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Everything posted by Aishagain

  1. @Maestro Linden Erm...Woods of Heaven has now been running for 14 days since its last restart by LL...this is the second time recently it has gone to 2 weeks without a restart, so I must assume the 10-day regime has been ended? FWIW it is still running pretty well with no obvious sign of a memory leak, so perhaps you (LL) have fixed something?
  2. @Liffento Eldritch: What on Earth are you talking about, this topic is over a week old now and we were asking for info for LAST week ie the week commencing 29th June. LL posted info eventually but later than usual affter we requested it. My problem is clearly blindness.
  3. As far as I know Linden Lab have divested themselves of Sansar and are no longer responsible for its operation in any way.
  4. @Derf Fairport: if this continues and you have made sure that the issue is not with your ISP or hardware, contact Linden Lab support, they need to look at your account.
  5. @animats: Yes...I like the description "semi-normal" state. If by that you mean with AO inoperative and half the few attachments I use when sailing gone, fine. Sailing around Blake is a lottery of region-crossing issues, but if one dares to enter a region with any significant load such as an airport...all hell breaks loose and if the boat has reached the far boundary before "normality" is resumed all bets are off as to what SL decides to do. I've been stuck at region edges like in the old "ghosting" days where the region simply will not let go of the avatar. I have seemingly floated off into space.....and most times I can log off and eventually relog. One notable occasion even when logging in at home I received a message saying that the account was already online...at another location, and only a forced logout by LL rectified the issue! By the way why is it that if a curious observer clicks on one's craft it immediately vanishes? Sailing can be fun but lately it's akin to torture at every region crossing!
  6. Thankyou Bugsly, I know it's vague but it's a sign that LL listens and acts.
  7. May I add my voice to this request? Yes, we know that there is no Main Server roll this week since there was no new code for RC channels last week but surely you can tell us something about this week, even if you have nothing? Come ON LL, communicate!
  8. @anuk2939mk2: Whay you see is not unknown after restarts..ask the owner of the sim to restart it (or if you have Estate Management rights do it yourself). This cures such issues most of the time.
  9. @Maestro Linden: Wow that is quick off the mark! I guess the decision was an easy one this week then! I must assume all the allegorical reports I have received about regions running badly after the restart and at least one apparently being duplicated (!!) had no connection to the actual software update being rolled? (No I cannot remember the name of the region: believe me I have tried!) ETA: this post took two days to materialize!!
  10. I can understand your apprehension but the answer is right up until the moment the Rolling Restart is due to begin ie 3am SLT (PDT) on Tuesday this coming week.😊
  11. Thanks for this Maestro, but forgive me for saying this came MUCH too late this week.
  12. Thankyou @Miller Thor for the information. It is a shame that LL cannot be bothered to update this thread in a timely fashion. In truth the only information available to the users has been what was clearly (as you yourself pointed out) an automated notice on the Status Page. This is a perennial debate and will undoubtedly result in folk bleating about how we Europeans have "entitlement" issues. As a Premium user (x2 as it happens), I consider that I AM entitled to better customer service than that which is provided by LL. Am I to believe that LL consider timely communication with their customers so uninmportant that it is casually forgotten far too often? Or is it that LL simply could not care less about its userbase? I have tried not to think the latter but it is hard not to give credit to the former.
  13. So, Main Server is being rolled as I type. But to what? C'mon LL, tell us what is happening, OK we can surmise that it is what was rolled to the RC channels last week... but why are you keeping us in the dark as to what is actually being rolled to the bulk of SL? It is long overdue that you begin being more open with your users.
  14. Maybe I am being obtuse but surely the whole point of local chat is that it is...um...local? I really do not see the value of sim-wide chat when there are perfectly good chat-extenders available on the MP. In this and more I echo (locally) @Odaks.
  15. I know I'll be criticized for being negative but @Mazidox Linden this is a bit late. Glad to have it but rather shutting the gate after the horse has bolted.
  16. @Oz Linden OK enough, already. Where is the thread detailing the release that was rolled to the RC Channels today?? The roll has now finished/completed and there is NOTHING on this forum thread. C'mon guys, if you were rolling a fix what's with the silence?
  17. @Oz Linden if things were in flux for longer that you anticipated, perhaps you need a larger flux capacitor!
  18. Further to last week's shuffled rolls the early announcements of both Main Server and Release Candidate rolls over the weekend were ammended so that it is plain to see that there will only be RC rolls this week. Now that seems clear enough to me and it is there for all who can be bothered to check. Of course there "might" be changes, who really knows, certainly not us, the great unwashed, and I strongly suspect not most of LL; they, like us must "wait and see".
  19. @arabellajones: I am beginning to feel that LL are "damned if they do and damned if they don't" announce the upcoming rolls. While it is almost certainly the case that these announcements on the GSP are automated, the alternative was a rather patchy system of the announcements being made "if" the appropriate staffer remembered to post them. At least this way now, some advanced warning of the possibility of rolls is given. Myself I wait until the appropriate details are given in this forum (admittedly those on European time or earlier are most likely abed by the time they are released). It is difficult to get some folk to even bother to check the Status Page, let alone this forum. I don't think there is a way that such a provision can be improved, given the Lab's internal communication system; certainly nothing I have seen recently, despite the efforts of some LL folk, gives me cause to expect much change.
  20. Oh my goodness....No! At my age the thought is appalling! 😤
  21. Who was ridiculing anyone? What I said was simply what ANY rational person would. And for your information, I am one of those whom my government considers "at risk" during the Covid 19 pandemic. Time and again I hear "We're all in this together". Time and again my cynicism is reinforced by thoughtless remarks from folk who really ought to know better.
  22. @cshirttesgdgs6 In my experience Rolling Restarts take as long as they take, and given the critical importance of what is being changed I can hardly fault LL for being a tad cautious today! I assume you HAVE looked at both the Grid Status Page and the top entry in this Blog?
  23. @InventedSuicide: I hadn't opened my viewer, I did not realise there was an update today! I'm now running 6.3.9 without any issues, so in my case, it seems fine! ETA: If you are having issues running FS 6.3.9 please post your system specs (Help>About>Firestorm). You can do that once the viewer is open but before logging in, if that helps.
  24. @InventedSuicide By "most recent update" do you mean the latest viewer update, ie 6.3.2 or the long awaited Windows 10 20H1 update?
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