the copyright holder of obviously as only Disney owns Disney, etc. So, their TOS do stress make sure you are the copyright holder blah, blah. If the OP or anyone does want to do it they can under the assumption they know it's fully at their own risk.
  25. They get a lot of free advertising on FLICKR plus the image quality on FLICKR is far superior. I think the distribute means sell, make money from Linden content, etc. The real question should be what and how can we as individuals hold a copyright of our own in SL in order to be able to sell an NFT because to sell an NFT we must be the legal copyright holder. So what can we and can't we copyright here with our photographs?
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