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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. No, not talking about the pandemic. The article stated globalization and encroachment as a reason for the virus BUT the virus or two coronaviruses came out of only one area, not globally yet globalization and encroachment are everywhere but not new and different viruses everywhere. Luna and I were having a discussion about the article she posted. India's virus IS the pandemic. That's not what we were discussing so this has nothing to do with populated areas as India doesn't have a different virus altogether, they have a variation of the coronavirus. We were discussing how it may have started not the pandemic; started due to globalization and encroachment. But, if that is true, then why aren't there viruses everywhere as globalization and encroachment are everywhere?
  2. No, my counterpoint was in regards to Luna's counterpoint and her article about industrialization and encroachment NOW, nothing much else. The article Luna is citing doesn't include industrialization and encroachment which has been going on a long, long time. The article is basically saying "21st Century globalization and encroachment are the problem". I'm saying but the problem of viruses occurring is not everywhere even though we have globalization and encroachment just about everywhere. Why? And, I don't mean the pandemic when I say everywhere...I mean viruses and new strains.
  3. Okay, I got that wrong as the article I read quoted three coming from China. It must have meant the new "swine flu", this... The new strain, G4 EA H1N1, emerged on China's pig farms, and the researchers said it has all the hallmarks of a pandemic virus.Jul 1, 2020 EDIT: However, I did read about The Spanish Flu from 1918 a bit (not an expert) but I believe those pigs were imported to Mexico from Eurasia.
  4. The other thing though Luna if it's so random over the whole world due to pollution and an industrialized global world, why so many viruses from China, namely SARS 1, H1N1, SARS2 in the span of about 17 years? Doesn't that seem nearly impossible if it's due to industrialization all over the world? Why so many from China? I think it makes my lab animal hypothesis even more logical. Because under your hypothesis and your article's hypothesis it would be happening all over the world, which in a way it is with flu, but flu has always been here since I was a kid but I'm talking more deadly zoonotic viruses - 3 from China, not all over the world.
  5. Well, it's a hypothesis based on simple logic really that intermediate hosts could be in the laboratory. However, hypothesis need to be proved and there is no proof yet. All WHO will say is "it came from an animal". Currently, as of last week, I believe, a group of scientists are gathering now to see if they can determine a specific cause or not but those findings wouldn't be released for awhile yet. I never for once believed in any bioweapon as the cause, however. I was fact checking something this morning and came upon my copy and paste below that the WHO believes it came from an animal and that is all. As far as any member of the WHO and China in bed together well I'm sure that the CIA and other intelligence agencies would be wire-tapping and know the truth if there was any foul play on ANY WHO member's part, so that remains a rumor or the CIA and other intelligence agencies either do not want to divulge any information or there is no information. So, that remains a rumor and it's something for the CIA and others to deal with if there is any foul play anywhere. What researchers say: COVID-19 likely originated in nature Researchers have been racing to learn about the virus since it was recognized in December 2019 as a new strain. Medical journals have pointed toward animals in nature as the origin of the virus. On April 21, the World Health Organization noted at a briefing that available evidence indicates coronavirus originated in animals in China late last year and was not manipulated or produced in a laboratory as has been alleged. "It is probable, likely, that the virus is of animal origin," WHO spokeswoman Fadela Chaib said. Richard Ebright, a professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University, said earlier this year in an interview with The Washington Post: “Based on the virus genome and properties, there is no indication whatsoever that it was an engineered virus.” The Washington Post reported most countries have abandoned their bioweapons programs after years of work did not yield satisfactory results.
  6. I do see this as a huge problem and believe this is also the reason for the spreading of COVID. Although the WHO lists shutting down international travel as a last resort. I also believe "meat" a problem too. So, the miner eats bushmeat, it says above.... And, I'm not all about "blame" Luna but this needs to be stopped, all these viruses in the 21st Century. It's an extreme danger period and cause needs to be established. Most international travel is not necessary as they can teleconference like Star Trek. This from the recent articles that have been discussed in this thread.... The WHO was then hindered by its own regulations that travel restrictions should be a last resort, the panel said, adding that Europe and the US wasted the entire month of February and acted only when their hospitals began to fill up.
