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Everything posted by EmperorNapoleonBonaparte

  1. Ok, then they're realistic avatars. The problem is that not everyone would be able to see you because of the complexity points.
  2. What are community reputation points for? What do they do? What are the ranks for reaching a certain number of points? Do people with negative reputation points get kicked out? List all the ranks including the ones for negative points.
  3. I've seen the links. They look good. I knew there are some historical ones. Then how do they get to create clothes and sell clothes? Do you have to download a special program? If so, what kind? Does it cost money? If so, how much does the program cost?
  4. Ok, but I see a lot of 18th century clothes in the marketplace. People can demand anything historical. I see Linden money being in large demand. As for clothes, I'm not sure. I see many clothes.
  5. What is the next theme for their next set of avatars? Will they do 18th century next time?
  6. The groups you hang out with influence you as a person. If you hang out with bad groups, you are more likely to develop bad habits. Virtual worlds also help develop your strategic skills, so you can find and learn many ways on how to function in the world. They also help improve your social skills because they require you to engage in conversations and improve your vocabulary.
  7. Does anyone know which places have free Napoleonic clothes? I am looking for historical clothes that I can afford and since I am a newbie, my money is low.
  8. Ok, and I am sure I don't have the IP address of one of those fake griefers and banned people. I do not know any of them.
  9. Judging by the other posts Napoleon has made here, I think he's talking about sim and estate bans, Rolig, and I'm fairly sure Linden Lab regards those as disputes between users and something they won't interfere with in any way. It's still an important reminder though: if you are banned from Second Life as a whole by Linden Lab, creating a new alt is a ToS violation and can get you into even more trouble. Edit: Can we put this thread to rest now? As LittleMe Jewel mentioned, it is beginning to get a bit old. Sure.
  10. They are demo clothes. It means you have to buy the whole thing. When I try some clothes, sometimes they put a weird block with their brand name floating above your head. Sometimes they put a tattoo with their brand name on your forehead.
  11. You can't. I've tried all of these. You're just banned forever. Just make a new account.
  12. But theirs are not as worse as mine. Mine is the worst because I kept getting banned and I didn't know why and how until I had debates with everyone.
  13. Oh, but our characters are animated characters. I'll just make a new account and try not to repeat the same mistakes. I'm a newbie and I didn't know!
  14. How do you check a place's ban list? They say I can't enter because I've been pushing other players. There were other players that push and bumped into other players while collecting their coins. I've talked to one of the players and they've told me that sometimes it's a lag and that it's ok that it happens sometimes. Then I got banned! This is why I'm quitting Second Life or maybe make a new account. I can't be like this forever. I can't have the ability to stay stuck with the few money I've had the last time I used the ATM in the Business Park place before they banned me. Also, they say my behavior in their chat groups were bad. How were they bad? I was issuing something about the ban, and arguing and debating with people about it. Then their female headmaster said that I gave them a headache. She also said I gave her a headache. Debates are natural and they shouldn't give people a headache. What they should give me is a solution and remove the ban. After that, then no more debates from me.
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