  7. And that is 100% for sure? According to who? I didn't know why you were linking me as it's too long, didn't read, just glanced. I'm not a scientist and I don't want to read a bunch of long articles. I have other things I am busy with. But, I looked up the names and the articles have their names as SARS-cov1 and SARS-cov2. Still don't know what that has to do my layman's hypothesis about intermediate hosts? It's a layman's hypothesis period. I don't want to read a bunch of scientific jargon articles nor discuss anything science as a layman's hypothesis doesn't need it and I don't have the time. EDIT: So you are saying with your article, two different SARScov viruses have been unleased in the 21st Century. That sounds pretty fantastical to me. With the way this coronavirus mutates, it would have had to mutate in an intermediate host in the laboratory animal in my hypothesis. It doesn't really matter their names in my hypothesis but that it would have mutated in an intermediate host. All viruses care about is a host and for coronaviruses, an intermediate host.
  8. What does this have to do with the price of apples in Denmark? You can see I use "odd" names in my layman's hypothesis such as "original SARS" because I didn't even take the time to look up the name because the names do not matter. What matters is the intermediate hosts would be available in both situations, whether lab or wet market. The difference in the lab is the what if testing the SARS virus on the intermediate host animals in the laboratory caused the mutation? In this hypothesis, they obviously would have been trying drug treatments on SARS, hence the animals would have to be injected with the SARS virus. Coronaviruses don't care about which one is more ancient either. They are all ancient.
  9. Yeah this ^^^ ditto for my family thanks to my Dad.
  10. Logically it isn't such a remote hypothesis IF one adds in laboratory animals who became "the intermediate" hosts as opposed to it happening in a wet market where there are the intermediate hosts - the animals. However, the WHO doesn't explain this and the reporting all around has been pretty shoddy for well over a year. Either way the virus came from the original SARS not out of nothing or outer space (not that you said that last part - I'm just adding it in for others who think the virus just developed out of nothing - it did not, it would have mutated from SARS 1 but whether it did that in a laboratory or in nature was that even explained in any news reports?) I've not read one. I came up with my own hypothesis regarding the laboratory and testing on animals. Many animals in laboratories are sickly, caged up, no sun, no exercise, in those conditions, the animals ARE going to BECOME sickly. I just don't know what they were thinking 'if' they did this.
  11. Hmmmm, interesting. I think my network provider is really good then. I did a quick Google search on Second Life and Timing Out which brought up an old archive and some thought perhaps a router issue, but OP says not a router issue.
  12. I don't have a superb custom-built desktop as it was built for SL specs (SL's recommended) by someone who just looked up the specs here on the SL website about three years ago now and I have an integrated chip and cannot run EEP now because of my low graphics integrated card but I NEVER crash, never. I get the 'viewer not responding' when I need to shut down and that's it. This is way weird. Why my lesser machine fine while the super machines crashing? o.0 I have no teleport issues whatsoever either (and I zip all around for Friday sales and the Saturday and Weekend Sales events), only during sale madness times or free head giveaways do I ever have trouble TP, things like that.
  13. I'm not sure of what all the governments did as too many involved, but the WHO blame is directed at the WHO in the second sentence in the article with the copy/paste below. However, from posters in this thread, some countries left "WHO" and decided to act on their own closing their borders way before others, etc. The WHO was the one who knew about the original SARS how could they not know about how quickly these zoonotic viruses spread? The organization needs an overhaul badly. The WHO only declared it an international emergency. It was their call. I don't think the blame is out of order on my part. The WHO should have declared a global emergency earlier than it did, its report said, adding that without urgent change the world was vulnerable to another major disease outbreak. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-57085505 AND THEN THIS: The panel argued that the WHO's Emergency Committee should have declared the outbreak in China an international emergency a week earlier than it did. It should have done so at its first meeting on 22 January last year, the report said, instead of waiting until 30 January. The month following the WHO's declaration was "lost" as countries failed to take appropriate measures to halt the spread of the virus. The WHO was then hindered by its own regulations that travel restrictions should be a last resort, the panel said, adding that Europe and the US wasted the entire month of February and acted only when their hospitals began to fill up.
  14. There was a new article out this morning about the coronaviruses, the first one and then this one, the current pandemic, and whether the transmission was through animals in the wet market or if the latest COVID SARS-2 was created in a laboratory accidentally. The thing is, that's preposterous. Because 1) the ORIGINAL SARS was deemed to be from the wet market. So, if SARS-2 was accidentally created in a laboratory it still came from SARS-1 the original from the wet market. So, either way it came from a wet market even if the 2nd one mutated in a laboratory. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/did-the-coronavirus-come-directly-from-animals-or-was-it-released-from-a-lab-top-american-scientists-join-call-for-answers/ar-BB1gJ2IO?li=BBnb7Kz
  15. Yes, the article did...right here. Plus, there are other articles out now. The WHO should have declared a global emergency earlier than it did, its report said, adding that without urgent change the world was vulnerable to another major disease outbreak. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-57085505
  16. Oh, ok, well, never mind. It's not a subject I'd like to discuss but I will just say I don't think the door has completely closed on the extreme health hazards of wet markets and maybe someone else would like to read the above.
  17. I don't know what wet markets all over the world has to do with anything in particular to what I said? I've read about wet markets. The Wiki below also describes the type of wet markets where animals are slaughtered right there in the market place. Link to the Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wet_market If sanitation standards are not maintained, wet markets can spread disease. Those that carry live animals and wildlife are at especially high risk of transmitting zoonoses. Because of the openness, newly introduced animals may come in direct contact with sales clerks, butchers, and customers or to other animals which they would never interact with in the wild. This may allow for some animals to act as intermediate hosts, helping a disease spread to humans.[33] Outbreaks of zoonotic diseases including COVID-19, H5N1 avian flu, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and monkeypox have been traced to live wildlife markets where the potential for zoonotic transmission is greatly increased.[33][54][55][34] Wildlife markets in China have been implicated in the 2002 SARS outbreak; it is thought that the market environment provided optimal conditions for the coronaviruses of zoonotic origin that caused both outbreaks to mutate and subsequently spread to humans.[56] The exact origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is yet to be confirmed as of February 2021[57] and was originally linked to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, China due to reports that two-thirds of the initial cases had direct exposure to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan.[58][59][60][61] although a 2021 WHO investigation concluded that the Huanan market was unlikely to be the origin due to the existence of earlier cases.[57] Due to unhygienic sanitation standards and the connection to the spread of zoonoses and pandemics, critics have grouped live animal markets together with factory farming as major health hazards in China and across the world.[62][63][64][65] In March and April 2020, some reports have said that wildlife markets in Asia,[66][67][68] Africa,[69][70][71] and in general all over the world are prone to health risks.[72]
  18. No, lol. You and your words, Finite. No I meant fresh meat as in they pick it while the animal or even say a turtle swimming in the turtle bin is still alive, that's far fresher than a grocery store but wet markets are an extreme health hazard as blood an excrement can contaminate the other food in those wet markets. I was responding to Jackson's wet market statement. If you don't know what a wet market is, you can Goggle it. And, I'm mostly vegetarian, so this is a tough subject for me and I don't really want to talk about it anymore.
  19. I'll never forgot "wearing a box". LOL I stood there at least five minutes not knowing what the heck to do and thinking what am I supposed to do with this stupid box? Then, help came to rescue. I had to go to a sandbox. I got a home shortly after that so I could change in private, etc.... I think SL should at least come with a basics pamphlet.
  20. Yep. It's also surfacing in some articles that the Director of the Who is a little too cozy with China. I think he coddled them at the expense of the rest of the world. It was his watch and his call though. But we had rumors of all freeways were going to be shut as early as Feb. 9th. March 19th is when lockdown happened, over five weeks later. What stalled? It's sounds like the real truth was silenced by someone, plus there is an original SARS, this is the second one to my understanding. So the WHO director should have known something.
  21. I'm not so sure that has been completely debunked. Blood is very, very dangerous. Poaching of exotic animals or game is a status symbol in parts of Asia for the wealthy and Asian's mostly only eat fresh meat from what I've heard. Asian's usually pick out their meat alive. https://www.google.com/search?q=when+did+sars+start&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS784US784&sxsrf=ALeKk0284iUyVza0V6k9j8jIytokdLDuIw%3A1620945886638&ei=3qudYPCsJtTa9APc66zoBA&oq=when+did+sars+start&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgM6BwgAEEcQsAM6BAgjECc6BggAEBYQHjoFCAAQyQM6BQgAEJIDOggIABCxAxCDAToFCAAQsQM6EAgAELEDEIMBEIsDEEYQ-wE6CAgAEMkDEIsDOgUIABCLAzoICAAQsQMQiwNQyUNY4Gpgym5oA3ACeACAAXqIAeUUkgEENy4xOJgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXrIAQi4AQLAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwjwk5f-3cfwAhVULX0KHdw1C00Q4dUDCA4&uact=5 How long have coronviruses existed for? Coronaviruses are found in a diverse array of bat and bird species, which are believed to act as natural hosts. Molecular clock dating analyses of coronaviruses suggest that the most recent common ancestor of these viruses existed around 10,000 years ago.
  22. Knock, knock, Luna. We are discussing the two articles that just recently came out I think yesterday. Phil and I got almost the same news yesterday. Phil's is from the BBC, read and bit back in this thread and you will find it. It's two different articles but basically the same facts re: WHO's to blame. I still say no payment. Yeah sure, the WHO wants "immediate" payment. Again, yeah sure. I hope Biden is strong enough to stand up to this WHO guy. The Director of the WHO needs to resign. "Immediate" money, I don't think so. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/world-could-have-prevented-covid-19-catastrophe-expert-panel/ar-BB1gDZz4?li=BBnb7Kz
  23. I don't know, let me talk it over with myself.
  24. I didn't see a date on that article as I cannot see well...so what date was it? I'd like to compare notes here as I will not forget the date I was told "they may shut the freeways down" for all of Los Angeles and the greater Los Angeles area. I will never forget how scared I felt when I was told that. The date was February 9th 2020 California's governor was thinking of closing all the freeways. It's quite aways away from February 9th to March 19th when lockdown did finally happen and all that air travel kept going on from Feb. 9th thru March 19th. I've often wondered why the freeway closures were cancelled among other things I had heard. I guess I will never know that unless our governor speaks about it.
  25. I'm all for the first three, but the head of the WHO should be fired. Believe it or not, Trump said so too. This is a time I did agree with Trump. I even said on this forum we should not send the WHO any money UNTIL this horrible and delayed response by the person in charge of the WHO is dealt with, and I had forgotten about this until now. I received backlash for saying that well over a year ago by Luna. lol She was mad at me for saying that. I still think the head of the WHO was irresponsible and he needs to be dealt with. It's true and I'm angry at the guy with that kind of salary he receives and he wants payment from the USA. I agreed with Trump about no payment at this time. It was only in March after the WHO described it as a pandemic – a term that is not officially part of its alert system – that countries were jolted into action. As for the initial outbreak, “there were clearly delays in China – but there were delays everywhere,” she added. Without the lag between the first identification in Wuhan and the PHEIC declaration – and then the “lost month” of February 2020 – “we believe we wouldn’t be looking at an accelerating pandemic, as we have for the last 15 or 16 months or so. As simple as that,” said Clark. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/world-could-have-prevented-covid-19-catastrophe-expert-panel/ar-BB1gDZz4?li=BBnb7Kz
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